Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
肘翅 凍花蟹 唐翠響螺片 荀鵝片 鮑翅
Review (47)
Level3 2017-06-15
差不多每星期都有兩朝來這酒樓嘆茶食早餐 ,吃得飽。品質有保証,價錢算平,坐得舒服又不會太嘈。門口裝修平凡。樓底有少少矮,但好彩每枱也足夠的空間,不會感覺逼。侍應姨姨服務也很熱情,跟我也有講有笑,雖然是寒暄幾句,但也感受到她們的人情味😉平日孖寳都只是hkd30, 跟食個西式早餐的價錢差不多,但就會飽肚些, 因有飯也有包。選擇也算多, 上面的6款選1款,再加下面8款選1款。煎蛋牛肉飯 - 雞蛋是全熟的, 適合消化系統一般的我送上飯時是連蓋的, 不即時食也可以把蓋蓋上,保存溫度。 豉油也是另上的, 可按自己的喜好加多少,又或者選擇不加牛肉也很腍,沒有渣瑤柱鮮蝦菜苗餃  -  夠大件, 皮薄,餡料豐滿,上枱時仍是熱騰騰。在我來說,價錢相宜,有服務,食物有質素,值得光顧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-05-27
因為爸爸喜歡吃中菜,所以今日一家人黎到九龍城嘅佳寧娜飲茶食潮州菜。人唔多唔使等,仲見到有幾張吉枱。我地點左以下食物:麻麻哋份量少得驚人呢個幾特別,其他酒樓未見過,其實係糯米嚟嘅,金黃色幾靚吖呢個我覺得做得麻麻,味道好似加左一種香料咁不過不失啦。裏面嘅油炸鬼好香好脆唔錯!雞翼不過不失啦黃金伊麵我每次來都要食,因為真係好正面頭脆脆地加埋糖同醋簡直係一流總結: 環境OK坐得舒服,不過價錢貴五個人食咗$567唔係好抵食囉亦唔係每款點心都好食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-02-01
農曆新年,鬧哄哄的又過了。經過四日公眾假期,今天開工了!開工午餐,當然和Honey一齊!農曆年,還是吃中餐吧!所以,來到佳寧娜。可能是公眾假期剛過,有些人還未開工,茶樓人不多。我點了蠔仔肉碎粥。「新正頭」,吃粥(吃足)!一碗份量也挺大的,可以盛五六個小碗。蠔仔新鮮,湯頭很甜!只有我和Honey兩個人,所以,就點了點心拼盤。共四款點心:蝦餃、潮州粉果、糯米卷和水晶包,各兩件,二人剛剛好!蝦餃非常大隻!要分兩口才吃得完!皮很薄,滿口蝦肉,真材實料。而其他點心,潮州粉果和水晶包,放久了,澄麵的麵皮也沒有變硬,真好!另外,我們又點了蟹籽小籠包。同樣很大個,一口吃不完。裏面的肉汁很甜,一咬下去,肉汁淺出來!滿口肉湯。蝦餃、潮州粉果、小籠包、水晶包……全是脹卜卜的→→荷包滿滿!好意頭!祝各位開工大吉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-01-18
The Dim Sum is great irrespective of the time of ordering your food. It's just that you get a discount if you order before so if you're having a late breakfast or early lunch, why not?Dim Sum is not the same everywhere. Here it's freshly made rather than sitting under a heat lamp as in some of the other Kowloon City Dim Sum restaurants. It's always hot. And best of all it doesn't appear as popular as the alternatives so it doesn't get noisy until 12:30 ishWashrooms are a bit of a disappointment but I've experienced worse. Try it you'll enjoy it, for sure. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-31
這間酒樓下午茶冇咩人,平安夜的關係吧。咖哩魷魚好味,好香的,又爽口,鮮腐竹卷好正,外面不是炸的,係鮮嫩的,好味呀。入面肉唔算多。啱啱好!馬拉糕好味,好淋好軟好香,叉燒包也是,好香,叉燒味道okay,唔肥的,good.黑松露燒賣,好爽口,黑松露唔算出味,蝦爽口的,唔算好肥,好味呀。糯米飯好粘呀,蛋絲,葱花,花生,蝦米,臘肉,都好豐富的。這間酒樓都幾好味。地點在九龍城廣場,只是廁所好怪,只是有兩格,男女同用的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)