1-min walk from Exit A, AsiaWorld-ExpoStation continue reading
All Branches (84)
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Review (4)
Level3 2022-06-08
近期忙於搬屋,三餐唔埋兩餐叫外賣,心血來潮知道KFC就嚟冇葡撻所以叫過外賣試試佢,記得以前細細個食KFC唔算貴,而家叫個套餐都要唔係平,我最愛嘅葡撻要變歷史啦😩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I rarely eat KFC in Hong Kong unless it is something new or exciting because the chicken coating is definitely not the original recipe and the way it is cooked is different.You will find that KFC chicken in Hong Kong is crunchy and the coating is thick compared to countries like UK etc.HONG KONG KFC STRANGELY DOES NOT SERVE FRIES OR CHICKEN GRAVY.THE MUSHROOM RICE, MASHED POTATO AND CHICKEN A LA KING CONTAINS  BLACK PEPPER whereas the English version does not.Luckily I came across some photos of the chicken at this particular branch and it was the fried chicken that I was looking, the comments were not good but then it was coming from a local.Prices were certainly different but paying HKD45 for two EDIBLE pieces of chicken was damn worth it.FRIES WERE SERVED AT THIS BRANCH!!!!Perhaps being located at AsiaWorldExpo with lots of expats it is was not wise to localize the fried chicken!!!I was definitely satisfied with the chicken especially the coating which was thinner and tasted the same as UK.The coating was soft and crispy and the chicken was moist in the middle despite that it was sitting in the heated cabinet for while.The best thing is that there is no queue here continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-28
居然開左 KFC 喎,探一探先。百無 KFC 無燒雞、無辣雞、無雞胸、無雞蛋、無通粉、無熱湯、無桶餐,只有原味雞上髀、雞膇、雞中翼,炸薯條、葡撻、炸雞扒包,一砌從簡!跟歐美一樣只賣原味,獨孤一味走天涯,那怕您唔食!機場價錢特別貴,還要係 BB 雞的迷你種,$40 蚊有兩件雞,雞膇加雞上髀,無汽水送添喎。原味雞膇加雞上髀,雞仔 size 細細件炸乳雞。雞膇炸得乾爭爭,鞋鞋硬硬,外層油油的,裡面一絲絲煲湯瘦肉一樣。好采至少還有您,雞上髀保留微量肉汁,微弱嫩滑。炸得比想像中乾爽,香料味濃,其實味道唔差,只係乾少少啦。只得兩件雞仔點夠飽,要食多件三文治,追加多杯太平洋榛子牛奶咖啡。早餐不經不覺就 $150,太貴喇麻。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-08-11
今天和妹妹來博覽館,博覽館的食肆不多,知道這裡開了KFC, 我們便來這裡吃下午茶。一看餐牌,發現套餐選擇比市區少,只有三款,家鄕雞只有原味。但感到驚喜的是,每款套餐都有薯條,這是市區店沒有的!我和妹妹都點了兩件原味雞加薯條餐,附百事汽水一杯。這款餐$55,雖比市區的貴,雞和薯條各自用紙盒裝著,但打開紙盒看,裡面的雞比市區的大件,即叫即製,十分熱辣,雞肉很滑,非常美味!薯條是粗薯條,炸得又熱又脆,口感像薯角,雖然熱氣,但十分好吃可口!正!吃著面前美味的家鄉雞,讓我們回想起好多年前家鄉雞的質素--既大件又美味!只是隨著社會發現,物價高漲,市區的家鄉雞愈來愈細件,愈來愈「鞋」,愈來愈涷,愈來愈貴。想不到博覧館這家新開的KFC店竟有如此味美的家鄉雞,價錢雖貴,但咁好食都抵!希望這店能繼續保持水準就好了!另外,雖然這裡只有原味雞,但此店很細心,套餐附上一小包微辣的調味醬,甜甜酸酸的,吃雞時蘸來吃最滋味呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)