Exit C2/ H, Kowloon Tong MTR Station
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Delectable Cantonese specialities and exceptional value make the House of Canton a popular venue for customers of all ages.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 00:00
09:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
星期日屋企人book 咗枱喺呢間到食晚飯,喺又一城求其揾一間酒樓食我地book 咗枱,咁入到去果陣埋去一張枱諗住坐低,點知待應姐姐話呢張唔得,佢話有客訂咗菜, 其實我哋都訂咗 , 點知佢話有人訂咗菜 ,所以叫我地去隔離張摺枱,其實兩張都係摺枱都有留座牌嘅,🙄 可能留咗比熟客,但我有非常差嘅感覺但之後坐低食,到我地食完都唔見果張枱有人坐,我心諗唯一係啲嘢食上得好快,但好細碟.. 嘢食普通,以為係高級酒樓點知嘢食麻麻總括而言,感覺招呼熟客好落力,不過都正常嘅,做開熟客生意,生客唔係好志在咁一個拼盤 二個煲一個湯,埋單成千蚊,嘢食唔係特別好食,性價比就見仁見智, 但係我唔會去第二次😐
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25%漏單率的計算標準:2個人點咗4樣食物:章魚肉餅蒸飯、帶子菜苗餃、花菇魚肚棉花雞、日式醬燒釀茄子,點4樣,有1樣冇嚟,仲要催促4次,結果埋單時取消了!又一城關閉2個月重開,今天來吃午餐,好好生意,13:30仍要等位,等1張,5分鐘入座,坐218號枱,13:42入單點了4樣食物。第1樣上的是帶子菜苗餃,好多菜!我喜歡!第2樣上的是花菇魚肚棉花雞,雞肉去皮,不油膩,我也喜歡!其他2樣,沒有來,催第1次,日式醬燒釀茄子來了,茄子微溫,感覺已經放凉了!章魚肉餅蒸飯,仍然未來,再催了3次!結果取消埋單!全部事實,100%經得起Open Rice legal review!
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二個人,飲茶先燒肉細細件,但皮脆肉有肥瘦之分,整,芋角也脆卜卜,不油膩頭暈暈梗係要食川芎魚云la , 味道整加一籠鳳爪,不錯。奶黃飽,今次差了,沒有奶王汁流出,失望😑
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Since it's a Sunday, there was a long wait (40 min.). But the worst part was that the staff was grossly negligent and failed to enter our order of 炒河. After finishing our dimsum we waited and waited but it never came. When we inquired they then told us it was missing from our order. We asked how long we would have to wait and they said another 15 or more minutes. We gave up and swore never to come back. The food was so-so anyway and overpriced.
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