6-min walk from Exit B, Fortress Hill MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (11)
Lei Garden offers Chinese cuisine, including a menu of the chef's choice and seasonal dishes. The Lei Garden Group has consistently pushed for innovation. It maintains high standards and make improvements on the existing menu based on customer's feedback, and more importantly to make room for new dishes. Over the last 30 years, more than a thousand new dishes have been perfected that way. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-18)
Good For
Business Dining
Group Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Thu
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB Diners Club
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Pan-fried Shark-Fin with Fresh Crab Meat Crispy Roasted Pork Grilled Lobster Steak Braised Abalone with Fresh Goose Liver Double-Boiled Sea-Whelk Soup
Review (59)
吾夠時間整糕,就吾應該賣咁多卷給客,去到北角又說無得拿糕,要客戶轉其它款式,一係就要2個幾鐘架車送糕來,離晒譜,下年不會再買呢間。咁樣安排取糕死得。根本吾應該叫客等,係利苑要預備夠貨給客戶,Black List,下年吾會再買 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-20
今晚又來吃飯,想試下新菜色,唔食雞唔食鴨,又唔想食豬,Honey 唔食魚,咁即是要食牛啦。見到菜牌有德州煎牛柳,一於試下啦。經常來吃晚飯,當然要樣樣試下,不要一成不變,除了點德州煎牛柳,還點了金銀蛋莧菜,一葷一素,營養均衡,健康配搭,今晚人不算多,菜餚很快上台,德州煎牛柳好大好大碟,真是有點驚喜 。侍應姐姐來幫忙剪開牛柳,牛柳煎得香香地,不是全熟 ,但又不會太生,剛剛好。急不及待試下,牛柳鮮香柔軟,有啲脂肪有啲筋,但係就好好味,越嚼越香,吃不停口,要上好的食材才有這樣的鮮味,廚師功夫了得,不枉我們經常來幫襯。金銀蛋莧菜也好好食,莧菜嫩綠用上湯和金銀蛋煮, 特別惹味,兩個菜都非常出色,這一餐值90分,好好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
如果你唔係熟客,就唔好旨意幫襯呢類住宅區內嘅酒樓會食得順氣。因為要趕住用埋之前食利苑夠$2000送嘅$200現金禮券,所以今日諗住來食少少嘢用埋佢。但估唔到呢度叫得利苑都做到咁肉酸,咁令人失望。即片皮鴨半隻 ($230)一坐低見到隔離檯食緊片皮鴨,所以我地跟風叫片皮鴨 可惜,即燒?是違反商品說明條例嗎?居然落單後幾分鐘就上到菜,仲快過我碟菜芯炒牛肉上菜。除咗籠餅皮係熱到有蒸汽出之外,碟片皮鴨係凍嘅,試問佢有可能係即燒嗎?我地叫得半隻,難道就係隔離檯食剩嗰半隻嗎?講返個鴨,半隻鴨切咗11塊皮出來,基本切成12塊是常識吧?味道方面,一啲片皮鴨嘅酥香味都冇,正中間嗰塊仲有好臭嘅羶味(常見於鴨屎忽嘅味道🤮)籠餅皮都好離譜,總共12塊餅皮,但佢居然係4塊交疊成一層,合共三層,連蒸籠紙都咁慳皮?食開皮鴨嘅人都知,啲餅皮黏埋一齊係幾難搣開架啦,即使我去屋村酒樓同小店食嘅片皮鴨,都會係每一層餅皮用蒸籠紙隔住,唔會容許佢哋黏埋一齊。片皮鴨嘅配料都好縮水,佢每束京蔥只用一粒辣椒仔箍住,但係得6束邊夠分?菜芯炒牛肉 ($150)牛肉和菜芯都好乾,唔講以為食緊乾炒菜芯牛肉乾,連茶餐廳級數都不如。唯一值得可取之處係肯定佢係即叫即炒,因為係熱嘅,唔似得上述嘅凍片皮鴨。而家利苑真係慳皮,每個牙籤套內得1支單頭牙籤。每個座位本身已經得1支牙籤,仲要一撩就斷咗。 我叫個遮遮俾過兩支我,佢行開咗之後冇咗回事。包括部長,部份員工嘅態度都好有問題。我眼見佢哋好似好唔願意做咁。舖設新檯時,將每一隻碟垂直拍在枱面上,令碟敲在枱上,造成的噪音真係好難頂呢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-10
如果說在旅行之後, 最掛念香港的, 必然是點心和傳統粵菜菜式, 在未有粵菜Fine Dining化之前, 利苑可算是高質粵菜的代表. 就算現在星級粵菜餐館成行成市, 利苑在我心目中的地位, 絕對比其他屋村酒樓又或是連鎖酒樓高得多, 除了是因為菜式水準外, 也是因為它對現代粵菜的貢獻, 以及老闆陳老先生的傳奇性.今次來到北角的分店, 原來已有四十多年歷史, 基本上有城市花園就有這家利苑. 可惜的是, 點心水準的參差, 令人失望. 燒賣無論是大小和味道, 和叮叮點心的分別不太大, 不再吃得出蝦肉及冬菇等材料的味道與層次. 蝦餃皮太厚, 內裡和蝦肉餡黏在一起, 也令我搖頭嘆息. 楊枝甘露由利苑發明, 但吃起來椰奶味和西柚的苦味, 比芒果果味突出, 比不少坊間的糖水舖更差.保持水準的, 就是其蘿蔔類的點心, 蘿蔔絲酥餅外層酥香, 層次分明, 煎蘿蔔糕的外表香脆. 蘿蔔甘甜, 沒有出水太多, 令其糊化. 我還是抱有一絲希望, 希望其回復水準, 不要不斷被摘星, 然後落得”泯然眾人矣”的命運.The North Point Branch of Lei Garden has been established for 40 years. Lei Garden is the legacy for HK Cantonese cuisine. It is quite sad that the quality of different branches had dropped a lot and had been removed in Michelin Guide. The sui mai is like the microwave goods and the shrimp dumplings are so sticky. The mango pudding is too bitter and too coconut while the mango flavour had gone. Only radish dim sum can keep the quality. It may not longer be the legacy but just a chain stored restaurant only. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-12-27
基本上這家分店啲客全部是都是附近的居民,所以一入去,年齡層都達到60+, 當然好處是服務生亦同樣長情,個個都返左幾十年。1- 食物質素仍然好正, 估計廚師都係同一班人2- 服務不在話下3- 樓底比較低,其他都幾好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)