Restaurant: KAGURA

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Exit C, Kai Tak Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 16:00
17:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (19)
Level4 2025-01-02
今日係1月1號同屋企人食燒肉慶祝新一年,非常開心。以前已經嚟過食午餐,覺得唔錯,所以今晚揀呢一間嚟慶祝,對呢間餐廳都好有信心,今晚食完後,果然冇揀錯!和牛及未來牛拼盤 $548有四款牛肉,兩款和牛同兩款未來牛必須先食和牛,和牛牛油味強,油脂分布好靚,味道清香,好嫩滑,入口即溶未來牛牛肉味較重,濃味一些,要之後先食同樣香滑,較有咬口壺漬和牛肋條肉(120g) $198牛肋條軟腍腍,牛肉質感彈性強已經醃咗味道,但唔會過鹹厚切牛舌 $138牛舌厚身,爽口甘香有油脂,入口即溶滴少少檸檬,平衡返油膩感慢煮未來牛石鍋炒飯 $118熱辣辣送上, 牛肉卷成玫瑰花狀,上面放上蛋撈埋一齊, 蛋黃香濃, 牛肉半生熟,好正炒飯底有飯焦好香口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Airside 見有「未來牛」燒肉, 一於試試。星期一中下午1:30。2位, 唔駛等, 環境雅致, 服務好。原來未來牛特別飼養,肉質細滑,肉味香濃,脂肪分佈均勻,肉不膩, 不鞋,有入口即溶的感覺。 讚1) A4和牛壽喜燒$288 menu相就好像好大份, 但實物只是1人細份量, 唔抵食。 貴2) 美國牛肋肉+ 澳州橫隔肉 $148 每樣3片, 肉質都好滑, 有牛香3) 追加未來牛肋肉 $78真係好滑, 好正。唔會像和牛咁膩, 要試。4) 京蔥牛舌 $48. 完全唔韌, 好好味。5) 飲品巨峰燒酎梳打$48 味道就普通, 唔係太抵。總評。燒肉值得試。 真係好好滑。服務. 員工有禮貌, 讚環境, 舒適 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-15
門口帶位的女士安排超級差,六人去食飯,但裏面只有一張六人枱,要等佢地食完先至可以我地入去,睇住有張二人枱埋單走人,而隔離四人枱已經叫人碌卡埋單,佢竟然話人哋碌完卡埋咗單唔一定走,一定要佢地咗先至可以安排,但係呢佢就照安排兩個人入去坐底,這位女士安排超級差, 完全唔睇下人哋撳飛時間及等咗幾耐 ,不會幫襯吒間嘢永遠不會 永遠不會永遠不會永遠不會永遠都會幫襯呢間嘢永遠不會幫襯呢間嘢 不會推薦朋友食呢間嘢 絕不推薦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-12
Missing my anniversary trip to Japan hit hard, but we turned it around with a delicious yakiniku feast instead! We ordered a two-person set for about $1000 and a sake that cost over $800. The food was top-notch, but service was surprisingly underwhelming. The atmosphere felt cramped and noisy, with not enough table space for our feast. I even requested a bigger table but was told there wasn’t one available. What's the point of a reservation? Overall, great food but how about some better service next time?#Yakiniku #Foodie #JapanFood #AnniversaryDinner #Sake continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
中秋補假遲起身,見Airside比較少人,就睇下有咩好食。最後12:00開始等,等咗半個鐘就有位。同屋企人試咗佢哋lunchtime嘅定食,性價比超級高😋。定食🍚 珍珠米飯粒粒分明,好香口,配埋燒肉一齊食,真係無得頂。🍲 芝麻麻油海帶湯清甜嘅海帶湯,帶有濃郁嘅芝麻香味,好好味!🥬 泡菜唔會太辣,酸酸甜甜,正好解膩。🥗 未來牛沙律清新爽口,未來牛嘅牛味道好出,食第一口嘅時候好surprised!估唔到喺香港都可以食到日本嘅味道。佢個牛配埋沙律菜好夾。🥩 冷盤牛肉帶有淡淡甜味,有誠意。燒肉🍖 未來牛助肉肉質嫩滑,入口即溶,牛味超級重,再一次被未來牛驚艷!🐷 五日市豚肉眼及豚腩肉豬眼肉同豚腩肉都好juicy,燒得外脆內嫩。🥩 未來牛西冷未來牛西冷肉質結實,味道濃郁。個人覺得冇未來牛助肉咁好食,但都好好食。🐄 美國牛助肉及澳洲橫隔膜肉兩款牛肉都好有嚼勁,但都真係冇未來牛肉咁好食。🍲 石鍋泡菜未來牛拌飯熱辣辣嘅石鍋飯,泡菜酸酸甜甜同未來牛嘅組合絕配,每啖都好滋味。🐔 追加:雞腿肉雞腿肉正常發揮。🦑追加: 魷魚魷魚彈牙,有鮮味,配埋調味醬汁,簡單又好味。🍡 蕨餅蕨餅口感Q彈,撒上黃豆粉,甜而不膩,完美嘅甜品收尾。最後4個人,叫左5個餐,埋單人均$200。Consider佢晚餐嘅價錢,呢個lunch真心性價比高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)