It is a pet-friendly cafe and features grey colour. It mainly serves Italian dishes, such as seafood and steak. Besides, enjoy a cup of coffee from the partner Coffee Collective is also a good choice. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 20:30
Fri - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (145)
除酒店之外数码港环境最好的餐厅,白天cafe晚上bistro, food & beverage都很丰富的all day dining打卡型餐厅,味道还不错,不过就是开在这里没什么流量了。·店面宽敞,极简风格,farm-to-table是一大亮点,在这里能拥有坐在温室蔬菜面前吃饭的别样体验,厨房还配备有烤披萨的砖炉。·店以稀为贵,这句话适用于美食荒漠数码港的大部分餐厅。最划算的lunch set也能随随便便人均200+,就份量来看性价比真的不高,偶尔来改善下伙食还可以。·上菜不算快,赶时间就别来了,基本没服务,这10%给得不情不愿。能看出主菜是有摆盘的,虽然但是卖相真的一般。第二次来想吃的两道鱼都没有了,应该没有第三次。·【炭烤鸡扒配薯蓉】外皮焦香微脆,内里柔嫩多汁,入味十足,也不油腻,薯蓉质地绵滑,但黄油不会过重,吃完整盘也不腻。·【和牛脸颊意大利烩饭】这家调味整体克制,意面和烩饭都很清淡,吃下来没什么惊喜。好在beef cheek品质还是在线的,肉味浓郁、软腍柔韧。米饭嚼劲十足,收汁正好,既有黏糊糊的浓稠质地,也没有过多奶油。·【SOE热美式】用的好像是The coffee collective,选择了fruity豆是一支耶加雪菲,经典的花香、柑橘和佛手柑。整体能喝但干净度不够,酸度柔和圆润一些会更好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
✨ 今日和老公在Office附近的Intervals Farmacy享用了一頓美味的午餐,真心推介這間南區最好食的pizza店!✨🍽️ Lunch Set:$138起,包一款Starter和一款Main。我點了沙律和炭燒雞排 ($138),香草醬汁配上西蘭花苗、薯蓉和牛至,味道非常豐富。雞排外皮香脆,內裡多汁,配上香草醬汁,味道層次分明,令人回味無窮。老公則選了蘑菇忌廉湯和Marherita Para Ham Pizza ($178),湯香濃幼滑,蘑菇味道濃郁,口感絲滑。Pizza即叫即做,餅底煙靭,加上自家製蕃茄醬和芝士,滿滿的toppings,真係好好食!🍕🍷 飲品:飲品需要另加錢,Regular coffee / tea要加$25,Flat White要加$30。我們選了紅酒和白酒,竟然有侍酒師服務,整個體驗double up!白酒來自智利的Chardonnay,清新爽口,帶有淡淡的果香,非常適合配搭沙律和雞排。紅酒則是法國的Pinot Noir,口感柔順,帶有豐富的莓果香氣,與Pizza的濃郁味道相得益彰,驚喜連連!💰 雖然Lunch time人均$230算係偏貴,但當拍拖慢慢chill又好唔錯~ 食飽飽又努力返工做野~ 💪📍 Intervals Farmacy:南區必試餐廳,無論是食物質素還是服務都一流,絕對值得一試!👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-28
Before I booked this restaurant, I read the review on OpenRice, the review was not bad so we gave it a try. First, we ordered a burrata, then main course we ordered mushroom risotto and spicy clams spaghetti.Burrata: it was the worst burrata I ever had in my life, it was very dried and no dressing. We told the waitress, she was like.. Oh ok, I will tell the chef then no feedback afterwards. Mushroom risotto: was ok, at least it was hot.Spicy clams spaghetti: clams were cold and SMELLY! the fishy water came out when you bite it. It was disgusting!!!Conclusion: NEVER COME BACK AGAIN! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-06-14
So I ordered a set lunch for happy Friday and to my horror none of the items turned out right. The cauliflower soup of the day (forgot to even take a photo) although nicely presented was heavily volumized with flour and cheddar. I can barely taste any cauliflower in the soup and felt awful after drinking it.Further, the fish ordered was completely different from what was described on the menu. There were no lobster sauce nor shimeji mushroom per the set lunch menu. Although the fish was fresh and nicely cooked, pairing it with the ratatouille only brought out its fishy smell rather than complement it. As I was also trying to avoid carbs, I specifically ordered this carb less dish for a premium of $66, but to my dismay I was served with a giant portion of cheap mash. I didn’t bother complaining because I am certain I will be dismissed perfunctorily by the wait staff with some standard out of stock excuse.Not to mention the hygiene at the bar table was horrible. I swatted 2 fleas when I was waiting for my meal and more came to the table when my fish was served. For $218 and this kind of experience, this restaurant is permanently blacklisted from my personal list. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
湯係冇問題既幾好飲..但今日真係幾嬲.....真係好少話d 野係難食...見Menu寫住Spicy Garlic Spagetti with Tiger Prawn ($188),黎到得三隻平時蝦仁炒蛋既冰鮮蝦🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 同同事本身心都有疑問,但礙於趕住食完番公司...所以冇問咁多去到埋單同同事真心對店員發出疑問...店員先話Tiger Prawn 冇貨....所以廚房轉左料......what??!!!咁我地落單後都唔知冇貨嫁咩??又冇問我地o 唔ok.....🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️完全被欺騙 好唔值lor🫨🤥🙄😮‍💨咖啡加32蚊黎講質素可接受既 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)