Opening Hours
Open 24 Hours
Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
老老實實 我就覺得狗仔粉嘅質素正正常常 冇以前咁好食😭😭不過舖頭依然都係咁多人同埋受歡迎 始終呢間舖頭出名 所以受遊客歡迎好正常呢個可以加芫荽嘅狗仔粉真係好黐線 因為芫荽嘅份量都唔少 因為我自己好鍾意食芫荽所以都揀咗 不過都覺得有啲搶口😂😂坐對面嘅朋友聞到就驚狗仔粉個湯好大浸麻油味 好似除咗麻油就冇咩調味咁樣.. 燒賣都係落咗好多麻油嘅味道 口感唔錯但係睇住狗仔粉越賣越貴 覺得唔係咁抵食 因為一碗份量本身唔係特別多 而且質素開始越嚟越冇咁好..😭😭
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店員態度極差。入去拎外賣, 比個呀姐趕出嚟, 外賣喎?? 放係入面枱面喎, 我再問個外賣拎得未。佢話拎得,我咪拎咪走囉,『妖!』 跟住個男店員就著左衝出嚟, 『你態度好啲呀, 同你講嘢呀,四眼仔!』 Hello? 四眼得罪你??嘩。你趕人就得, 買嘢食仲要受你氣? 依家做乜先??????態度係相對既, 要求人有禮貌, 首先自身都要有。唔好將工作既不滿發洩到顧客身上!粉仔界既澳牛, 可能澳牛都比你哋好。香港既服務業比你做衰晒。
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外賣好多樣嘢,多次甩漏,現場的確係滿坐,咁係咪代表可以求其呢?之前發生嘅唔講,今次又係買多樣,其中一個係魚肉粉外賣$44,拎到返屋企,都幾個巴士站嘅路程,打開睇冇魚肉唔洗慳成咁呀!? 有嘗試致電35656106想投訴,但無人接電話,唯有靠openrice反映下啦。
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店員態度極差。優先做外賣,堂食等到極都唔理。個點單system有錯,仲串個客話我地點錯。比佢睇左system截圖我地唔錯,又無拉拉走左。excume me???係咪好想串人先走來香港做服務業呀😂
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This is a local restaurant originated from Jordan (TST region). Now it is a franchise with a number of shops in different places in HK. And this shop is located at LKF, a famous tourist spot. What I wanted to share upfront is that the staff inside are very impolite and noisy. They were kind of in an argument when I was in the shop and it was very irritating and annoying to have food in such a place. While I was have my meal, one staff requested me to move seat to pack more visitors. It was normal but how she did in a unacceptable manner. So I would give zero score for service but unfortunately not possible in openrice 🙂.The signature “Doggie’s Noodle” was a very disappointing. The texture was so soft that it was comparable to bread.Nothing really special about the other two items. It was $111 in total.
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