Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
沙田有好味道既章魚燒了🐙😋同旺角中心 真. 章魚無雙同一班底!!餐牌一目了然,有各色各款嘅章魚燒,有6粒及8粒選選擇鍾意食海鮮嘅朋友有口福了,唔單止有蟹膏,仲有蟹籽仲有櫻花蝦章魚!-今次同朋友就先試蟹膏同明太子章魚燒先章魚燒飽滿,粉漿唔會過實,咬落頗軟熟,似半熟蛋糕的質感,餡料多,章魚軟腍彈牙有鮮,仲要大大粒!真心覺得好食!-蟹膏份量都絕對唔吝嗇,啖啖肉!而每粒明太子章魚燒面層都有大量明太子,鮮香微辛,而章魚燒醬汁有沙律醬、燒汁及木魚絲,份量恰到,味道相當有層次,一定會再返試唔同口味!下次我試吓蔥花章魚蔥先!因為見到有人點完係超爆量蔥花🤣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-19
行行下街好想食章魚燒,搵到開咗間專食章魚燒。見啲食評話好味就一於試試佢。Menu上有好多款選擇,仲有6粒同8粒揀。我哋兩個人就叫咗兩款味,一款大阪章魚燒,一款黑松露章魚燒。等咗一陣好快就有得拎,咁凍天氣食熱辣辣野啱哂。一食落口好驚口,食落去有兩粒大粒彈牙嘅章魚,而且食第一粒個陣個皮有少少脆嘅口感,呢個係我最鍾意嘅口感。不過之後幾粒無再食到脆脆地嘅外皮😂整得黎講好好味,而且側邊仲有一堆木魚配黎食我哋每人食完六粒之後都好飽下次沙田行街再試下其他味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日沙田行街,見到一間章魚燒嘅店!平時食嘅話就要去旺中或者葵廣,今次終於可以響沙田食到今日同朋友一齊又可以嗌多啲唔同嘅味道😋明太子章魚燒🐙 每次食章魚燒,必定嗌嘅口味😍明太子加埋明太子沙律醬超好味,鹹香鹹香蟹膏🦀滿滿嘅蟹膏😍上面仲有蟹籽,兩個味好夾👍🏻黑松露🍄勁香黑松露味😍黑松露沙律醬超多!成口充滿黑松露味,超滿足😌佢哋每粒入面大概2-3粒嘅章魚粒,而唔會淨係得麵粉👍🏻👍🏻等嘅時候同店家傾開,原來呢間係同旺中嘅真·章魚無雙同一個班底,咁唔怪之得都係咁好味啦😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-15
已經有很久,沒有去過日本,有點掛念日本的章魚燒。原來在沙田廣場開了一間章魚燒專門店,原來是旺角中心 「真. 章魚無雙」是同一班底 !他就位於沙田廣場,舖頭雖小,但款式很多,顛覆了我對章魚燒的想法,原來章魚燒也可以有那麼多款口味。由於我是一個芝士熊 當然一定要叫芝士味,因為他花多眼亂,我還有其他味道想試,於是我便選了另一款黑松露和大阪燒的雙拼,可以一次過試幾款口味。等了5分鐘便有,大阪味道的章魚燒和日本的味道非常相似,外皮酥,內餡軟嫩,飽滿而且份量十足,再加上表面的醬汁,非常惹味香甜,黑松露味的章魚燒,香味陣陣撲鼻,章魚的鮮味十足。芝士味的鮮鹹把章魚的鮮味提升了,章魚的鮮味與鹹甜醬汁相互交融於口腔和味蕾,令人齒頰留香。熱辣辣讓我感到非常滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-12
百味章魚🐙 in Mong Kok Center is available in Shatin😍I saw it after class and bought it immediately🤗1️⃣ Garlic butter corn2️⃣ Crab roe3️⃣ Original Osaka YakiAll flavour are very delicious🤤 generous portions of ingredients with lots of octopus bits inside each ball. Texture of ball is chewy and not just a puff of air like other shops.Real ingredients, lots of octopus insideThe taste and smell are both 💯 points👍The garlic corn is the first time to try, a nice surprise, the butter flavor is very heavy and tasty 😋 Honestly, better than the ones i had in japan! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)