4-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level2 2023-06-25
同朋友去咗中環藝穗會嘅九号館食嘢,真係好正啊!呢間酒樓環境古雅,裝飾有種老上海風情,好有氣氛。我哋都係餐廳影咗好多相。最鐘意嘅係佢嘅叉燒王。嗰啲肥美的叉燒件,燒得啱啱好,肉汁都流晒出嚟,真係好好味。另外,鹹蛋黃金蝦同脆皮雞都好出色,好香脆!仲有啲蘿蔔絲酥餅,好鬆脆,剛炸起,值得一試。除咗食物之外,佢哋嘅服務都好好,好細心,主動幫客人加茶。如果想食叉燒王,最好要預留啊,因為數量有限,好快就賣晒。總括而言,九号館係一間唔錯嘅中餐廳,值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
悠閒的星期六下午,相約好友在中環 late lunch。剛巧經過藝穗會的NOVE 九号館,原本只係想搵間靚餐廳打吓卡,靜靜地傾吓計,點知除咗好靚的中國風裝潢,食物質素也令人驚艷。 全部點心和食物即叫即做,上菜夠熱,份量也足料。侍應服務態度都算周到,加茶也勤快。龍蝦湯小籠包:皮薄餡靚,龍蝦湯味道非常濃郁牛肉賣:鮮味 juicy 蝦多士:多士香脆,蝦滑彈牙無骨海南雞飯:用瓦煲盛載本身已非常特別,海南雞好滑,醬料也非常出色,特別是蔥油,必試推介 楊枝甘露:足料 好味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-05-08
中環有乜新嘢?找到藝穗會九號館,乜館物館,感觀都係正嘢,點解叫此名,搜查佢第I間在利源東街9號,令我想起曾經經過,當時望入去地方細及感覺擠逼,嘆唔到茶,我喜歡飲茶寬敞環境,所以忘记了,今次在藝穗會,蘭桂芳附近,印象升呢咗! 從藝穗會側門,要上2條樓梯,從入門口窗望入探秘,一見郎世寧百馬圖做牆纸,有意思。 選門口圓枱位,可見餐廳全貌,播着西洋音樂-70年代英文歌,everthing i do, do it for u, 阿爸,比芝歌曲,如果播jazz音樂,我會加分,有一個西式酒吧,如沒有中式紅色吊燈籠,吊扇,青磁食具,都可以係一間西餐廳格局。 先點紫菜椒鹽豆腐,脆皮厚丁點,比起上次红糖,有豆味嫩滑,但有海苔,多一層次味。 西施蟹肉餃$65,餡飽滿,水晶皮,有乒乓波咁大,蟹肉鲜甜,有芫茜,香,不愧多人稱讚,不負所望。 上湯煎粉果,蝦肉鲜,馬蹄爽,加馬蹄點心少見,將脆卜卜的粉果浸入韮王湯,沾濕韮香大地魚湯,食時種種滋味賜味蕾。 另一樣難以忘懷辣椒油,香,會上隱,後悔應早些嚐,連豆腐都要蘸,係毒品,禁不住,樣樣都要有佢份。 原隻鮑魚雞粒酥$75,有點金簿,當然增加美感,提高身。鮑魚顏色淺,不是扣鲍魚雞湯蠔油那種濃味,是海產味,不是海味味,鲜,又不同鮑一樓及駿景軒的味,體積大少少。 另一我喜歡,高大木窗,中間有木框,故舊款,望出窗外景,有幻想,活動的畫,記得小時曾經在一間黑漆漆石屋,樓底高,同樣有一隻高大木窗,讓外面陽光透射房內,好似在黑暗中見到光明的恩典,喜歡這種感覺。餐廳細細,好多靚點,連地都覺得靚。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
九号館 (藝穗會)地址: 中環下亞厘畢道2號藝穗會南座1樓電話: 21306546🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹每年聖誕節同閨蜜有個不明文傳統就係去食中菜。貪聖誕無乜人食中菜,唔會要求食客預繳deposit 或預早幾個月預訂等等……今年選擇咗中環藝穗會的九号館。由中環🚇D1出口經雲咸街上,大約7分鐘到。行上去有斜坡有樓梯,都少少考腳骨力,未食先消脂。門面細細好中式,沿樓梯上一樓,走廊兩邊掛滿藝術品,在門口一入眼簾就係天花嘅9盞紅色大燈籠🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮🏮。💫懷舊蝦多士($65)多士好脆唔油,多士上面不是蝦膠,係真材實料原隻蝦🦐,蝦身仲要好大隻好彈牙香口。💫西施蟹肉餃($65)餃入面有芫茜、蛋白、蝦仁、同滿滿嘅蟹肉。餃皮透薄,晶瑩剔透。大大粒好飽滿。嚐到淡淡蟹味,沒有多餘嘅調味,原汁原味。💫XO醬海鮮炒飯( $195 )海鮮主要係蝦仁,XO醬令炒飯味道帶點微辣,好惹味。炒飯粒粒分明好乾身。💫橡果級黑豚叉燒($175 半份)半份有五件,叉燒沾上蜜糖,入口好sweet , 可惜燒得過咗火候,叉燒略瘦,肉質較韌。茶介($25 / 位)可選菊花、香片、普洱、大紅袍另收加一服務費整體好食指數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑(7.5 / 10) 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The restaurant is really gorgeous. The booking system is terrible. We booked online about a week ago and they never found our booking when we arrived and we had to sit at the bar, which wasn't really a place for eating. We received an email confirmation regarding our booking right when we left the restaurant. When we showed it to the manager, he didn't seem to believe us. He called us 5 minutes later and told us that we had actually booked a week later, which was also incorrect since we had our email to show the date. He then said he would "cancel" our next week's booking and I felt bad for whoever's booking he actually cancelled. The food was delicious, for what that's worth Service was very good. I would try it's main shop next time and would stay away from the online booking to avoid all this fuss. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)