3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station
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Awards and Titles
Best Hong Kong Style Tea Restaurant (2008, 2012-13)
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Green Monday vegetarian dishes available daily
Opening Hours
Mon - Wed
07:00 - 03:00
Thu - Sat
Open 24 Hours
07:00 - 03:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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秋後先記得影左相未寫補返個食記先翠華迷你金沙奶皇月餅一盒八隻,紙盒硬包裝,每一隻都係獨立包裝月餅皮夠薄身,奶皇餡出奇地唔錯,夠香夠甜,有少少蛋黃香味 不膩口整體都唔錯,中秋自己屋企食都係唔錯既選擇
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One of the few late night restaurants that is also fairly vegan-friendly. They’ve started serving omnipork recently. Good portion sizes, friendly and fast service. No WiFi. Usually possible to find seats without waiting outside of peak lunch hour rush. Nice enough for casual meetings or quick bites.
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世界人口不斷增長,有先天下之憂而憂的人洞燭先機,發明新素肉,從植物提煉出來,但食味相似度極高而且蛋白質豐富,唔到你唔信!碰上國內發豬瘟,普羅大眾只好尋找代替品,正好潮流新豬肉補上,並非只因便宜了,新鮮感及食得健康同樣是誘因。聰明的食肆順慮需求,例如翠華餐廳,近日亦推出新豬肉的菜式。小試牛刀,就這兩款,新豬肉芝味焗意粉及未來肉碎煎蛋飯,賣相吸引。新豬肉芝味焗意粉 $49肉醬意粉向來用牛肉碎做,但很容易有騷味,反之,處理得太好的又會全失牛肉質感,換上新豬肉就沒有這個問題,這個創意做法,相信概念來自焗豬扒飯及肉醬意粉。脂香四溢,肉醬汁豐,口感如肉,意粉掛汁,飽肚味道好。未來肉碎煎蛋飯 $45另一款其實類似,同樣的豉油番茄醬汁煮肉碎,意粉換上白飯,太陽蛋代替芝士潻潤澤,非常稱職的碟頭飯。魚湯浸豆苖 $35這個配搭一般,是菜苗而非豆苗,只為均衡飲食。升呢西多士伴雪糕 $37升呢版增加了朱古力醬及雪糕,沒有可能出錯。雖然如此,我還是較喜歡傳統,牛油、甜醬配厚多士的傳統邪惡組合,已經足夠。生磨蛋白杏仁露 $25, 桂圓紅棗杞子茶 $24生磨蛋白杏仁露真有幾分吃甜品的感覺,蛋白混合適中,少甜正好。桂圓紅棗杞子茶滋潤非常,桂圓紅棗香。簡簡單單,胃納滿足的一餐。
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Tsui Wah is know to be quite a popular cha chaan teng in Hong Kong. But today instead of HK-style western cuisine, I ordered the Hainan Chicken Set, which comes with the soup, 3 sauces for the chicken, a bowl of chicken rice and the chicken itself. Great texture and taste, the chicken is really good. The bowl of rice is too big for a lady though. Soup is great as well, not too salty, there’re carrots in the soup base. Would definitely order again in the future. FYR some of the waiters do not speak Canto which I’m really surprised.
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