4-min walk from Exit B2, Kwun Tong MTR Station
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The brand focuses on its own roasted specialty coffee beans, and coffee courses are held from time to time. The restaurant offers espresso based and hand drip coffee, as well as all-day breakfast, pasta, bagels and other light meals. It is a good choice for coffee fans in Kwun Tong.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 18:00
Wed - Sat
12:00 - 18:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Online Booking Service Not Available
Signature Dishes
同朋友去到觀塘食少少野傾吓計,要搵一個舒服得來又靜靜地嘅地方,真係要花啲心思去搵搵先得,然後就俾我哋搵到一間小店經營 — 手工咖啡豆專賣店Blueberry Bagel $18淨係想食少少野所以就淨係嗌左一件 Bagel,有唔少地方做嘅 Bagel 口感比較靭口,但係呢度完全冇呢一個問題,反而中間麵包果層做得軟綿綿,整個 Bagel 好容易去切開,再搽上🫐藍莓醬好食!Hot Latte $34咖啡豆用左 House Blend,先有果香嘅味道,帶有少少嘅微酸容易入口,中後段仲有朱古力味跳出,有層次更有特色,呢款 House Blend 有心思👍🏻 同時間泡沫打得棉密,咖啡拉花嘅花形優美而突出。
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一踏入餐廳,比我一種很舒服的感覺☺️男侍應又十分有禮貌及斯文,由於我們是第一批人客,可以自由挑選座位😁當大家選擇好的時候,便落order ,原來要先付款😅由於我喜歡Mocha 多朱古力,所以特別要求tailor made for me 😁我等等下,覺得有些不妥,為什麼40分鐘仍然未有嘢食,我查詢一下才知道漏單,我立即好down 🥲!只有兩張枱,都可以漏單⋯⋯,我知道她是無心,但運作模式真的有待改善!我說我要趕回公司,所以她加快速度,而且立即送上「手冲咖啡」給我作賠償,可是如果他可以先諮詢我的意見,我會告訴他,我喜歡食cake 多一些😂!我沒有發脾氣,因為知道小店經營,人手不足⋯⋯自行取餐後,用9秒9KO ,不能用心品嚐,真的有點可惜!我很多謝他仍然記得我想食天使麵,因為原本只有長通粉!
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Went here for a afternoon caffeine boost as we wandered around the industrial eateries. They have a lot of freshly roasted beans. Of coz coffee is good when you have fresh roasted beans. It has good aroma and a full body. I always love a nutty bitter aftertaste. For some reason it is very quiet, so you have chat with your bestie and have a nice cuppa here. You can always buy the beans for your own coffee at home. Both the espresso tonic and the piccolo are good.
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自家烘焙咖啡豆🙊超過十款選擇💡得獎咖啡豆環境幾舒服,適合傾計/一個人享受Metime慢煮雞胸絲蕃茄西柚醬酸種包🥗伴哈蜜瓜沙律😙賣相不錯,算清新配搭,唔要牛油果醬🥑就換西柚醬,麵包亦可以揀貝果🥯/拖鞋包/牛角包🥐今日試。洪都拉斯。雪莉豆 幾特別的一杯☕️充滿雲呢拿味🌿甜度比較高,見咖啡師好有誠意,第一杯試完味,決定再沖多一杯,證明好認真好嚴格💮門外仲有多款咖啡豆發售,店員都有細心逐一介紹食物:7.5/10環境:7.5/10服務:9/10性價比:8/10
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見到網上review唔錯,食完同朋友都一致覺得啲野食好難食 個creme brulee 嘅焦糖面燶哂,塊焦糖又硬又厚,食入口有𤓓味Bosque cheesecake 出面微暖但係裡面又凍又硬,最奇怪係入面有舊死實嘅咸蛋黃,好難食😢 (都唔知係咪由中秋放到而家)咖啡非常一般。叫左海鹽焦糖咖啡 ,唔覺得咖啡香,同連鎖coffee shop差唔多咁。朱古力咖啡冇乜咖啡味。餐廳open kitchen但係通風差,一煮野食就好大油煙一定唔會再黎😓
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