5-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station
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The atmosphere of this Western-style restaurant is chill and the patio is a pet-friendly area. It mainly offers vegan and vegetarian dishes. Besides, some dishes provide non-vegan options. Also, it serves baked items and cakes.
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Additional Information
We provide a wellness themed menu for vegan, vegetarians and non vegans alike.
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 23:00
*Beverages available 12pm - 12am
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
餐廳:Orka Restaurant & Specialty Cafe地點:中環雲咸街菜式:西式素食餐牌:前菜、主菜、甜品、多款酒精同非酒精飲品。晚市有三道菜套餐,有全素套餐$298加一,有肉類套餐就$338加一,某些菜式要加錢。Apple Fizz $89 另加一Fresh Apple, Cranberry, Apple Cider Vinegar呢杯mocktail用高身玻璃杯裝住,杯邊有新鮮蘋果三片同薄荷葉,色水呈鮮紅色,入面有新鮮蘋果肉。飲落係淡淡梳打水味配微微cranberry味。Summer Breeze Mojitos $98 另加一Rum, Mint & Soda with a dash of sweetness & a twist of your choice呢杯雞尾酒我揀左芒果,色水呈黃色,帶有好多細細粒,入面有好多冰沙,杯邊有橙皮同薄荷葉。飲落係淡淡芒果味,酒味同甜味都唔濃,好解渴。前菜4選1。Sparky Asparagus SaladUS asparagus, graviera cheese, pickled bell pepper & fried garlicSparky Asparagus Salad有一客兩大條蘆筍好嫩口,切開兩段方便食,加有大量香濃芝士碎,好好味。伴有少少酸酸地紅燈籠椒絲,非常開胃。主菜5/6選1。Chipotle Pumpkin Burger Signature homemade pumpkin & rolled oats patty, grilled halloumi cheese, avocado, house-made pickles, caramalized onions, brioche bun & fries of choice or side salad大大個漢堡用竹簽拮住,麵包烤得外脆內軟,牛油味香。下底有滑溜牛油果加沙律醬,下底係南瓜扒,整得好似南瓜薯餅,帶少少印度醬汁風味,加有少少焦糖化洋葱絲。再下底有新鮮番茄兩片同生菜片。最底塊包都加有沙律醬,而且一樣脆口。跟漢堡可揀炸薯條,炸蕃薯條或者沙律。炸蕃薯條熱辣辣,外脆內軟,甜甜地,跟有滑溜醬汁好美味。Signature Seared Octopus Prime 加$68 另加一Sustainably sourced octopus sous-vide till tender then oan-charred, served with seasonal local organic veggies, kale, sun-blushed tomato sauce & crispy garlic crumbs一大條八爪魚烤得燶濃地,食落非常淋而有炭火香,好惹味。伴有好多芥蘭,雨衣甘藍,同甘筍,吸嗮d汁,面頭加上脆蒜更惹味。甜品4選1。Classic Carrot Cake 加$58 另加一Classic Carrot Cake有蛋糕同忌廉芝士梅花間竹,食落濕潤而甘筍味適中,仲有粒粒pecan碎有咬口,面頭有兩粒新鮮藍莓。食完唔覺太膩。Festive Walnut BrownieFestive Walnut Brownie一客兩件好痴牙,朱古力味好濃。伴有一球雲呢拿雪糕,雲呢拿味好香,凍凍地滑滑地入口可加添口感。面頭加上好多杏仁碎碎。今餐食物質素不俗。餐廳環境舒適,放工後黎食飯都唔錯。
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Orka has different promotions every day of the week and Green Monday is Buy 1 Get 1 Free for their selected options.You also enjoy a discounted price for their add on items, including desserts.Decided to try their smoothies and it definitely did not disappoint. I preferred the Brain sharperner a bit more but for those who want a less tarty choice, Kale is your choice.The 4 mains were definitely a bargain. The vodka pasta with basil I felt can be slightly bolder with the basil.Their homemade patty although was not like impossible/beyond meat but had its own sweetness to it due to the pumpkin and they were very generous with the avodcado.The eggplant was juicy and the harissa rub had just the right amount spice that even people who can only tolerate mild spiciness would love this dish.For desserts, if no one told me the creme brulle was vegetarian, I would have never guessed.For the 2 cakes, if the carrot cake had less cream and the cream being less sweet, I may have preferred the carrot cake a bit more. The carrot cake itself was a hit. However, I think I understand if there is not enough cream, a pure carrot cake could have been a bit dry. I think they could consider first makig the cream less sweet and instead of 2 layers, to try to make it 3 layers so the cream would be more evenly distrubuted thus less cream could be used while maintaining a great texture.
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紅磚外牆特別吸引,流線型入口更顯優雅,落地大玻璃,餐廳內有吧枱,再行入d仲有個天井空間,微黃燈光,好chill! 逢星期一,Green Monday 買一送一!👉🏻PENNE ALLA VODKA PASTA濃郁嘅番茄醬汁,好creamy,微微伏特加增添層次感!香脆嘅炸羅勒葉亦令人驚喜!👉🏻EGGPLANT IN SALSA BED大大條茄子,吸收哂特製嘅醬汁,每一啖都好嫩滑,底下鋪左粒粒三色椒,色彩繽紛而且好入味!👉🏻Burrata plate特別嘅上場,煙霧彌漫,布拉塔奶酪皮薄富彈性,內裡軟滑,豐富嘅乳香,配新鮮水果,好清新又開胃!仲有各式各樣嘅cocktail都好吸引!👉🏻APEROL SPRITZ帶有微苦嘅橙味,又有氣泡嘅爽口!成個感覺都好舒服,環境唔會好嘈雜,服務態度好殷勤,讚!
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🌿 Edamame Dip with Roasted Padron Pepper 呢個前菜一上枱,真係 WOW 咗出聲 😲!佢哋嘅毛豆蓉打到好滑,竟然有啲似我喺以色列食過嘅鷹嘴豆蓉 🤤 再加上柚子醬同橄欖油提味,配埋烤過嘅青椒,唔辣之餘仲帶甜味,#好味!🎃 Chipotle Pumpkin Burger & Fries (Veg) 呢個招牌南瓜素漢堡入面嘅南瓜燕麥扒整得外脆內軟,夾埋 Halloumi 芝士、牛油果、焦糖洋蔥、番茄同生菜,加 $28 仲可以轉蕃薯條~ 🍄 Truffle Mushroom Risotto (Veg) 佢哋嘅松露蘑菇 Risotto 真係整得好香~ 米飯煮得夠正宗半生熟,吸埋黑松露汁嘅香味,加上唔同種類嘅菇菌,濃味得嚟一啲都唔膩 👍🏻 Orka 雖然係小店,但佢哋調嘅 Cocktail 都唔錯!我哋叫咗杯 Customized Cocktail,佢哋即場整咗杯好清新嘅 Kiwi Mojito 🥝 另一杯就嗌咗 Prosecco,都係咁好飲 🥂 呢度每星期都有唔同優惠!星期一 #GreenMonday 素食套餐買一送一、星期二有機牛扒買一送一、星期三係 Burger Wednesday 都係買一送一,星期四就 $98 一個鐘 Free Flow 🍷😘~都真係幾吸引!
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🏰 無意中發現紅磚外牆配搭落地玻璃,有英倫復古風感的餐廳。落地玻璃將中環繁忙街景盡收眼底,感覺好似置身倫敦小店!🏛️ 環境:- 英倫紅磚建築風格- 復古工業風設計- 落地玻璃採光充足- 室內裝潢充滿歐陸風情✨吃了以下食物:1️⃣ Edamame Dip with Pepper $138- 毛豆醬香滑可口- 配烤青椒出其不意- 清新感一流- 開胃小食首選2️⃣ Organic Ribeye Steak $298(星期二買一送一)- 澳洲有機牧場牛肉🥩- Chef Special Diane sauce超搭- 肉質軟嫩多汁- 完全無膻味!
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