Exit B1, Jordan MTR Station; 佐敦港鐵B1出口 continue reading
The fresh and modern restaurant offers International and Asian-style cuisine in a pleasant and casual environment, with emphasis on fresh seafood, seasonal produce and authenticity. It features an interactive live cooking experience where guests can interact directly with the chefs and have their desired dish prepared in the open show kitchen as they move through different cooking stations. Enjoy International and Asian flavours and take an exciting journey through our themed buffets, showcasing the splendours of Asian and Western cuisines, or go a la Carte for a lighter option. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
VIP Room
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fresh Oysters Canadian Snow Crab Claws Homemade Cured Salmon with Beetroot Juice, Absolut Vodka & Gin Tonic Baked Salmon Fillet with Brown Sugar New Zealand Green Mussels Baby Crayfish
Review (376)
Level1 2021-08-17
一進酒店大堂就聞到怪味道了!食物質素平平,唯有生蠔無限量供應,這個價錢值得一試。其他炸的食物都像從氣炸鍋出來的一樣,明顯是冷藏食品。壽司更不用說了,直接把飯冰到硬硬的,吃了一口便不想再吃。飲料很差,所有飲品味道都很淡,像混了水似的。唯一可取的甜點是雪糕,有4款口味。其他甜點都像設計給糖尿病患者吃似的,淡而無味。最讓人摸不著頭腦的是焦糖燉蛋,只是死甜死甜的,根本吃不到甚麼味兒來。我們一家4人去吃,這價錢去別的餐廳吃好吃的也能吃飽。試試就好,不用再去。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-08-01
從來自助餐我都唔會有咩要求,由其係lunch…點知黎左一間真係好劣下既lunch buffet.我明大部分人(包括我自己)都會講,你俾咩價錢,就咩質素啦!呢個真係明。不過今次有d難受。食物選擇少,我明。環境唔係咁好,我都明。但係食物唔新鮮,d 蜆有沙重有d臭,真係忍唔到。海鮮類唔再講啦….講下熟食,連雞翼都唔入味….唔好講個d 牛柳啦…最好食只係個白汁龍利柳。 甜品,咩都有試下。其實都唔使諗,食多兩杯 Haagen Dazs 埋單走人。不可一,不可再。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
回本必食:1. 封門柳:牛肉味濃!七成熟,香嫩多肉汁!極品!2. 哈根達斯雪糕:四種味道任揀任食,朱古力、士多啤梨、曲奇、雲呢拿其他推介:1.煙三文魚:新鮮,口感肥美豐滿,味道恰到好處2.刺身種類多,包括三文魚、吞拿魚、北寄貝、希靈魚等,但沒有甜蝦3.沙律:火箭菜,羅馬生菜,紅菜頭….種類多不勝數,非常新鮮,簡單的薯仔沙律亦很好吃4. 甜品:tiramisu 非常好,還有楊枝甘露,麵包布丁, 藍莓芝士蛋糕,熱情果慕絲雪糕,朱古力慕絲杯,士多啤梨慕絲杯,桂花糕,啫喱,整體滿意服務:廚師勤力添加食物,從冇冷場。切肉的廚師伯伯非常有禮。服務員非常資深,敬業樂業,非常勤快,收碟速度快,態度殷勤有禮,值得嘉許。沒太多相,要照顧小孩子,相片可參考其他食評!推介推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-07-22
Novotel嘅buffet出名抵食,所以耐唔耐都會同朋友去吓。雖然款式唔係好多,不過百零蚊,仲想點🤣通常等一樣係食刺身,一大盤隨便夾,去得快上菜都上得好快,三文魚同希靈魚都ok嘅。之後就會食牛同少少熱菜,因為選擇唔多,所以食少少就ok啦,今日嘅牛燒得ok喎,太熟就唔好味。食完肉就會食啲菜,沙律菜唔錯,好新鮮,食多少少都ok,可以隔一隔啲甜品,好似冇咁肥。最後梗係雪糕同甜品啦,今日除咗tiramisu,其餘都麻麻地,食兩啖已經想放棄。。。都係轉戰雪糕,穩穩陣陣食返幾個哈根達斯,最後整杯咖啡,就拜拜啦😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-07-20
今次係第二次去Novotel食自助餐,記得第一次對佢嘅印象唔錯,印象中係性價比高嘅自助餐, $300左右,平靚正!但係失望的是今次加咗價$344,仲同網站所描述的有所出入🥲,好似蟹腳、釀蟹蓋、羊肉咖喱配薄餅,呢幾樣都係我哋好想食而去都係冇嘅😔可能今次主題係星馬菜,菜式上冇咁吸引,而朋友最期待嘅一樣——生蠔,亦都細隻咗好多,入口冇一種好鮮甜嘅感覺!生蠔每次每人可以拎兩隻,記得上次去要排隊先至可以拎,今次食自助餐好冷清,師傅不停開蠔,反而係擺晒啲蠔喺度等人去拎。不過不得不讚嘅係,佢哋啲甜品都幾出色!其中我同朋友都十分喜歡Tiramisu 同Cream Brûlée !提拉米蘇夠濕潤,二法式焦糖燉蛋入面好Creqmy!總結係佢啲甜品出色過主菜!我哋每人都食咗幾杯😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)