IRORI providing the pure Japanese Menu, the restaurant is more active to create the new trend menu for mixing the best taste of Chinese, Korean, Western and Japanese. Cooked menu including Cooked beef and potato, Japanese Style cooked Tender belly pork and the other sashimi and sushi. continue reading
Additional Information
Corkage Fee is $100 per bottle, and Cake Fee is $100 per cake. Free corkage and cake fee if customers eat above $500/person in the restaurant.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Japanese Rice Cake (mochi) Pizza Deep-fried Beef Roll Sashimi Barbecued Tuna
Review (53)
Level1 2014-07-30
I have been dinning at IRORI for almost 10 years now. It used to be one of our favorite restaurants. Last week, I went there at 8pm and we were the only customers there. Other tables were empty.The manual is new, totally different than the old one. No more <HK$100 dish. All are expensive items. The worst part is, the food quality does not match the price at all.We ordered a 16-piece sushi. It looks at tastes "fishy" in the sense that it seems to be sitting in the refrigerator for 3 days. Few pieces even tasted sour.Totally changed, totally disappointed.We ordered beef as well. It tasted like beef jerky, but costed some HK$200.To finish, just two word: "Dont Go" continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Irori was always safe choice for nice meal out in CWB but since the restaurant was bought out by Ginza Iwa group they now specialise in Soba noodle and Unagi don and I was interested to try so we went.... Menu is simple and to my amazement no dishes were below $80 (even edamame!?) and for normal soba at $100! Though we were shocked by the price of the dishes we wanted to try few dishes so we tried Karaage (more like oil boiled chicken than deep fried) and steamed eel which was soft and fluffy but paying $160 would have wanted to have little bit more than a small piece of fish which was not filling at all...All I can say is OVER PRICED and what a shame that restaurant has lost all the goodness it was previously.... dissapointing - no wonder we were the only customers there.    continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-02-10
小年夜,跟友人在這裡吃的一頓飯,談了很多,是夜,寫了一封信,一封給過去的自己的信,一封一直拖欠自己的信..喝酒的地方,酩酊的一夜..由牛肉料理揭開序幕,牛肉粉嫩得由色澤已看出一二,伴著底部的酸醋汁,是很開胃的,加以乾蔥,生洋蔥同吃,口感上多了一種層次..這裡的炸物做得出色乾身不油膩,加上芝士香濃,沒有不好吃的道理..繼續出色的牛肉料理,牛肉卷是這裡名物之一,試過自然會知為何,賣相上佳,外脆內軟,伴以特製醬汁同吃,妙絕..燒牛舌是每每到居酒屋必點之物,這裡用的是舌芯肉,嫩滑豐腴,以個人所見,這是城內做得最好的一處..個人對軟軟的糕點是無什免疫力的,這道日式年糕薄餅以日式年糕作薄餅底,上面放上芝士,煙肉,洋蔥粒同燒,無可避免地被吃得一點不剩..吞拿刴得細嫩,食味鮮甜而且份量滿足..這手卷是需要自行製作的,具玩味,份量無疑慷慨,味道也沒有問題,如果那海膽可以不沾上並弄腍紫菜,如果價錢可便宜一點,不過,沒那麼多如果吧..沒有對自己選擇的後悔,始終相信自己的相信,未來的自己,依然能夠跟現在的自己,堅守同一樣的信念吧,雖然太多太多,已然回不去,但,誰知道呢?昨天遺失的,也許就是明天我所得到的,嗯,生命本就是一場圓舞曲.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-12
太大期望黎食佢推介既菜式,食完覺得好普通前菜係兩片鴨胸。只係咸味不值一提。叫左日式年糕薄餅。小鐵板上但唔係好夠熱其實係芝士煙肉洋蔥鋪係年糕上面食落真係好似PIZZA咁既味。。真係冇咩特別自選壽司可以有8款同一樣卷物,唔比重覆同一類魚黎到係好長既碟放得好整齊用料係新鮮好食既。但又係冇咩驚喜火焰鮮牛柳又係主打。上面係好多蒜但蒜味唔重既底下既汁合埋牛柳食係少少咸香既味,一定要連蒜食先夠味整體黎講肉質算淋但未去到嫩。食完唔會有咩特別回味,再食左個蒜片雞腎味道正常。但個人唔太欣賞佢切得太細粒感覺好碎成餐飯好快食完因為唔太鐘意佢既食物加上座位有點逼唔太舒服,坐得耐仲好熱好焗唯一回味既就係佢杯梅酒。一連叫左兩杯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-12-24
近來不知是否天氣太冷的關係,吃完晚餐又會很快肚餓,特別在深宵時份,此時就會想起串燒及送酒的小食等等。前陣子在這裡吃過,質素不俗,如果能在此時來一口小吃,實在適合不過。先來點前菜,酸酸地挺開胃。「南瓜沙律」掏成兩球芒果雪糕般,很吸引,以南瓜打成軟泥,再混有雞蛋及青瓜,質感細嫩幼滑而帶來點點嚼感,十分甜美。以往從未接觸過「酒盜芝士」,自從幾年前無意中點了來試,便深深愛上了。何謂酒盜,即是用鹽醃漬魚內臟半年以上而成的製成品,以咸鮮見稱,再配以軟滑的忌廉芝士來吃,起了中和咸味的作用,而軟滑中又帶點煙煙靱靱的質感,再喝口啤酒,一樂也。「燒明太子」是醃漬發酵過後的鱈魚卵,成品咸香醇厚,鮮味滿溢,加上魚子脆卜卜的口感,烤後滋味無窮,配上啤酒,又是一道送酒佳品。「韭菜煎蛋卷」外層帶有少少焦香,內裡則軟綿鬆化,而韭菜更是切得幼細,香味又不會搶過蛋香,味道剛剛好。「蔥燒牛舌」份量足,厚薄及火喉剛好,軟軟熟熟又爽口,大量的蔥花配以牛舌同吃,真是美味,「汁燒雞肉丸」外面燒得有點焦香,內藏軟骨,令肉質鬆軟有點咬口, 如配上生雞蛋在旁,定必更佳。「鹽燒油甘魚鲛」燒得香脆可口,油脂豐腴,吃來十分嫩滑,灑上丁點檸檬汁令味道更鮮,好味。「日式年糕薄餅」很有趣的以小鐵塊送上,上層是混有芝士煙肉洋蔥的惹味餡料,下層則是軟軟糯糯的年糕,中間還掃上一層薄薄的茄汁,感覺上與食薄餅無異,但細味之下,質感更煙靱好吃,十分有趣。最後的「牛肉冷烏冬」則相對地普通,烏冬太軟腍,唯一亮點是刺破溫泉蛋後,蛋汁流出來的一刻,混和烏冬汁同吃,味道可接受的,但牛肉較鞋口。是夜吃得開心,與朋友一邊吃一邊傾談,快樂不知時日過已到十一時了。就現場所見,服務質素確是不足,但食物質素卻是幾好的,下次又可與朋友再來吃吃喝喝了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)