3-min walk from Exit A1, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
94975070 (WhatsApp)
It is an upper-floor bar and café in Mong Kok. They provide different types of board games, western cuisine and cocktails. They specially provide rainbow shot for birthday customers. continue reading
Opening Hours
16:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
16:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (114)
黑面服務要乞求野食 最後賣單$14xxHKD!真心建議花時間睇睇依篇文章 絕不後悔!全晚得兩個女仔係開房式廚房煮野有一個負責落單同接客同沖野飲成晚差唔多20幾個人得2個女仔煮野根本就出唔切餐 但又係咁接客一坐低發現地下有紙巾掉左係度冇清理叫左6個主食2個小食boardgame款式偏舊都係好簡單經典遊戲浪人殺、小王子、少量輕策例如花磚無重策game亦都冇戲子game對於玩開 boardgame嘅朋友應該會覺得好無癮 我地等到好肚餓 所以等左半小時問會唔會有小食出到可以食住先佢地黑面語氣都幾大聲話仲煮緊,等下啦!見到隔離台遲過我地但就出左小食比佢地先我地都未有得食 問左幾次都冇 好似乞求野食咁最後等左1小時45分鐘終於有一碟意粉食物方面:意粉似係用家樂牌粉溝水煮,意粉份量少唔飽肚意粉汁好水同埋味度稀 鴨胸好細 得2塊 每碟意粉約$168-$188唔理解點解要煮咁耐先可以出到一碟意粉中環cafe餐廳中午時段都係咁嘅價位 人地會用鮮食煮醬汁同埋份量至少飽肚唔會餓仲有靚景chill我地寧願比多一倍價係中環食至少出餐快態度好來依度都係想玩boardgame 感受下開心氣氛但完全係受氣挨餓!漢堡包皮好硬,有雪藏味,解凍唔夠 炸得唔夠耐再翻炸已經出哂油,賣相睇落正常但食落好失望我地個下先知原來m記漢堡係咁好食原諒我地真係等到好肚餓冇影相食 重點係份量少 食完都覺得唔飽飲品方面:份量偏少,見到放好多冰堆滿、落水少落糖醬多 飲落重藥水味 價格$58收+1服務費我地都有唔該前唔該後 但佢地一直黑面 語氣係唔想我地係度咁 埋單高達$1400 我地幾個人都覺得唔飽而且都感受唔到board game cafe個種好開心教人玩遊戲一齊邊食邊玩嘅氣氛好似洗左好多錢忍住肚餓等野食之後等到野食但食難食嘅野如果節日好多人一定等野食問題更嚴重等野食等得耐唔緊要但最後出來嘅野食係唔好食 Boardgame種類又唔算好玩 又收得貴真係唔推薦大家 我地都唔會再來了😢後來先發現原來好多人有咁嘅體驗廣告永遠都係夢幻泡影我地本來都唔想好似批評人地間店咁但體驗真係太差 好在依度仲係會可以批准分享真實體驗感受而唔係只接受比好評唔可以比其他睇法嘅平台🥹希望大家都搵到一間好味、食得開心又玩得開心嘅餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-20
朋友聚會好地方今次我地一行六人去棋吧搵食~勝在有board game 提供for funboard game 種類都幾多 每款有2-3三盒我地坐左4個鐘,邊食邊玩好滿足食物等候時間約45分鐘 因為餐廳得一個廚師備菜~專心玩其實啲時間好快過~香蒜蜆肉意粉個人比較喜歡爽口既意粉,意粉偏軟身🫨大推黑松露Pizza!!!pizza餅底好薄,好足料,黑松露好香,亦都好入味。成班朋友一致認為佢係最好味既一道菜式!小食拼盤各款炸物炸得幾好 薯條最搶手~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-11
原本只係想搵地方坐下休息下,二點零鐘入去無客,又無咩冷氣,個職員原來話要每人叫二杯飲品,或者一杯飲品加一個小食,聽到都想走。佢見我面有難色,就話一杯都得,但最多坐到七點,咁都ok嘅。叫左杯凍特濃朱古力,無咩味又唔夠凍,一杯收$52。坐到三點零四點鐘,個消防鐘不停地響,又尖又大聲又刺耳,嘈到耳都痛,個職員要手動㩒停佢,過一陣又再響,再㩒停,等左十幾分鐘都係咁循環不停,頂唔順走左……唔建議入黎呢度hea。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
完全係靠環境,食物質素好一般。如果想約下friend 傾偈玩下boardgame算ok. 但係啲game有啲舊,monopoly 個板爛咗😅 我哋有6點坐到10點,都幾舒服。地方唔嘈,但係除左我哋冇其他人🤣 最低消費係一個餐,包埋個飲,唔算好底又唔係好貴。個pizza都幾硬就唔建議食啦。好似返咗小學食個pizza. 咦?係一個好熟悉個味道阿!描述就係一個落咗好少芝士但係多甜番茄醬嘅pizza。味道好甜同時又好硬. 😅😅😅😅個意粉就正常, carbonara同橄欖油意粉小小辣但係都正常發揮。番茄意粉唔辣。整體好一般,唔好食又唔難食。個橄榄油意粉就真係得意粉,胡椒,油。雖然跟嘢飲,$118真係有啲貴😅🙈 個碟浸晒油!呢個價錢起碼我expect有啲蒜片,小小芝士,好啲就有啲煙肉/菜?!It's entirely dependent on the ambiance as the food quality is quite average. If you want to invite a friend to chat and play board games here, it's okay. But some of the games are old, and the Monopoly board is damaged. 😅 We sat from 6 o'clock until 10 o'clock, and it's quite comfortable.The place is not noisy, but besides us, there's no one else. 🤣The minimum spending is for one meal, including a drink. It's not too cheap, but it's not too expensive either.The pizza is quite hard, so I don't recommend eating it. It's like going back to eating pizza from elementary school. The description would be a pizza with very little cheese, a very sweet tomato sauce on a hard crust. 😅😭The pasta is normal. The carbonara and olive oil pasta are slightly spicy, but it's within the normal range. The tomato pasta is not spicy. Overall, it's just average, not bad but not great either.As for the olive oil pasta, it's really just pasta, pepper, and oil. Even though it comes with a drink, $118 is a bit expensive. 😅🙈 The dish is soaked in oil! At this price, I would expect some garlic slices, a little cheese, and maybe some bacon/vegetables to make it better?! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期六同朋友去食飯玩下board game吹下水唔經唔覺就5點幾玩到9點幾玩到佢地要關門先捨得走🤣野食叫左蘆筍煙肉意粉$118連一杯野飲個人覺得佢意粉係好食既而且份量都夠起碼女仔會覺得飽先玩既時候店員(定店主?)都唔會打擾環境都乾淨會再約fd去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)