7-min walk from Exit A2, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
10:00 - 19:30
10:30 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay EPS
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Level4 2017-12-23
It's already Christmas again and the cookies by Kee Wah Bakery has an element of creativity in it where you can decorate them with icing sugar pens.In the box, there are three different flavours: chocolate, ginger and cinnamon in three different shapes Christmas tee, heart and a star.There are two icing sugar pens for you to decorate them.At first, I thought the icing sugar was stuck but you have to put them in hot water to melt the icing inside.Cookies decorated by me:All the flavours were good, my favourite was the ginger and cinnamon and the icing sugar adds an extra sweetness to it.The Christmas bauble was filled with my favourite nougat and ginger candies which are so moreish that you finish them as soon as they are opened. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-26
話咁快,已經聽到聖誕的鐘聲,大家會否為了送禮給身邊的朋友,又或是用作抽獎的禮物而頭痛?想不到以傳統禮餅聞名的奇華餅家,就在這個充滿西方色彩的日子中,推出了節日限定禮盒,以一套三款分別印有雪地企鵝(手製杏仁小紅莓鳥結糖、手製南瓜籽脆糖)、浪漫天使(鳳梨金酥、香芒金酥)及溫馴麋鹿(朱古力粒朱古力曲奇、提子燕麥曲奇)的三色長方形雪花禮盒,而每盒有兩款,一共有六款滋味可口的小食。個人最喜歡是雪地企鵝禮盒,鳥結糖有著杏仁的清香,而甜度是可以接受的程度,又有兒時的感覺;至於南瓜籽脆糖則香脆可口,小朋友一定鐘意。而浪漫天使可說是中西合璧的成果,外表帶有聖誕節的氣氛,但內涵卻是中式的酥餅,反差真大,充滿了玩味。最後的溫馴麋鹿對於熱戀中的情侶最為合適,用濃郁的朱古力製成曲奇,令人想到在家中沖杯咖啡,靜靜地,可以慢慢品嚐下的浪漫情景。而整套禮盒只不過是$135,已經在全線奇華餅家發售,的確是一個不錯的送禮選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-03-23
我公司嘅同事頗為喜愛奇華餅家的出品,好多時下午三點三,佢都會去奇華買啲零食,例如:蛋黄蓮蓉酥、豆沙酥、糯米糍…等返嚟請我地食。今日lunch 去中環7 號碼頭行吓,見到有間奇華喺 Subway 隔離,便入去睇吓。通常奇華每星期都會有些餅食、蛋糕或小點做特價,剛巧今個禮拜就做緊迷你老婆餅優惠。平時我都有買開恆香或大同嘅老婆餅,夠晒香脆可口。今次喺奇華就選購咗一包原價 $9, 現減至 $7.50 嘅金腿迷你老婆餅,一包有4件。返到屋企,用焗爐焗翻熱個老婆餅,咬落去個餅微暖,餅皮好鬆化,唯獨個餡料好似食緊金華火腿月咁,始終都係傳統嘅冬瓜蓉餡料或大同嗰隻豆沙餡啱我多啲,這個一試無妨嘅。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-06-07
興起想食馬仔, 就去左奇華新出了什麼黑糖味同低甜味, 比傳統的貴少少最後都係食返腰果馬仔不過都係加左價... 愈來愈唔抵食呀 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)