3-min walk from Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
A restaurant specialising in traditional Japanese hot pot and robatayaki. The venue also offers karaoke, allowing guests to enjoy food while singing until late, making it very convenient. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 05:00
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 03:00
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 05:00
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay UnionpayQR PayMe
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (13)
Level1 2024-12-09
上星期差唔多九/十個人一齊去,上到去比想像中更大 好有日本feel,仲有得做pull up challenge,做完有熱辣辣炸雞送,食得出係即刻炸出黎。食物真係幾高質,牛舌又厚又多汁,雞翼串燒,炸雞軟骨都好好味,唔會太咸又惹味,最後,仲叫咗豚肉同牛肉 shabushabu,本身肉質都好高質,仲有豆腐同其他配菜,十個人都完全夠食。 P.S:waiter waitress 都好醒目又有禮貌 坐包廂 唱住k 都完全服務周到 大推! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-11-24
My wife and I found Katte when searching for highly rated Japanese restaurants on Openrice. We were pleasantly surprised and very impressed by the quality of the food and friendly service. We ordered the sashimi platter, beef tongue skewers, oysters, abalone, fried tofu, and shared a beef shabu shabu. All of the food was very fresh with beautiful presentation. Every dish was of high quality and tasted amazing. We're normally very picky with Japanese food and this place overdelivered. Atmosphere and vibe was fun. The owner is also very friendly and made our stay very memorable. Highly recommend and will be back again soon! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-15
前排去左間好特別既居酒屋今次要為大家介紹既係 - 勝手 勝手係位於銅鑼灣登龍街28號永光中心6樓餐廳主打食日式火鍋和爐端燒的餐廳成個環境好cozy餐廳有提供卡拉OK服務同埋有仲有包房既service最特別既係佢地有得玩引體上升做夠某個下數 更可以有特別獎賞食物個方面 佢地有好多唔同種類既選擇個人大愛佢地個鍋物佢地鍋物啲肉係好鮮嫩同埋個肉係厚切上碟係食肉獸大愛最正係佢地有happy hour session好岩約埋三五知已收工黎chill 1 ChillLocation : Causeway Bay continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-10-11
最近我去了一家位於登龍街的日式居酒屋 – Katte, 整體體驗非常不錯, 無論是食物還是氣氛都讓人印象深. 餐廳的氛圍輕鬆又熱鬧, 非常適合約朋友.其中一個亮點就是他們的Shabu Shabu. 他們提供多種套餐選擇, 包括A4/A5和牛, 美國牛小排, 北海道千歲豚肉, 特上雜錦海鮮套餐. 想要豪一點, 還有北海道毛蟹拼和牛set! 我們點了加大的美國牛小排套餐, 並選擇鯛魚湯底, 湯頭清淡但味道豐富, 與新鮮的食材搭配得剛剛好, 配菜裡有各種蔬菜和豆腐. 接下來, 我們點了他們的sashimi platter. 這是一整盤豐富的刺身, 裡面有新鮮的海膽, 非常濃郁順滑, 配有紫菜. 這樣吃刺身, 口感和味道都非常好! 還有他們的Chirashi Bowl,上面鋪滿了各種新鮮的刺身, 對於喜歡生魚片的人來說是個絕佳選擇. 他們的爐端燒也非常棒. 一定要試厚切牛舌, 差不多2cm厚!! 太心急, 未有影相已食了… 後悔! 另外免治雞肉棒加蛋放在一個雞尾酒杯裡. 賣相和味道都一流! 而燒白鱔則帶著淡淡的煙熏香, 非常美味. 我老公至愛: 炸雞軟骨和燒雞軟骨都點了, 口感又脆又有嚼勁, 非常有意思. 另外, 炸豆腐也是個簡單但很好吃的選擇, 外脆內軟, 讓人感覺非常滿足. 那天晚上的驚喜之一是主廚特別準備的壽喜燒醬油蘿蔔搭配鮑魚, 這道菜並不在菜單上. 鮑魚非常有咬口, 而壽喜燒醬汁則增添了豐富的風味. 這是當晚的一道意外驚喜, 若你幸運的話, 也許也能品嚐到主廚的特別菜餚!除了美食, 這家居酒屋晚上還提供卡拉OK!餐廳營業到深夜, 他們有兩間房, 一個可以容納10-12人左右, 另一個則適合6-8人的小聚會. 不知是否老闆是愛健身, 餐廳中間有pull up bar, 客人挑選成功有freebies! 想在晚餐後繼續玩樂, 這裡絕對是個好選擇. 他們的lunch set 也非常低食. Plan 定下次同friend 再嚟… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期五想同班朋友吹下水,唱下k,又想食d高質d嘅嘢,最好就日本野啦...銅鑼灣世一唱k🎤 x 居酒屋🏮 - 勝手 出現啦!餐廳內有兩個VIP房,book來同班朋友來個birthday k party都仲得,大廳有超巨型長mon,同時間大家一齊來個大合唱你話幾chill呢~餐牌方面,秋冬必備壽喜燒、新鮮特別刺身、手握壽司、串燒、各種佐酒小食樣樣齊。㊙️Happy Hour串燒套餐只係$98!機會來啦飛雲,$98可以任選3款串燒+1款酒精飲品,星期五一於約埋班frd一人一人叫一set啦!呢度比你由收工直落唱到5點,中間悶悶地不如玩下佢地嘅引體上升挑戰,做到唔同次數仲有獎勵哦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)