It is a Italian restaurant locating in Central. The environment is spacious and there is bar table and open kitchen. It mainly offers homemade mozzarella, salumi, and fresh pasta, as well as authentic New York style pizzas. It welcomes large groups gathering and families to dine here.
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Additional Information
Some vegetarian dishes available daily
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
00:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
放假睡到自然醒,到中環半山來一個悠閑午餐。喜歡來Fini’s是因為它方便易去,在半山電梯一出,卻因為位置比較高,少一點中環的忙碌。Fini’s自2011年以來是第一家在香港銷售紐約風披薩的餐廳,現在他們是第一家銷售New Haven Pizza風格的餐廳。New Haven Pizza在店內自制,薄皮,不是燒焦,而是深烤的,脆卜卜的,加上自制紅醬,這是第一家在香港銷售紐黑文披薩點了小的IN & OUT漢堡披薩$308用上自家製紅醬、碎牛肉餅、西紅柿、醃黃瓜、焦糖洋蔥、肉醬。如吃漢堡般的披薩。肉肉滿足,餅皮焦香脆口。小吃點了辣蛤蜊$188鮮蛤蜊配上番茄、辣椒脆片、Dau Si Gremolata,很鮮美開胃。他們家的意大利面,全部自制醬汁和意大利面,意大利面 都是al Dante 的。點了MAFALDINE BOLOGNESE $188。荷葉邊絲帶意大利面被烹到軟爛的牛肉臉頰滿滿裹著、加上帕爾馬乾酪,香濃美味。自制提拉米蘇,很濃香,頂層加上美綠口感更好。Passion Sparkler $79百香果、酸橙、蘇打水Fruit Punch $79橙子、蔓越莓、菠蘿、姜汁汽水這次沒有點最受歡迎的HOT WINGS,留下次吧。服務:工作人員很細心,亦給予足夠空間令我們感到很放鬆。
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FINI'S中環蘇豪伊利近街49號地舖G/F, 49 Elgin Street, Soho, Central經開中環,老友推介地道美國大餐,餐廳環境舒適,食材新鮮高質,正呀喂!😽SPICY CLAMS酸辣的醬汁好開胃,面層加了香蔥提升層次,加檸檬汁效果更佳。😋FINI"S FAMOUS CHICKEN PARM雞扒即叫即炸,炸油新鮮,大廚使用秘製醬汁,面層放了勁多香濃 Mozzarella 芝士、黑椒和香草,份量十足,口感煙韌,推薦!😻RIGATONI ALLA VODKA伏特加通心粉口感煙韌,吸收了秘製醬汁的精華,香辣惹味,大廚加了烤洋蔥和卡拉布里亞辣椒脆提升層次,面層灑上芝士粉,香氣四溢,必食!😍BRONX配料有 Mozzarella 芝士、意大利辣香腸、豬肉丸、自家製香腸和醬汁。大廚師即叫即製,餅底夠薄,口感煙韌,鋪滿了新鮮的配料,鹹度適中,吃到中段可加特製醬汁,效果更佳,甜酸香辣,大滿足!🤤HOMEMADE OVALTINE TIRAMISU大廚將阿華田,意大利手指餅融入TIRAMISU 中,香濃的阿華田味,口感嫩滑,甜度適中,好味道!😘Passion Sparkler熱情果+青檸+梳打,甜度適中,冰底夠凍,好fresh。😁FINI'S Lemonade新鮮檸檬汁+紅糖,酸酸甜甜的特飲,飲完好舒暢。😉FINI'S 自2011年已經推出 New York Pizza,現在主推 New Haven Pizza,環境舒適,食材新鮮,侍應服務態度好,還會再來。😎🤘🏻
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我同朋友來到Fini‘s 美式意大利餐廳。Fini's 是一家自2011年起首家販售紐約風格披薩的餐廳,如今他們成為第一家在香港買New Haven的餐廳。New Haven披薩意思是自製、薄餅皮、不是燒焦而是炭烤、自製紅醬。Finis Popcorn shrimp四川蒜泥蛋黃醬和檸檬的爆谷蝦爆谷蝦外酥內嫩,配以鮮豔的四川蒜泥蛋黃醬,色澤鮮明。搭配四川蒜泥蛋黃醬,醬料的濃稠度正好,能很好地包裹住每一塊蝦。又不是太辣,是不錯的小食。Bronx Pizza 餅皮金黃酥脆,表面均勻地鋪滿了融化的cheese手工製餅皮的口感是這道披薩的亮點之一,底部酥脆。New Heaven Bronx Pizza 的味道非常出色。番茄醬的酸甜適中,與🧀的濃郁和餅皮的香脆形成了完美的對比。Mac and cheese通心粉是我兒時超級喜愛的經典美國舒適homemade食品。通心粉煙被芝士醬包住😋😋😋Chicken parm 是經典的意大利美食,炸雞肉,番茄醬和帕瑪森芝士組成融化的芝士為整道菜增添了豐富的奶香和滑順的口感。 今日食晚餐成個過服務員都好周到,只要你望住她,眼神交流。佢哋就會自然走過來,問你有咩需要,好貼心 I came to Fini's American-Italian restaurant with my friends. Fini's has been serving New York-style pizza since 2011 and has now become the first restaurant in Hong Kong to offer New Haven-style pizza.New Haven pizza means homemade, thin crust, charred but not burnt, and made with homemade red sauce.Fini's Popcorn ShrimpThe popcorn shrimp comes with a Sichuan ma la aioli dip and lemon. The shrimp is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, paired with the vibrant Sichuan dip which has a perfect consistency to coat each piece of shrimp. It's not too spicy, making it a great appetizer.Bronx PizzaThe crust is golden and crispy, evenly topped with melted cheese. The handmade crust is one of the highlights of this pizza, with a delightful crunch. The flavor of New Haven Bronx Pizza is outstanding. The tomato sauce has a balanced sweet and sour taste, perfectly contrasting with the richness of the cheese and the crispiness of the crust.Mac and CheeseMacaroni is a classic American comfort food that I loved as a child. The macaroni is covered in a creamy cheese sauce. 😋😋😋Chicken ParmThis is a classic Italian dish made with fried chicken, tomato sauce, and melted Parmesan cheese, which adds a rich creaminess and smooth texture to the dish.Throughout dinner today, the service was very attentive. Just by making eye contact with the server, they would naturally come over and ask if we needed anything. It was very thoughtful.Fini's (伊利近街) (中環)中環蘇豪伊利近街49號地舖
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Fini’s is the restaurant who first sell New York Pizza since 2011, now they are the first one to sell New Haven Pizza style and Staffs are attentive.Homemade Pork Meatball🧆The Homemade Pork Meatball exudes a comforting, home-cooked feel. Each bite is packed with the savory goodness of pork, complemented by a rich sauce that adds depth and juiciness.FINI’S CAESAR SALAD🥗Fini’s Caesar Salad is a classic rendition of the Caesar salad, with crisp lettuce leaves dressed in a rich Caesar dressing. The fresh vegetables paired with the creamy dressing create a refreshing and delightful combination.Fini’s Fried Chicken Parm🐓The crispy fried chicken paired with tangy tomato sauce and cheese creates a symphony of flavors with every bite. Penne alla Vodka🍝The homemade penne pasta is coated in a luscious blend of homemade tomato and cream sauce. Each bite is a harmonious blend of tomato and cream, leaving a lasting impression.Large Spicy Pepperoni pizza🍕 Large Spicy Pepperoni Pizza is a classic New York pizza. The homemade crispy thin crust is loaded with spicy pepperoni and cheese, creating an explosion of flavors with every bite.Skillet Chocolate Cookie 🍪 The Skillet Chocolate Cookie is a perfect way to wrap up the meal. A warm skillet filled with a soft and gooey chocolate cookie and vanilla ice cream.
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好耐冇去中環mid-levels食野,原來宜家soho都已經易名叫荷南…ummm…Anyway…想食正宗pizza同意粉,找到呢間Fini’s,就在伊利近街街頭,扶手電梯旁。成條街好多舊樓都已經拆得七七八八。Fini’s都依然多外國人捧場。點了Fish & Chips, Bronx pizza 同Linguine Vongole, 正宗的味道,pizza做得相當唔錯,夠薄身,脆邊,陷料豐富。蜆肉扁意粉意粉夠Aldente
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