Exit F, Central MTR Station/ Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
我们舒适且经典的酒吧是休闲场所的不二之选,使用银酒杯盛载生啤服务非常具名气,常客还收到刻有自己的名字的啤酒杯。 continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 01:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 01:00
Sat - Sun
15:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2022-10-04
聽日放假,今晚一於去酒吧輕鬆吓啦🤤💰總消費: $400幾/2人(含加一)・ 德國豬手配薯蓉🍖($2xx)聽講最近呢間Bar做緊promotion,就想試吓佢嘅豬手🍖唔好睇相細細份,兩個女仔一齊share都食唔晒🥹自認我哋胃口都唔細😂出面豬手賣緊起碼要$300-$400,呢度做promote只需要二百幾蚊,實質價錢唔記得咗但係一定$250內🙈🙈佢嘅豬手皮燒到卜卜脆,而且呢隻豬手脂肪唔多唔少,屬於半肥瘦,所以隻豬手又嫩又滑😍😍😍嗰醬就係芥末醬,另外仲有鹹菜,豬手點少少芥末醬加上鹹菜,鮮味十足,又脆口又好食💯💯💯另外仲有個薯蓉,分量適合,口感綿密,同個豬手幾夾🤤🤤🤤・ Lamb Samosa🥠 配Mini Yoghurt($138)睇個名唔知係咩,但係一嚟到就有驚喜💕佢好似咖喱角咁,不過入邊就係用羊肉碎🐏總共有四舊,每一舊都頗為大嚿,好飽肚🙈🙈口感酥脆,回味無窮🤤🤤配上佢特有嘅醬汁(類似薄荷醬),即刻解咗佢嘅油膩😍成件事變得好清新🌿・ Captain’s Beer🍺 ($88)豬手當然要配啤酒🍻好彩淨係叫咗一杯,唔係兩個女仔點樣飲得晒!一杯已經飲唔晒😂😂😂呢度嘅啤酒好在夠凍❄️一飲落去涼透心,一個字”爽”呀💕💕💕・ 環境🏡環境好好,每張枱櫈相隔比較遠,坐得舒服💯環境有少少昏暗,好適合大家喺度飲酒傾偈😚😚😚今次座位對面就係吧枱,會見到bartender調酒,好有氣氛✨✨✨總體評分:8.5/10⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-08-29
It’s been a long time since I had a drink at the Captain Bar at the ground floor of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. It is great to start happy hour at 5pm when most people are still working !Drinks are good - champagne, old fashioned, beer served in a metal mug etc. Snack menu is limited thought - only deep fried food available. We had tandoori spiced chicken wings, fish pakora and fried squid - I really think they should have a few healthier options 😅Service is always good at the Mandarin and happy hour is alway happy 😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上星期book左Mandarin Oriental 嘅日式居酒屋Aubrey食dinner,時間未到就去佢嘅Captain's Bar飲杯嘢chill住等😚🌃 環境 (4/5)Captain's Bar 係一間英式酒吧,有超過50年歷史🤩 酒吧同酒店一樣都係行classy,沉穩典雅嘅路線,設計主要採用深木色為主,加埋皮梳發,好有以前English gentlemen's club嘅感覺😚 難怪咁多係中環返工嘅人鍾意收工黎呢度happy hour傾吓計🥃😋 酒 (3.5/5)🥂The Allure $168Gin, Yuzu wine, Lemon juice, Champagne syrup, Grapefruit & rosemary tonic🥃 Old Fashioned $148Bourbon, Sugar, Angostura Bitters 雖然知道呢度最出名係用銀杯裝住嘅draught beers,但費時飲到個肚漲曬所以就嗌左cocktail🍸 The Allure 配搭好清新,飲到柚子同檸檬味,酸酸甜甜咁,最後食埋粒raspberry黎個perfect ending☺️Old Fashioned 個層次感就比較單薄,雖然味道都唔錯但如果酒味再濃d就會更加好🤏🏻 不過不失啦不過無咩驚喜🥃💰 價錢 (3.5/5)酒吧開係中環而且係5星級酒店裡面,價錢當然唔平啦🙈 個人覺得呢度好適合商務人士黎飲酒傾計,坐得亦好舒服,不過如果想要d有驚喜嘅cocktail中環都有其他選擇😚 ...The Captain's Bar is a historic English gentlemen's club style bar inside The Mandarin Oriental hotel. It is a very popular after-work hangout place for professionals in Central. 🤩 Visited there on a Friday night for drinks. The bar is known for serving draught beer in silver tankard. We're not in a mood to drink beer so we tried their cocktails instead😚 The Allure has a strong taste of citric fruits which makes it very refreshing 🥂 While the layer for the Old Fashioned is quite flat. Would be better if the alcohol is stronger 🥃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-10-28
October Fest Menu 🍻🍺From 19-24 Oct 2020 With special menu for German October festival!🇩🇪Currywurst with French fries. $188🍟Meatloft with Fried egg and potato salads $188Cinderella drink $128🍹It reminds me the travelling time in Germany!!!!!Currywurst is soooooo nice here and worth tryingEspecially the sauce, feels so German The drink is called ‘Cinderella’, taste like orange juice, emm orange should be Loin King right?!🥺Suppose Cinderella dress should be with blue👗 💙Don’t why it turns out to be orange 🍊 ??!Anyway, it is recommended to try hahaha continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2020-06-25
文華既 Gentleman's Afternoon Tea 🍺食物以及服務既質素絕對對得起文華呢個招牌。首先,盛載食物既金屬容器都預熱左,防止食物溫度系上菜既時候流失;呢樣系細微且貼心既基本功夫做到👍🏼。Scotch egg 🥚🍳鬆脆可口,而且熱辣辣。層次感非常豐富,又唔會一切落去散曬😋另外鹹點方面,亦好喜歡 Lamb Samosa,咖哩味相當濃厚但鹹度適中。此外羊肉羶味都完全感覺唔到👍🏼 甜點方面造型最得意當然系雪茄造型既朱古力條啦,打卡首選 😂😂😍 系特濃黑朱古力黎既!下午茶系跟一杯自家Signiture既冰凍啤酒🍻 香味+氣泡感十足,亦都容易入口,相信怕飲酒既人都會覺得OK~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)