Exit G, Central MTR Station, Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Lunch last order time is 14:30 and dinner last order time is 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (93)
Level1 2024-04-12
This Thai discovery inside Central’s Landmark mall was a nice surprise for its reasonably priced and tasty food. The taste was authentic and we especially enjoyed the pineapple fried rice w cashew nuts and pork floss! Even the Pad Thai exceeded expectations - it was the perfect combination of noodles, egg, peanuts, bean sprouts and shrimp, and, served non-spicy as requested too! If you want a nice setting and good value for your food in the heart of Central, this place is a hidden treasure. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-08
之前一直喜欢吃这家的炒泰式河粉,定期都会来。堂食外卖都有试过,最近一次点了外卖,结果咸到没法吃,厨师可能手抖放了双份盐吧。春节前一个愉快的午饭就这样被毁了,而且这家的服务态度非常冷淡,差。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
平時經過見到入邊啲裝修幾靚,滿心期待入去食,點咗個菠蘿炒飯,結果嚟到簡直係地獄級!完全中伏!係我食過最難食嘅泰國餐廳!首先第一啖已經食到成口鹽,好明顯碟飯根本冇炒勻!啲飯仲要削啤啤!完全冇味嘅!咁都係其次,仲要得嗰兩隻蝦,就收客人$158 +1,好老實講,我去茶餐廳叫兩個餐加埋嘢飲先係140幾蚊,仲要個味道好過佢勁多!結果跌飯我食咗一半都冇就食唔落啦,完全浪費咗我$158 +1,又貴又難食!強烈建議各位千祈千祈唔好中伏!呢間嘢真心難食,建議各位千祈唔好再嚟呢度中伏!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-20
位於中環Landmark既泰國餐廳🇹🇭 呢排成日落雨 所以決定搵一間室內既餐廳☔️經過Mak Mak竟然無人排隊 walk-in就有位餐廳裡面都幾有泰國既設計 而且都幾多位我覺得餐廳overall d野食唔錯 正正常常 泰式雞肉芥蘭炒河🤓($118)河粉係偏粗個種 有大概2-3cm粗 煮得幾彈牙 同埋麵質好煙韌🤩 裡面中同埋唔少素菜炒埋一齊 肉方面可以選擇雞或者豬肉 我哋選擇了雞肉 我會話正正常常~ 重點令到呢個麵好食既係炒得夠乾身 同埋超級有鑊氣😌 份量夠 幾飽肚的烤鴨紅咖哩🥘($178)呢個咖哩偏向酸 我覺得主要原因係裡面有唔少既提子🍇 呢個幾特別我真係唔見過 但絕對唔會係過酸而影響味道紅咖哩唔辣 同埋質感係偏稀 香茅味都幾出 而且仲有菠蘿🍍係裡面 令到佢少少甜甜哋🤓 最後想提係佢個鴨 份量都夠的 但係我會覺得唔係好嫩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-03-15
中環中西式餐廳不計其數,但係好味又乾淨企理嘅泰國餐廳就好少,呢間置地廣場嘅泰國菜味道都唔差。✨ Thod Man Poo $158 泰式蟹肉蝦餅配青芒沙律 - 外層炸到金黃色,裏面啖啖蝦肉蟹肉~✨ Pla Krapong Nueng Manow $298三味汁蒸鱸魚 - 鱸魚肥美嫩滑,少少辣,裏面有青檸、香茅,酸酸辣辣好開胃!😋✨ Yum Nuer Yang $178烤牛肉沙律 - 牛肉烤得有啲過咗火,食到有啲苦。沙律醬汁好香辣,唔食得辣嘅朋友餐廳會幫你另上醬汁,咁就可以隨自己喜歡調較辣度。✨ Coconut Icecream $88椰子雪糕伴花生同棕櫚果🌴 - 椰子雪糕好清香椰子味🥥,有好多椰子肉,棕櫚果煙煙韌韌。味道:4.4/5賣相:4.3/5環境:4.2/5性價比:3.9/5🏠 Mak Mak📍 中環皇后大道中15號置地廣場中庭2樓217A舖☎️ 29831003 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)