5-min walk from Exit E1, Hong Kong MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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唔太好食雞肉,不過其實healthy chicken係有海鮮系列架!三款都好似好正咁,最後揀左三文魚扒。佢有幾款飯你揀,我要左brown rice。豆同所有款既菜都要哂,勁健康!減肥就走左芝士。而醬汁就叫佢俾左少少醋同olive oil。佢成盒勁大,八十八蚊絕不欺場!三文魚扒勁大塊,右邊仲有啲俾野遮左。不過個魚扒油脂唔重,略嫌少少乾,不過都抵同好食既!菜既部分好好食,推介粟米同蕃茄!唯獨略嫌沙律菜太大塊,剪細少少會易食啲。豆響底,所以見唔到,好食既,夠腍。飯少少硬身。不過浸左啲olive oil,出奇地好香!講真話,我分開左兩餐食。lunch食左一半菜同魚就好飽。淨番既到三點三拎番出黎。佢本身都唔係熱,所以到下午茶時都好滋味!
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I started to appreciate clean and healthy meals for pre workout dinner, which not only make you feel so much better about having a healthy lifestyle, but also improve your workout performance by saving you from a full belly of heavy food. Therefore, I opted for Healthy Chicken instead of all the ramen restaurants that I want to try in Central.Healthy Chicken specializes in making chicken rice bowl, burritos and quesadilla. The rice bowl seems a bit big, so I chose this quesadilla as my appetite is quite small these days.I adore this quesadilla dearly! Toasted right to the point, it was warm and very enjoyable to eat, especially with the molten cheese and slightly seasoned chicken inside. Also, you got to choose one dressing to go with your quesadilla. I chose the red Sriracha which I smeared it on top when I ate. I managed to finished 3 pieces as I was quite full and satisfied, and took away the fourth piece as lunch for the next day.There were quite a number of people in the restaurant during my visit, and they all ordered the seemingly delicious and good looking rice bowl. I decided to visit Healthy Chicken again to check out the rice bowls myself!Note, if you own a gym membership, you get 10% off discount! How awesome is that!
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作為一個gym友,當然要去全港不同健康的餐廳搵食啦🤤Healthy Chicken一直是我的go-to,方便healthy eating同macros counting。今次同男朋友🌟叫左兩個餐,個份量大到我地兩隻🐽飽曬(蛋白質可以增加飽足感!)首先選擇蛋白質 -> 飯 -> 雜豆、彩椒、番茄、生菜、菠菜、玉米、芝士(不要忘記可以選擇添加guacamole🥑)🍽Chicken Breast Meal ($75)去皮去骨的雞胸片適合我這個懶人,雞胸肉不會太乾柴,還有些許調味,比白煮好味好多! 我選擇的red sriracha sauce不會太辣,但是加上去味道立刻提升許多✨🍽Chicken Leg Meal ($75)一大隻雞脾埋藏在蔬菜下面,絕對有我的臉那麼大!雞腿肉會比雞胸更香,肉質更嫩,適合不是嚴格減脂的人,如果想減少熱量可以自己去皮就更健康😉
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呢期減肥,係中環發現左一間減肥人士首選的餐廳-Healthy Chicken 🐔 顧名思義,就係專賣健康雞肉餐單比追求健康的人士。經營模式有點兒像Subway ,都是先選主菜,再加大量配菜,最後可以落sauce ,價錢大約$75我今日叫了一個set b 雞胸肉餐!雞胸肉的分量好多,接近有半磅,再可以自選一種米飯,再加大量配菜,我中意粟米,蕃茄,菠菜和生菜等等。分量多到可以分2餐食😂不過店鋪只有4個位,所以主打都是外賣。
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