4-min walk from Exit B2, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
This takeaway chain specializes in Taiwanese rice rolls. The artisan rice roll is made to order. It offers many flavours and several sauces for you to select. Besides, some drinks with Taiwanese flavour and healthy themes are also provided, which is a good fast food and teatime choice. continue reading
Opening Hours
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Mon - Sun
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Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:30
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 21:30
*Mon-Sun: 11:00-21:30 Public Holiday Eve: 11:00-21:30 Public Holiday: 11:00-21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay BoC Pay OpenRice Pay UnionpayQR
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Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (103)
《阿杏飯團 - 觀塘》作為一個要周圍去唔同地點返工嘅打工仔,食飯時間唔定時,好多時我都要買定乾糧喺車度食,然後即刻趕佢返工,不過而家天氣咁熱,冇理由喺條街企喺度食㗎嘛😐所以有陣時都要搵定啲輕食可以俾我喺自己嘅空間慢慢咁嘆🥸今次收工同個同事買咗阿杏飯團然後上我車度食lunch😌呢間飯團主要做外賣為主,位於駱駝漆大廈門口嘅位置,好易搵到,啱晒附近做嘢嘅OL買返公司😆我哋兩個各人都買咗一個飯團同埋一杯飲品,凡惠顧飯糰配奶茶、清茶或特飲系列,即享85折優惠👍🏻💁🏻‍♀️金沙鹹蛋飯團 $36一睇個Menu,我就已經決定要食呢個金沙鹹蛋飯團,拎上手熱辣辣又脹卜卜,勁重手🤣感覺食完飽到夜晚都唔使再食啊🤭一咬開就見到有大量鹹蛋黃、小小黃瓜同脆米😝食得到落咗少少蛋黃醬,同個鹹蛋黃融合埋一齊好濃味,個飯團係用紫米製作,都係我好鍾意嘅米飯之一🫶🏻如果細食嘅人可以考慮一個飯團兩份分🤗又或者當兩餐咁樣食都絕對夠飽😌💁🏻‍♀️新宿燒汁牛扒飯團 $40同事嗰個燒汁牛扒飯團食落甜甜地,應該係照燒汁來的,牛扒食落有口感,食得到用黑椒醃過,同樣入面都有脆米、青瓜同埋沙律醬做調味,感覺上比起我個金沙鹹蛋飯團更大件🤓我同事食完個肚都突埋出嚟💁🏻‍♀️黑糖珍珠奶茶 $29今次試咗黑糖珍珠奶茶,欣賞佢嘅珍珠本身自帶甜味而且咬落煙靭,個奶茶底係傳統台式飲品嗰一款奶茶,由於珍珠本身有甜味,所以我建議茶底要叫微糖就啱啱好啦💁🏻‍♀️橙意滿滿 $36同事唔太好有奶嘅飲品,所以佢叫咗杯味道比較清新嘅橙意滿滿,飲得到有果肉嘅味道,其實就係橙茶嘅一種,本身我都覺得比較甜,所以都建議要少甜喔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-06
一直都未試過的阿杏飯團係觀塘開左間分店,終於可以買回家試下啦店仔細細,但食物選擇都好多估唔到飯團可以有咁多變化除左豬牛雞啖啖肉系列,仲有咸蛋黃系列,芝士系列,海鮮系列同素菜系列飯團有套餐,加杯手搖飲品, 價錢更抵食👍🏻飯團的餡料極多,色彩繽紛,令人食慾大增之前一直無為意,原來飯團的飯是用上紫米, 唔單止顏色靚,仲令飯團更煙韌有咬口。啖啖肉系列新宿燒汁牛扒飯團燒汁好野味,牛肉加有少少辣,更醒胃。 牛扒切成細塊,方便一口一塊。肉鬆入面仲有脆粒粒。多重口感。咸蛋雞扒飯團咸蛋以蛋黃為主,無想像中咁濃味,口感清新,加埋無皮雞肉,感覺健康之前一直都驚食飯團唔夠飽,但原來飯團是好多料,好重手,食左半舊已經飽飽地🤭最鐘意佢夠熱,而且熱度都keep 得幾耐,拎到回家都仲係熱的飲品叫左黑糖珍珠奶茶同奶蓋四季香黑糖珍珠奶茶好驚喜,有茶味,有奶香, 珍珠軟硬適中,唔怪得係店鋪推介👍🏻奶蓋四季春,奶蓋好綿密,咸咸甜甜,配上四香春的茶香,非常解膩。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-31
飯團真係我嘅all time fav❤️有時諗唔到食咩又或者好趕住KO一餐飯團就係我嘅好朋友😘呢間充滿台式風味嘅 #阿杏飯團 成日見啲朋友食早排終於有機會試下🤩🍙 爆漿芝士雞扒飯團 $48估唔到一嚿飯團入面可以塞滿咁多配料首先最有驚喜一定係拉絲芝士果然係貨真價實嘅爆漿芝士系列🧀入面仲有生菜、燒汁雞肉、沙律醬、菜脯等等最鍾意係軟糯糯嘅飯團入面有脆卜卜嘅油條碎成個飯團口感十足👍🏻飽肚感亦十足👍🏻👍🏻🍙 金沙鹹蛋雞扒飯團 $46呢款係鹹蛋黃做主角煙煙靭靭嘅紫糯米入面包住有顆粒嘅鹹蛋黃鹹香味十足之餘口感亦好得意襯埋肉鬆同雞扒超夾🤩🧋 四季檸檬茶 $30香水檸檬加埋四季春又係另一番風味鍾意手打檸檬茶嘅一定都會鍾意呢款飲品🧋橙意滿滿 $36真係誠意滿滿~充滿香橙味嘅茶飲入面仲有粒粒果肉添呀🍊飯團+飲品當套餐咁嗌仲有85折而且大份又用料十足真係好值得推介👍🏻我見佢仲有好多款式嘅配料, 例如:煙肉、鴨胸、烤腸、牛扒、八爪魚等等下次真係要再嚟試下😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-07
阿杏飯團的芝士雞扒飯團、咸蛋雞扒飯團和鮮橙養樂多,以及茉香奶蓋綠茶都是不能錯過的美食!芝士雞扒飯團🫶🏻外皮酥脆,內里軟糯,加上滿滿的芝士和雞肉,每一口都充滿了豐富的口感。咸蛋雞扒飯團👀則是一道更為新穎的美食,咸蛋的咸香與雞扒的鮮美相結合,味道十分獨特。鮮橙養樂多😆夏日的絕佳選擇,新鮮的橙汁與養樂多的結合,帶來了清涼的口感,彷彿瞬間消散了夏日的炎熱。茉香奶蓋綠茶🍵濃郁的茉莉花香與奶蓋的甜香相結合,口感豐富,清新怡人。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-07
I've been hearing about A Xing rice rolls for a long time. Every time I see someone with one, I'm like, "Man, I gotta try that!" 😋 Finally got the chance today, and let me tell you, it was worth the wait! 😆 The Kwun Tong Lok Ma Chau branch was easy to find. I grabbed two rice rolls and two drinks to share with the fam. 😋 Didn't expect so many options for rolls and drinks, had me feeling a bit overwhelmed! 🤣 The food was made to order, so we had to wait a bit. But hey, good things come to those who wait, right? And let me just say, everything was fresh and piping hot!Oh, and can we talk about their packaging? So vibrant and eye-catching! 😝First up was the Chicken Chop with Cheese Rice Roll ($48). Talk about cheesy goodness! As soon as I opened the packaging, I was greeted by overflowing cheese. The chicken chop was huge and tender, and with the addition of pork floss and pickled vegetables, it felt like I was eating a classic Hong Kong-style rice roll. It was like a taste of home!Then, there was the Teriyaki Sauce Steak Rice Roll ($40). Holy moly, that steak was massive! Thick, juicy, and loaded with toppings, just like the first one. Definitely filled me up! 🤣Now, onto the drinks. Went for the Freshly Ground Nutritious Drinks:Black Sesame Soya Milk ($22). Not only is this stuff packed with calcium, but it's also a skin savior. Went for the less sweet option to keep it healthy.Purple Sweet Potato with Rose Flavour Smoothie ($24). This drink had the prettiest purple color, thanks to all that sweet potato goodness. Perfect for cozying up on those chilly rainy days we've been having lately. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)