1-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 18:00
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 18:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (16)
Level4 2025-01-29
呢間位於上環既精品咖啡店以其高品質既咖啡同舒適既氛圍而聞名, 每次經過見到都會想入去試下, 店面空間不大,堂食得兩個位, 所以今次我地都係外賣邊行邊飲😎 最近佢地推左一款名為「柊」既咖啡去完結四季系列❄️ 呢杯咖啡選擇用香料同咖啡調和, 加入左肉桂, 橙乾, 楓糖, 八角, 味道好特別, 八角味幾突出, 飲完會覺得舒服既味道🤩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
午飯過後真係好需要買杯啡提提醒,經過呢間位於永樂街既「Sense Coffee Roaster」,就入去買杯試下詩歌舞街叫左杯咖啡特飲,espresso用上Ethiopia washed single origin 豆,再配以香茅、梨乾 & 無花果乾既果汁做base,淡淡既香茅味,仲有果汁既甜味,攪勻後飲咖啡味有點被蓋過,整杯味道有點失衡咖啡店以做外賣為主,店內只得幾個座位,杯咖啡特飲$65價錢有點進取,不過飲悶左奶啡或手沖咖啡都不妨可以試下 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-03
這家在上環的Sense Coffee, 面積不大, 本以為做外賣生意為主, 但又在吧枱前的突出處, 開拓到一個小空間, 裝着小圓枱和梳化供堂食用途, 這個突出部出奇地隱蔽, 外人一開始也不會留意. 以Single Origin咖啡豆為主打的咖啡店, 特別深得我心. 這裏提供的咖啡豆主要有兩種, 一種較Nutty, 一種較酸和Fruity, 後者更多得我心, 來自埃塞俄比亞, 有花香和酸度, 也有一種橘子甘香, 用來調配Latte很不錯, 平衡度很高.小食選擇不多, 以烘焙類為主, 當中的loaf cake也不錯, 外脆內軟熟, 不會太乾, 除了表面的蜜糖味道, 內裡也有檸檬清香, 和Latte也很夾, 相輔相成, 相得益彰.This Sense Coffee shop in Sheung Wan is not very large, but it has carved out a small space in front of the bar counter with small round tables and sofas for dine-in customers. This hidden nook is not obvious at first glance. The coffee shop specializes in single-origin coffee beans, which I particularly enjoy. They offer two main types: one is nuttier, while the other is more acidic and fruity, the latter of which I prefer. The Ethiopian beans have floral notes and acidity, as well as a pleasant citrus sweetness that pairs well with their latte. The food selection is limited but the baked goods, such as the moist and not-too-dry loaf cake with a hint of lemon, complement the coffee nicely. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
位於上環鬧市,轉角位一間小型咖啡店。周圍返工嘅打工仔都必定經過呢一間看似不起眼的咖啡店。今日返一返公司拎嘢,走嘅時候一於試吓坐低嘆吓佢杯咖啡☺️。 夏日炎炎,我嗌咗一杯夏日限定Apple cider coffee,fresh一fresh 個人,味道酸酸哋同咖啡好夾,加埋冰簡直透心涼🍎🧊🍹呢一間主要係做外賣🥡,所以店內位置唔多,如果想坐低慢慢嘆咖啡嘅話,可能唔係成日有位🤓見到價錢在區內算相宜,等我下次試吓飲佢嘅latte先 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
☕️☕️☕️有咖啡嘅Good Morning ▫️以下為OpenRice外賣自取價☑️Caramel Latte (Hot) -$38.7咖啡豆有兩款可以選擇,包括Guatemala / Fruity同埋Costa Rica / Winey(+$3),我就揀咗個唔使加錢嘅前者。奶都可以揀牛奶同埋燕麥奶(+$4.5)。Size 冇得選擇,但都ok, 係估唔到咁有心,連外賣嘅都有拉花,返到去打開嚟睇先至知。雖然係焦糖咖啡,但係都唔會好甜,我覺得剛好,唔會太苦之餘又飲到咖啡嘅味道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)