4-min walk from Exit G, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last order 22:30
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Masu Delux Roll Masu Delux Bento
Review (16)
Level3 2014-04-12
寿司時間到!去了枡,新地方。地點方便,個廣告很大你一定認得出。裝修很金碧輝煌。不是傳統日本木的裝修。中環食店,本想一定有保證。hmmm...其實,不是太差,只是可以更加好。話明寿司時間,我一定叫寿司定食。慣例,有沙律、燉蛋、小食、寿司、咖啡或甜品。沙律,菜新鮮,醋好味。小食茄子,正!個汁弄得好!燉蛋,太老,沒味。寿司的魚其實合格水準,夠鮮,飯也握得適中。當然我之前comment 的餐廳好食點。薑,不乾也甜。最奇怪的是叫咖啡要加錢10or 20 元😥不明。所以叫了茘枝雪糕是溶的。😰😰服務員service - fair enuf.其實個人認為如果燉蛋再好點,甜品弄好點(溶給客人不是太好吧) ,飲品不好無理加那麼多錢(如有特別另計),整個餐會令人更滿足得多,全因壽司材料不差。加油! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-03-14
想吃日本茶,在這裡左SEARCH右SEARCH見呢度一面倒好評便來試試市面上的日本菜一係走傳統高級路線,一係走FUSION/新派路線呢度係後者,裝修新穎MODERN,格局佈置都好西式餐廳,有SUSHI BAR,水吧都係係出面個人比較PREFER 傳統路線,已經先扣了少少印象分但係DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER,食物才是食評的精髓叫了MASU DELUXE BENTO所以LUNCH SET都包SALAD,蒸蛋,仲有一SCOOP薯仔(?)SALAD係落ORDER後都很快便到,3樣前菜都係好機械式的成品,QUALITY係OK,但係感覺冇乜誠意主菜都係眾人未食完前菜就不停端上,好配合香港TIME IS MONEY 呢個宗旨MASU DELUXE BENTO($280),分熟食和壽司刺身SIGNATURE DISH (ACCORDING TO MOBILE OPENRICE)頗失望⋯⋯壽司刺身部份:壽司同刺身的魚生冇乜光澤,有D乾,但係食落都幾新鮮,係三文魚麻麻地冇乜鮮味,壽司飯軟硬舒中,飯身結實熟食部分:左上吉列蠔,我唔食蠔,俾左人食,佢話幾好味中上鐵板燒牛肉薄燒,呢個都幾好食,不過好爆嘅係,上菜時問了香港人WAITER 是什麼,佢居然答我地係煮物,侍應先生其實唔清楚可以唔好亂答!右上燒鯖魚,外皮焦香,魚身都有汁唔算乾,唔錯仲當仲配有一碗飯,飯是日本米,但係致命的是飯很乾,真係粒粒分明,同埋係碗飯唔係熱的最後可選擇COFFEE($20 EXTRA),TEA OR DESSERT甜品係 TARO POTATO ICE CREAM,即係香芋雪糕可惜吃下去是牛奶公司的感覺,SERIOUSLY?!整體上食物質素只是緊緊合格,環境都算舒服,只係有啲嘈吵但係性價比低,JUST DON'T REALLY WORTH THE MONEYSIGNATURE DISH 也只是一般貨色可能我好PICKY,但係我會EXPECT MORE AT SUCH PRICING食物只係好流水作業的端到客人面前少了一份傳統日本菜的熱誠同細心 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level7 2013-11-25
眾多親友當中,小肥同FF表妹感情最好,適逢表妹生日,小肥表哥當然係比佢話哂事,同佢食飯慶祝啦 !表妹所揀選o既Masu距離蘭桂芳只係一個街口,離巴士站、小巴站、地鐡站、電車站都相當近,交通本應好方便,可惜去餐廳必先行上一條樓梯,雖然梯級數目唔算多,但對於年紀大又或者係行動不便o既客人黎講就有啲難度囉 !餐廳有個坐得十幾人o既sushi counter,同埋約十張散枱,地方寬敞,光線充足柔和,梳化櫈亦闊落舒適,以黑色為主o既裝修配上爵士背景音樂,簡單中帶一份潮味。當晚招呼我地o既兩位服務生都唔識講中文,估計係尼泊爾人。佢地一男一女都非常友善,除咗落單時推介食物,食飯中途亦親自為我地換碟,飯前飯後更自動送上熱毛巾,極為體貼 !當XO仔提及到喺餐廳網頁度睇到佢地做緊個吞拿魚同海膽promotion,哥仔就解釋話其實個promotion啱啱已經完咗,不過因師傅唔介意為我地烹調,所以就攞咗個牌出黎比我地揀,我地兩老表心感無限感激之餘,當然係立刻連聲道謝啦 !表妹最愛食菜,所以先點咗一味沙律,而表哥則提議叫一客壽司及小食送自攜o既日本sake「麒麟秘藏酒」。除咗試餐廳特別為我地炮製o既海膽及吞拿魚限定菜式,明知Masu係一家爐端燒料理,我地亦不忘叫咗三款燒物試吓餐廳o既主打食品! Shabu Shabu Salad with Spicy Sesame Sauce涮涮鍋沙律($100):依味沙律無論係菜定係牛肉,兩者o既份量都可稱得上為勁量級 !牛肉啱啱好夠熟,肉質唔老,同個微辣o既芝麻汁好夾,小肥只係嫌啲菜好苦(表妹話OK,所以佢包銷啲菜 ,表哥就負責食牛肉)。 Japanese Globefish珍味魚干($80):暖暖o既雞泡魚干,其煙韌o既質感同帶甜o既味道只屬一般。 Semi Fatty Tuna Sushi($ 80/pc):魚生中小肥最愛吃油甘魚,可惜當日冇哂貨 ,所以我地最後叫咗兩件中拖羅壽司。中拖羅壽司雖然唔係入口即溶,但勝在份量足,質感尚算中規中矩。 Special Promotion之Tuna Tartar Trio – Spicy, Yuzu, & Crunchy Mayo($85):我地兩個都同意應該由右手邊o既柚子味食起,向左移會越食越濃味。右手邊o既柚子吞拿魚粒粒酸酸甜甜;中間o既意日混合兒之「混醬」吞拿魚他他以橄欖油、醋、及沙律醬調味,加上魚子喺面,質感最滑,味道偏甜;左手邊o既Kimchi吞拿魚他他"fuse"得唔錯,唔會太辣,溝埋中間嗰款「混醬吞拿魚」更另有一番風味 !小肥建議餐廳應該考慮長期供應依味咁有創意o既醒胃fusion菜式! Special Promotion之Masu Hon-Maguro House Roll – Fatty Tuna, Sea Urchin, Salmon Roe & Sweet Shrimp($120):小肥好怕食三文魚子,嫌佢重口味,但係表妹一再強調靚o既三文魚子係絕對唔腥唔咸,而且係佢生日,表哥當然係順表妹意叫黎試吓啦 !Masu獨家推出o既Masu Hon-Maguro House Roll好正,雖則唔係好食得出有甜蝦,但海膽滑溜,三文魚子唔咸唔腥,吞拿魚碎又夠濃味,配搭優質新穎,表妹真係好有眼光 ! Special Promotion之Sea Urchin Wrapped in Seaweed Tempura w/ Green Tea Sea Salt($ 98):海膽天婦羅外層o既紫菜薄脆乾身,主材海膽香甜嫩滑,既新鮮又新奇!輕輕粘上綠茶鹽,野味得黎散發著陣陣清香,猶如置身於大海中嘆茶 ,真係寫意! Masu Robata Skewers – Ox Tongue牛舌($ 45/串):牛舌厚得黎好韌,而且落得太多胡椒同蒜頭,所以好咸 ,全晚最唔掂之菜式! Masu Robata Skewers – Kagoshima Black Pork Belly五花腩($ 42/串):厚厚o既五花腩肥瘦分明,尚算香口野味,可惜食完成口油,XO仔對此燒五花腩有所保留! Masu Robata Skewers – Homemade Minced Chicken Ball雞肉軟骨棒($ 48/串):燒物中以此款雞肉軟骨棒最為美味!雞肉碎中除咗混入咗雞軟骨,入面仲有大大粒芝麻,配上哥哥仔喺我地面前以雞蛋攪製之醬汁,效果香脆爽甜且唔太粘,掂呀 !其他收費及優惠:開瓶費:喺餐廳每幫襯一樽酒,即可豁免一樽自來酒o既開瓶費。2013年12月31日前用AE埋單可享有9折優惠有樣野不得不提o既就係餐牌紙造o既內頁頗為「巢」皮殘舊,且有不少醬汁痕跡,用膳時又有兩隻唔知蚊定烏蠅o既物體飛黎飛去,令XO仔幾反感 ,故此扣咗餐廳兩分衛生分。總結,位於中環o既Masu其實位置同室內環境都幾唔錯,唯一大廈前面條樓梯有少少歧視行動不便之食客;年紀唔細o既大肥爸爸一聽到要行樓梯就第一個灑哂手拎埋頭話冇興趣試 。雖則Masu主打爐端燒料理,但小弟覺得師傅所精心炮製o既魚生卷物交燒物更為出色,其吞拿魚及海膽限定菜式尤其嶄新美味,兼且大件夾抵食。此外,外籍服務生落力有禮,工作不假手於人,事事親力親為,值得嘉許。見FF表妹食到讚不絕口,小肥表哥用AE埋單又有九折優惠,可以話係「雙贏」呀 ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-10-29
中環安慶臺的MASU由於位置方便晚飯後夜蒲,一向深受年輕人歡迎。為帶來新鮮感,餐廳不時都會推出一些特別的套餐,而最近由10月24日至11月7日便會供應一個9 道菜的日本清酒配對晚餐。各款菜式味道不錯,但最吸引人的當然是多款名貴又稀有的清酒。這配對晚餐每位才不過$680,絕對物有所值!I never fail to point out the obvious fact that there are a lot of Japanese restaurants in Hong Kong. While it is difficult to say who serve the best Japanese food, it is much easier to decide who serve the best sake, and MASU Robatayaki & Sushi is definitely one of them. This is hardly surprising, given that the restaurant is run by Privé Group, those guys who run Common Room, Privé and Levels and are often responsible for your weekly hangovers.When the restaurant introduced a 9-course Sake Pairing Menu, available from 24 October 2013 to 7 November 2013, I knew it would be pretty awesome. Priced at $680 per person, this menu not only comes with a great selection of food but more importantly some very fine sakes. While I had an amazing time catching up with a group of friends over this sake dinner, this would be equally great for romantic dinner dates, where you can impress your loved ones with some exclusive sakes over dinner and continue the night at one of the nearby bars or clubs.(1) The appetiser platter arrived, and I liked the crab meat with salmon roes the most, as it was delicate and fresh. These were paired with Masumi Namazake Ginjo, a chilled sake which was mellow and very easy to drink.(2) The assorted sashimi, of tuna, hamachi and scallop, were paired with Sohamare Hiyaoroshi Junmai Ginjo, a fruity sake. The scallops were soft and pristine, but the tuna could have been sliced a tad thicker for a better bite.(3) The seared salmon sushi, yellow tail sushi, toro sushi and Masu Roll followed. The toro had an enticingly strong fatty taste (unlike some toro that feels fatty but doesn't taste that way), and I also adored the combination of ingredients on the Masu Roll. The pairing Yoshi Dai Junmai Daiginjo was sweet with a good level of rice flavour, and matched the sushi nicely.(4) The hamaguri soup was utterly comforting, with its clean, sweet taste and fat, puffy clams in it.(5) The beef sukiyaki was paired with Tedorigawa Junmai Yamahai, a dry sake. The sukiyaki sauce was well tuned and the beef had an excellent taste and texture. The extra springy noodles were also moreish!(6) The assorted robata, of asparagus, minced chicken balls and kogoshima pork belly was paired with Rihaku Taruzake. The kogoshima pork belly had an exquisite pork taste, and the asparagus was expertly chargrilled. The minced chicken balls were too soft, but they were salvaged by a very delightful sauce.The sake was served in a masu, after which the restaurant is named. It was a wooden box that was initially used to measure rice and eventually became a container for artisanal sakes, and we drank from the corner of the masu where some salt was sprinkled. The sake acquired a strong and exciting woody taste from the masu, which was in harmony with the chargrill taste of the robata.(7) The assorted tempura, of shrimp, kisu, nasu and sisito, was paired with a sparkling Dassai Sparkling Junmai Daiginjo. The tender, supple kisu (whiting fish) tempura was the winner in this dish. I couldn't really remember whether the pairing worked, as we downed the sparkling sake like we did champagne!(8) The cold thin ramen was beyond reproach - the smooth, springy texture was exactly how I dreamed of it to be! I generally quite like the noodles at Masu. (9) The last course was our dessert. Having tried the Japanese peach ice cream before, I went for the tofu ice cream. The ice cream was really icy when it was served, but after a bit of thawing, it was delicious with a perceptible soy taste. The kitchen's offerings have so far been quite inspiring, so I hope their flair will soon extend to the dessert section of the menu!The food at dinner was overall accomplished, but it was the impressive sake which made the occasion so memorable for me. I do hope my friends and readers who come for this sake dinner will have as great a night as I did  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-10-05
之前到Masu 都是吃午飯多, 晚飯只吃過一兩次 , 因為沒有甚麼特別 。 上星期朋友告之他們聘請了 Nobu 師父加盟, 還推出了Omakase。 於是昨晚就到場試試。昨天有幸地坐在主厨Michael前,欣賞他給我們預備的每一道菜式。Michael之前除了在Nobu工作, 還在日本及韓國工作多年 。對食材的知識不用多說。第一道菜式是Toro Tartar。Toro 上放上黑魚子。還有金箔及Hana Ho (花穗)作裝飾,配上紅酒喬頭。Hana Ho有紫蘇葉味,我很喜歡把它弄碎放到汁料裏一起吃。 這道菜真的好像一件藝術品。  第二道菜式是魚生沙律, 用料很新鮮但不是太特別。第三道菜式是mixed Sashimi platter. 基本上是用當天最靚的魚生,我們這天有Sanma , Matai , Toro belly。Sanma 卷着海膽,Matai (秋刀魚)當造,油份十分高,Toro Belly 當然是入口即溶。第四道及第五道菜式是天婦羅及銀雪魚西京燒 。 雖然不是很特別但做得非常出色。 其實上次來試過他們的鱈場蟹天婦羅, 他們可以考慮把它放到這個菜單中。跟著是吃今晚我最喜愛的壽司, 一共有5件,分別是 Saba , Hamachi belly ,& Yaki Tamago , 秋刀and Gindara Saikyu Yaki , 每件壽司都很特別及新鮮 , 秋刀魚壽司加入明太子 , Michael還把油金魚腩壽司放在手掌中火灼, 嘆為觀止。 立魚壽司配上特制酸梅醬。 每件壽司都調好味,成晚一滴豉油都冇落過。最後是Toro 手卷及玉子壽司。Toro 加進特別醃製蘿白,口感特別。玉子是熱蛋,加入酸梅汁及芝麻,好吃!最後Michael還請我吃了一件beef roll, 裏面卷着的是Asparagus Tempura, 外面是美國Rib Eye 及明太子Toro 醬, 再加上少許 乾蒜粒,很有創意! Michael話下次会用和牛,但其實我一直都是美國牛支持者!這餐飯埋單每人八百元, 十分超值, 一定會再回來!Michael話下次會再帶給我新的Surprise ,很期待! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)