10-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
It is a Italian restaurant locating in Central. The environment is spacious and there is bar table and open kitchen. It mainly offers homemade mozzarella, salumi, and fresh pasta, as well as authentic New York style pizzas. It welcomes large groups gathering and families to dine here. continue reading
Additional Information
Some vegetarian dishes available daily
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
00:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Exclusive Online Booking
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Papardelle 意大利麵配「從頭吃到尾」小羊仔肉和牛尾肉醬
Review (88)
Level4 2024-10-04
FINI'S中環蘇豪伊利近街49號地舖G/F, 49 Elgin Street, Soho, Central經開中環,老友推介地道美國大餐,餐廳環境舒適,食材新鮮高質,正呀喂!😽SPICY CLAMS酸辣的醬汁好開胃,面層加了香蔥提升層次,加檸檬汁效果更佳。😋FINI"S FAMOUS CHICKEN PARM雞扒即叫即炸,炸油新鮮,大廚使用秘製醬汁,面層放了勁多香濃 Mozzarella 芝士、黑椒和香草,份量十足,口感煙韌,推薦!😻RIGATONI ALLA VODKA伏特加通心粉口感煙韌,吸收了秘製醬汁的精華,香辣惹味,大廚加了烤洋蔥和卡拉布里亞辣椒脆提升層次,面層灑上芝士粉,香氣四溢,必食!😍BRONX配料有 Mozzarella 芝士、意大利辣香腸、豬肉丸、自家製香腸和醬汁。大廚師即叫即製,餅底夠薄,口感煙韌,鋪滿了新鮮的配料,鹹度適中,吃到中段可加特製醬汁,效果更佳,甜酸香辣,大滿足!🤤HOMEMADE OVALTINE TIRAMISU大廚將阿華田,意大利手指餅融入TIRAMISU 中,香濃的阿華田味,口感嫩滑,甜度適中,好味道!😘Passion Sparkler熱情果+青檸+梳打,甜度適中,冰底夠凍,好fresh。😁FINI'S Lemonade新鮮檸檬汁+紅糖,酸酸甜甜的特飲,飲完好舒暢。😉FINI'S 自2011年已經推出 New York Pizza,現在主推 New Haven Pizza,環境舒適,食材新鮮,侍應服務態度好,還會再來。😎🤘🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-23
Fini’s is the restaurant who first sell New York Pizza since 2011, now they are the first one to sell New Haven Pizza style and Staffs are attentive.Homemade Pork Meatball🧆The Homemade Pork Meatball exudes a comforting, home-cooked feel. Each bite is packed with the savory goodness of pork, complemented by a rich sauce that adds depth and juiciness.FINI’S CAESAR SALAD🥗Fini’s Caesar Salad is a classic rendition of the Caesar salad, with crisp lettuce leaves dressed in a rich Caesar dressing. The fresh vegetables paired with the creamy dressing create a refreshing and delightful combination.Fini’s Fried Chicken Parm🐓The crispy fried chicken paired with tangy tomato sauce and cheese creates a symphony of flavors with every bite. Penne alla Vodka🍝The homemade penne pasta is coated in a luscious blend of homemade tomato and cream sauce. Each bite is a harmonious blend of tomato and cream, leaving a lasting impression.Large Spicy Pepperoni pizza🍕 Large Spicy Pepperoni Pizza is a classic New York pizza. The homemade crispy thin crust is loaded with spicy pepperoni and cheese, creating an explosion of flavors with every bite.Skillet Chocolate Cookie 🍪 The Skillet Chocolate Cookie is a perfect way to wrap up the meal. A warm skillet filled with a soft and gooey chocolate cookie and vanilla ice cream. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-30
來到中環蘇豪區,最鍾意呢間餐廳。店員介紹呢期推咗New Haven Pizza Style ,仲要係香港第一間呢個做法嘅呢😮 餐廳有戶外位置,勁chill~ 🥢Hot Wings呢度最出名既小食,配搭濃味既藍芝士醬,雞翼外皮脆口,經過脆炸後再淋上辣汁,食落更香脆惹味,當然唔小得沾埋藍芝士醬,大大提升味道層次🥢Chicken Parm其實係雞扒燒至金黃香脆後淋上蕃茄同芝士醬,外層酥脆,內裡鬆軟,大大塊肉~ 好味🥢Bronx Pizza薄批烤至脆卜卜,加入辣肉腸同蕃茄醬,酸酸甜甜刺激味蕾。份量超大都係呢度特點!真係幾唔錯🥢Typhoon Shelter Crab Linguini意粉表面淋滿蟹肉、避風塘炒炸蒜和吞拿魚碎,味道好特別,有點中式菜感覺,層次豐富,值得一試🥢Ovaltine Tiramisu加入咗阿華田自家製作嘅嘅提拉米蘇,入口香軟軟滑,阿華田,蛋糕細膩順滑,甜剛剛好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
小編和友人一早預訂了星期五晚上7:30, 去到發現原來不用預約, 就算walk in也不用等位。餐廳位於藍屋附近, 酒吧式的裝潢, 一入門口就看見一張大吧台, 還有酒保, 彩色的燈光讓人很chill。Cheesy Curly Fries ($98)這個卷卷薯條配上濃濃的芝士醬是這頓晚餐入面小編最喜歡的菜色。薯條炸得香脆, 芝士醬也熱騰騰, 不會過於濃郁, 恰到好處。Fini’s Chopped Salad ($98)這個沙律一來份量少, 二來只有蔬菜, 沒什麼肉量, 三來非常酸, 不知道是沙律醬的原因還是什麼原因。$98的沙律, 跟一般西餐廳的沙律前菜比較起來, 還是後者比較好吃, 絕對不建議在Fini’s 點沙律。12” The Smash Burger ($248)這個Pizza用托盤上檯, 但注意沒有火爐烘著, 批盤純粹裝飾用。這個就是一個芝士漢堡放在Pizza上的感覺。芝士醬一如既往的毫不手軟, 只是肉粒不算多, 和醬的比例不成正比, 導致有點口味過重, 很容易吃膩。Spaghetti Meatball ($208)意粉的份量真是…非常少, 小編和友人幾口就把意粉吃完。Meatball 裡面有肥豬肉的油脂, 裡面很Juicy, 外面煎得香脆, 不錯。Sicilian Highball ($79)這款Mocktail, 根據友人的說法就是「橙汁溝水」, 沒什麼特別。Margarita ($89)同樣問題, 這杯Margarita非常稀, 一般般。總括而言, Fini’s的氣氛、裝潢確實不錯, 只是價格偏貴, 份量偏少, 食物口味略重, 如果想在灣仔區找一個地方和友人Chill著坐下, 慢慢聊天的話這是一個好的選擇。但作為用餐選擇的話, 就不建議來Fini’s 了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-10
{中環}《Fini's》🔹️今日到中環蘇豪區 “Fini's” 午餐🍽 餐廳環境寧靜、舒適寫意🎶 很適合三五知己聚會🥂 食物高質👍 店員親切友善、服務周到🧑‍💼👩🏻‍💼 價錢相宜💰🔹️Fini's 自2011年開設New York Pizza餐廳, 亦是全港第一間以New York Pizza風格而來的, 主打以自製炭烤薄皮Pizza (不是燒焦的)🔸️Fini's Hot Wings🐔水牛雞翼味道香辣 (中辣程度) 加上自家製醬料和蔥花, 十分惹味開胃👍🔸️Fini's Fried Chicken Parm🍲雞扒炸至金黃酥脆啖啖肉, 加上拉絲芝士和香草, 味道香濃可口😋🔸️Penne alla Voka🍝以煙煙韌韌短管意粉加以伏特加、烤蒜、奶油和自家製紅醬烹調, 味道濃郁滋味🤤🔸️Bronx🍕Pizza以炭烤餅邊, 十分香脆, 辣用腸、豬肉丸、自家製香腸和紅醬, 味道豐富、回味無窮🤗🔸️Fruit Punch🍹以雜苺、橙汁、菠蘿计、薑製成的雜果賓治, 味道清甜👍🔸️Passion Sparklear以熱情果、橙、青檸、梳打製成, 味道清新😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)