Restaurant: | Genki Sushi (The Whampoa) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
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Additional Information
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:30
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
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今日接完放學後去左屋企附近嘅元気寿司食下午茶~原來依家佢哋推出左「元気寿司午後の自選壽司盛」! 只需$60!冇睇錯!真係$60🤩就可以係24款壽司入面自選6款壽司(6件同款或不同款都可以)。 自選壽司盛仲包括1款小食及1款輕食,全部都係自由配搭🥰成set野十分自由百變,隨自己心意/心情,鍾意食邊款就叫邊款,唔使俾個 set 限制選擇。重點係非常抵食,選擇又多!如果仲想食多啲,仲可以加錢加配飲品或者加$13起加配各款手卷、刺身及甜品或熱食、湯🥳我哋叫左2 set $60自選壽司盛,再另外加埋甜品、熱食、小食、湯、仲有甜蝦刺身,都只係$200左右🤩重點係好抵食!食物質數有保證,吾會差👍🏻十分滿意!
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元気,曾經有一排,係我個女最愛。佢入面嗰㗎火車,真係小朋友不能抵擋😂但係一個禮拜食1-2次,真係好快厭,但係為咗keigo 隻碟,又要每個禮拜返去食😂😂。今個星期到粉紅色嘅碟因為開始減肥,所以唔食碳水,最好嘅方法就係食魚生同埋蒸蛋。小朋友可以食烏冬。滿足晒所有人。
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尋晚去咗間嘅小店,食咗碗撈麵,真係美味到不得了🍜!麵條Q彈得嚟唔會過腍,湯底鮮甜得黎又唔會太重口味,爽口得滯!😋 邊食邊諗,呢啲嘢就係街坊熱愛嘅味道。燒賣就更加得意,肉香織入啲少少魚子,彈牙咬落去嘅感覺,正到彈起!蝦餃就更加唔使講,薄皮透出粉紅蝦仁,咬一口汁液四溢,鮮甜得嚟又爽口,我忍唔住多叫咗幾籠!🥟講真,呢家鋪頭裝潢普通,但食物質素同味道都絕對掂過好多高檔餐廳。食咗呢頓,心情都好晒。落區又想食得開心,真係要留意呢啲隱世好店啊!
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繁忙時間說要等30分鐘, 其實只叫了魷魚咀唐揚和枝豆而已. 其實不用等那麼久, 最後留在保溫隔內... 回家後唐揚不再唐揚了, 已不脆了~~不過, 兩款食物都很好吃.新年期特定食物有折.定期有更新食物和甜品表示讚. 只是要等30分鐘的話就卻步了...牆身和30分鐘告示, 但收了費後才告知時間就... 無法啦~~希望遲些可以改善一下~~炸物, 蒸蛋等也好相宜, 可以一試. 又有兒童餐, 有得吃又有得玩~~
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