4-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
07:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sat
07:30 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
*Happy Hour: 16:00-21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Catering Service
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
水牛城雞中翼 炭燒美國安格斯西冷 香煎朧脷柳拌南澳白帶子 煙三文魚黑醋車厘茄田園沙律 照燒芝麻牛柳粒 蒜茸粟飼雞扒拌司華力腸
Review (65)
Level2 2024-04-11
今日有事要出中環一趟,出到去先食早餐,正搵緊食咩,呢間餐廳就出現係面前,望望餐牌,又ok喎價錢坐低揀左吉列豬扒配羅宋湯通,加多半條司華力腸以防唔夠飽,凍啡走甜初時會認為碗通粉正常茶記湯碟咁喇,黎到有少少嚇親,竟然係咁大碗,而且碗湯都多料夠味,而塊豬扒同腸都唔迷你,同你斬埋件,食完好滿足至於裝修都唔錯,坐得舒服又有電視睇,中環計54有咁份同質素,老實講冇投訴喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
佳美餐廳位於中環恒生總行旁邊,過一條小馬路再沿着豐澤電器店方向,旁邊的地庫樓梯。這是一間隱世港式西餐廳,之前是朋友帶我去的。下了樓梯後,會看到一個收銀處,接著服務員會帶領你到餐桌。與之前的裝飾相比,餐廳的裝潢稍有不同。牆上印著幾張香港電影的海報,另外還擺放了一排排黑色運動員小公仔。燈光偏燈黃,營造出一種溫暖的氛圍。我和同事坐在一張帶有梳化的單邊座位上。接著,我們使用手機下單,點了兩道菜:「烤焗紐西蘭羊架(3支骨」和「烤焗雞扒伴原隻大虎蝦配燒汁」。點完後,很快就有一位服務生端著熱辣辣的小餐包上來,散發出誘人的香氣。他們還給我們上了兩碗西餐湯,一碗是羅宋湯,另一碗是忌廉湯。整體來說,食物的質素讓人有種懷舊港式西餐廳的感覺。總的來說,他們的羊架做得出色,七分熟的程度剛剛好,配菜也很豐盛,份量十足。所以我的同事吃得非常開心,而我點的雞扒是用炸的方式製作,配菜也很豐富。雞扒很多汁,最好味是那隻大虎蝦,配菜中的青瓜和小蕃茄很新鮮,味道也不錯。值得一提的是,如果你喜歡羊架,這間餐廳絕對會給你驚喜,非常值得推薦👍🏼。而這家餐廳可以提前訂位,因為從中午12:30開始,這裡就會有很多人來用午餐,最好提前預訂。烤焗紐西蘭羊架(3支骨) $129**七成熟,多汁,金粟菜香飯包括餐湯,熱辣辣的麵包,熱檸茶烤焗雞扒伴原隻大虎蝦配蒜蓉汁 $119**改燒汁,走汁,金粟菜香飯包括餐湯,熱辣辣的麵包,凍奶茶佳美餐廳地址: 中環德輔道中99-105號大新人壽大廈地庫 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-01-17
呢間餐廳平時同事嚟食得多…佢地成日講去街尾食…街尾鋸扒…原來係講佳美🤣第一次跟同事嚟食係食牛扒配薯角果陣已經覺得都整得幾好食又大份薯角每個都keep到又脆又香口已經有啲掛住佢地個薯角今次佢地問我又一唔一齊去食~我就跟埋啦!(打算寫食評既時候search openrice先發現係叫佳美🤣)今次叫左個lunch set烤焗紐西蘭羊架(3支骨) $129簡左忌廉湯同埋凍奶茶凍飲唔洗加錢餐包嚟到仲熱,牛油夠大夠硬身,唔會溶晒咁款話就話忌廉湯,其實係蕃茄湯😂不過味道都ok羊架簡左7成熟,啲肉質岩岩好 羊味又好出 薯角同上次一樣都係咁好食凍奶茶味道都係茶記果種咁好味堂食12:45前離坐現金埋單再有折呢個價有3支羊架又包湯包野飲又食得飽我覺得都算好抵食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍣香煎挪威三文魚配蜜桃莎莎 $129 大大塊三文魚扒,外面煎到脆,入面魚肉嫩滑無骨,request 左走汁都唔會乾亦唔腥😝,薯角微脆🍟,沙律菜加左黑醋🥗.🍗烤焗紐西蘭羊架 $129羊架🍗都唔錯,唔羶,亦可以揀幾成熟,唔洗怕會太韌,一樣大大碟有3隻羊架🤩.所有set配餐包﹑羅宋湯/忌廉湯﹑餐飲軟熟牛油餐包已經唔系好多地方有👍,而餐湯可以揀羅宋湯或者忌廉湯,佢個忌廉湯加左甘筍開胃,系橙色唔系平時白雪雪咁,系另一種風味,餐飲凍飲唔洗加錢😆.✨典型港式扒房西餐廳,老店但保持得好好,位於繁忙街道既地下室,座位多寬敞,仲可以包場party,野食大大碟,選擇多有豬牛雞羊魚,可以揀配飯﹑意粉﹑薯菜﹑淨菜或淨角,傳統既西餐set幾抵食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Recalling my parents bringing me to this restaurant having 'Western' breakfast before their work, I visited this childhood restaurant once again today when passing by. Everything felt like the old days. Their interior designs with the old school sofa seats and cool but efficient waitresses. Orders were placed via QR code nowadays. We ordered scramble egg cheese sandwich without butter and steak and eggs hashbrown set. For drinks, we ordered the cold yin yang and fresh brew hot coffee.Scramble eggs in the sandwich was very moist but not runny. Smartly using the cheese to lock out the moist eggs so that to prevent soggy bread. Cheese were melted by the hot scrambled egg. Look simple but delicious.Steak was very soft that personally believed heavy handed on baking soda. Still moist and savoury. Gravy paired well with the steak. Better than those commercialised fast food shop's gravy or the store bought ones. Thoughtfully serving the gravy without touching the hash brown and the bun. Hashbrown was cooked perfect. Crispy and kept its shape even cut in pieces. Not soggy at all. Sunny eggs cooked with crispy edges and kept its runny yolk. Bun was the old school type. Even without butter or toasted, it tasted great, exactly like those serving in the traditional Chinese steak house in the good old days. Soft, buttery and with a height of the fork tips. Yin yang was a bit diluted because of the melted ice but could taste both the milk tea and coffee. Not a bad base. Fresh brew hot coffee was nice, aromatic and nutty. It was a decent breakfast. Recommend to pay by electronic methods that they charge cheaper. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)