2-min walk from Exit B2, Shau Kei Wan MTR Station continue reading
美極蝦及鴻圖吊燒雞均是「2001年美食之最大賞金獎」食品,由店中大廚從大酒家帶來。食物用料新鮮,每天入貨。內裡裝修簡單舒適。 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Wed - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
Phone Reservation
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
川式回窩肉 水蛇肉碎粥 招牌醬方骨 美極焗海蝦 鴻圖吊燒雞 蠔仔粥
Review (54)
Level4 2024-08-25
又係我哋一期一會嘅時間啦Book咗六點心急人全部都早到等佢開門,真係估唔到唔使5分鐘已經差唔多坐滿人,原來而家大家都興早食飯🤭預留咗半隻蔥油雞(都係我哋食開嘅嘢)糖醋骨就係必點嘅菜式另外今次叫咗砂鍋魚頭煲(超級惹味,特別係佢啲薑蔥,炸過嘅魚頭脆脆地,係一個好好送飯嘅菜式)最後就有上次食過返尋味嘅茄子梅菜蒸肉餅 又係一個好好送飯嘅餸菜 結果我都食咗差唔多成碗飯 真係oh my god。因為其中一對夫婦經常嚟食,仲送咗一大碗湯俾佢返屋企添。七百幾蚊四個人,食到捧住個肚走 最緊要係性價比高呀嘛 應該短期內我哋都唔會轉地方😊最離譜係食到咁飽,都仲要食埋附近嘅雞蛋仔格仔餅先心熄 😵‍💫😵‍💫其實我哋都算好識做㗎啦,又準時又食得快,所以真係好應該俾個VIP discount我哋囉😁😉🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-01-20
由細食到大既東大街街頭小餐廳,基本上有叫過既菜式都有水準,午餐晚餐都會有值得幫襯既小炒。蔥油蒸雞:需要早一日預定,係試過最好食既蔥油雞,沒有之一雞肉嫩滑、蔥油香又好送飯,適合一家大細幾個人share既菜另外鍾意叫既菜式有鎮江骨酸甜開胃,啫啫生菜煲肉末蝦乾既鹹香都好適宜送飯。冬天凍d既日子又可以點蠔仔粥、田雞粥,午市晚市都有,自己比較鍾意前者,蠔仔鮮味而且暖胃。唔想咁重口味既都有清蒸黃花魚、豉汁蒸鉗魚、魚湯雜菜煲,仲有基本上入去每臺都會點既例湯,每個人一盅而且價錢適宜,平日中午或晚餐兩三個人點都可以share到既家常味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-06-29
印象中這間小店已經最少十年歷史了,以前和朋友來過一次,吃了他們的家常小菜,那時每樣菜都很好吃,讓人感覺像在家裡一樣舒適。今天我想吃家常菜,便想起了這家店。我點了他們的榨菜蒸肉餅。這道菜份量十分足夠,真的有面那麼大,很適合跟朋友一起分享。第一次嚐試榨菜配搭蒸肉餅,感覺很新鮮,榨菜的甜味與肉餅的鹹味融合得很好。肉餅夠味而不會太鹹,肉質也軟嫩,很容易入口。如果你喜歡家常菜,那這款榨菜蒸肉餅是不錯的選擇。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-04-13
A restaurant I visited many times and finally decided to write a review recommending publicly.We ordered fried prawn in Maggi sauce, jur jur chinese lettuce in shrimp paste,soy sauce chicken stew (pre-order), tofu and beef stew in black pepper sauce and steam aubergine and topped with pickle vegetables with minced. For dessert, we pre-ordered two steamed egg white in coconut shell. Fried prawn smelled so fragrantly when served. You could tell it taste from its colour. Genuinely delicious. Juicy and crunchy shell. Prawn was cooked perfectly. What a good start.Jur jur chinese lettuce in shrimp paste was served in a boiling hot clay pot. Better consume after settling awhile. It was pretty savoury and a bit oily. But it was perfect to eat with rice! The sweetness of rice balanced out the grease and the saltiness of the dish. Not bad! Soy sauce chicken stew usually contains loads of ginger and shallots, sadly not this time. Chicken was more in a fattening side this time. Personally prefer more lean and meaty side. This time was not as satisfying as it was but still very good. Sauce was again perfect and not disappointing. Perfect to serve with rice. Tofu and beef stew in black pepper sauce was disappointing. Beef was too chewy that could barely eat. We stopped eating the beef after 2-3 slices. Tofu was alright, coated with the thick steamy sauce. This dish was too saucy and sauce was too thick. Easily formed a skin once set and warm. In general, just a disappointing dish. Steam aubergine and topped with pickle vegetables with minced was always the last dish to be served. It took most of the time to be cooked. Anyway worth to be waited. Soft and melty aubergine was served at the bottom. Each aubergine absorbed all the sauce that was so tasty. Right amount of pickle was served with generous amount of mince although the mince was a bit fattening. The two steamed egg white in coconut shell were perfect to round and clean up your palate. Both were served super hot. Friendly reminder to open the shell carefully to avoid being burnt by the smoke; thus eating it slowly as pudding was boiling hot. Pudding was soft and smooth. Hint of sweetness but tasted coconuty. It was divine. Overall, food mainly required to be waited for at least 15mins, but it was worth the wait. Satisfying and hearty. This time was a little bit disappointing but overall still good! Friendly reminder to make a reservation instead of walk in, which is almost impossible to get a seat. Second, soy sauce chicken, scallion chicken and steamed egg white in coconut shell require pre-order. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我訂枱時間為7:00…我都怕我唔記得,所以喺前一日我再打電話去reconfirm,當時接聽電話嘅職員都答我7:00…當我準時去到嘅時侯,佢堅持話我訂7:30…過時過節要我係門口等咗30分鐘,有啲食物需要訂購,當訂購嘅食物已經食完,想點選其他菜式,職員表示不可以再落單,已order嘅食物已經到晒,所以不能再order…但係我哋四個人食,已經叫咗七碟餸,可能因為我哋大食,但係我都覺得都唔可以俾人落單,真係非常離譜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)