4-min walk from Exit B3, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
Level4 2020-12-27
木耳既份量都算多, 不過冇咩味道,又唔覺得酸又唔覺得辣,但唔係店鋪既錯,我睇真D人地個menu 只係寫住涼拌耳,冇講過係酸辣, 唔知點解一食木耳就expect左佢係酸辣鋪頭出面寫住依個係招牌菜又有圖片睇, 滿心期望, 點知不外如是,係熱辣辣既, 但味道分得好開,蛋還蛋,餃還餃, 同分開炒隻蛋再放上去冇咩分別,依個好快凍哂,所以一上菜就要盡快食餡料味道不錯又多肉,但皮比較厚,特別係頂既部分, 食食下我都係剩係食個餡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-07-14
有日經過旺角,成日冇食野又心血來潮想食小籠包。啱啱路過哩間禹小籠就傻傻地拱左入去。叫得禹小籠,咁小籠包應該最出名...掛。咁我就叫左5隻小籠包啦,25蚊。5蚊一隻,emmmmm...送上黎,咬落去其實都係ok既。只不過佢個皮比較厚(其實唔應該用比較兩個字,厚就真係幾厚)佢個肉餡就算係還好,唔特別好食。湯唔算多,湯係有既但肉太乾,吸收唔到湯汁。整體小籠包太乾,進步空間一定有既。整體環境較狹隘,但旺角就係咁架喇。檯面算乾淨,但都可以比返隻羹黎食小籠包唔洗淨係用筷子既。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2020-03-13
Many foods available on same street and surrounding but decided to tryout this one because their logo was sharp, bright, plus an open kitchen.We ordered takeout as it was already late, 2000hrs, and did not want to overwhelm our stomach. Shanghaiese dumpling and pan fried gyoza were ordered and 20 mins later reached home.Overall comment was that their interior meat was tasty and flavored. We felt a little bit rich in taste perhaps we usually ate less sugar and salt in general. We didn't put addiotnal sauces and we felt it had enough. However, skins for both were thick and quite hard to chew. It could be the reason that we didn't dine in and it had sat inside takeout box over 20 mins to reach home. We would think if dine in whole served hot and fresh it will be better.Server spoke Mandarin, perhaps a Taiwanese, while another lady inside was cook and able to speak Cantonese. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-01-23
呢晚上完堂都夜,諗住搵地方簡單醫下肚就返家。經過見到呢間唔駛等位就入去食。叫咗個套餐,揀咗個三鮮小餛飩+招牌小籠包首先,小餛飩個皮完全唔知想點,食落有少少膠膠地感覺。另外佢入面個饀得一舊仔唔知咩肉,唔知何來三鮮,而個湯底味精勁重😖到個小籠包,個賣相已經超級唔討好,細粒都算,個皮同入面d肉又係又乾又冇汁,簡單講,無論餛飩定小籠包都衰過食公仔點心!😤呢間嘢明顯係大陸人主理,有個負責收銀嘅阿姐只講普通話唔識講廣東話,另外兩個一男一女負責整嘢食嘅,唔戴口罩不特只,仲一邊煮食一邊不停講嘢未試過一間食店令我覺得咁差,只想快啲走人連相都費事影! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
行經旺角,見新開試下,小籠包,25蚊5隻,打開外賣盒一睇,迷你 size,皮又厚又硬又乾,硬到可以用1支牙籤倒轉篤實,竟然完全冇汁漏出,餡料又乾又鹹,鮮肉煎餃,35蚊8隻,同小籠包可以話係冇分別,一咬落口仲多左一種生油味,極度難食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)