7-min walk from Exit C1, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
17:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (67)
Level3 2023-12-10
踏進呢家小店,香氣四溢得我個胃口瞬間掛住檔。原來,今日嘅主角係嗰啲粉麵通–香港街頭常見,但做得出色嘅,真係少之又少。揀咗座靠窗嘅位,等待嘅時間充滿咗期待。第一口「炆牛腩粉」,啱啱好嘅軟硬度伴隨著滲透肉香嘅湯汁,入口之後味道層次分明。牛腩又炆得富有彈性,唔會過爛,嚼勁十足。香滑嘅麵條同那種閃閃發亮嘅牛腩一齊係口感上面真係揸fit晒!😋再嚟個「豉油王炒麵」。啲麵爽口得黎邊緣帶嚟嘅脆感好似在告訴你來到咗快樂嘅頂點。冚家鏟,啲豉油味香得滲入每一根麵條,令到成碟嘢食流露出深厚嘅經典香港風味。正喺整個享受過程中,嗰邊桌嘅「鹹魚雞粒炒飯」嘅香氣撲鼻而來,下次一定要試。有時候,最簡單嘅食材經過巧手,就能變成味蕾上嘅藝術品。落單時,老闆嘅笑臉加埋隨和嘅態度,令人覺得彷彿唔光係黎吃飯,更似係朋友家中作客。就算係平平無奇嘅一餐,都因為咁樣嘅小細節而感覺溫馨。匆匆吃完,左口袋嘅手機震動咗下,一望計機板,時間唔覺不覺已經過去。真係話,美味同歡樂嘅時間總係特別短暫。至少,這家小店嘅美食,值得我再捱多幾個紅綠燈啦!🍜🥢👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-03-27
呢間位於大角咀嘅隱世日式酒吧提供左多款特色酒類及配酒小食。🍸清酒和cocktail都係和吧主打嘅,另外啤酒仲有happy hour添!唔好睇少呢度啲下酒小食,樣樣都好掂!值得推薦(👍🏻🥰):🗻富士山下 ($88)主調為藍橙酒和rum,加配又fresh又酸嘅柚子酒、青檸汁,更為開胃。而上層淺藍色的是打發後嘅蛋白🍜胡麻冷烏冬 ($58)竟然將普普通通嘅烏冬,煮到出神入化!煮嘅時間拿捏得好好,令烏冬口感煙韌😻🌽椒鹽粟米 ($58)鹹甜分配適當,經燒後嘅粟米口感更為綿綿的,配酒一流!🐟炸池魚仔 ($48)適合喜歡香口嘅朋友仔。新鮮嘅魚香味,炸得外脆內軟。而且份量好多! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-01-31
叫左條燒魚干$6x, 埋單見到$2xx(似魚干), 問佢話我地確實食左$2xx既魚, 只回答事後會同同事講返落錯單,便繼續收$2xx價錢了事。 作為顧客,反映問題後,亦表達訴求他們是必須收我下單的價錢,即使佢地知自己內部搞錯後都照收$2xx,原因係我地唔識分佢兩道菜而食左。呢個答法相當無奈,處理態度手法佢覺得咁樣加道歉就可以了事,很搞笑。第一,無比客對單上菜。第二,其實搞錯既係佢地員工加training, 要客人負責任埋單真心搞笑。以後食嘢會唔會又比貴左既野我再收錢嫁?不可一不可再。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-12-07
同朋友食完飯行下街覺得時間尚早,朋友提議去酒吧飲野,不過我就吾太鍾意d人多好嘈既酒吧,朋友話介紹我去尼間人少少靜靜地時酒吧,我地由旺角行過去大角咀職員好快安排入座,有紫菜味蝦條食,餐廳播放近期流行曲,用投影機播放netflix,然後我地揀左1杯心象風景、1杯富士山下、1杯長島冰茶,小食揀左1份燒無骨一口雞翼、1份炸一口芝士、1份日本炸地雞件富士山下外型好靚,適合影相打卡,小食即叫即做熱辣辣脆卜卜,一路食一路傾計好開心 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-11-29
🍷呢間酒吧除左酒類選擇繁多,有啤酒、雞尾酒、清酒等,🍟仲提供唔少特色小食,係一個同朋友飲酒傾計既好地方。🍾而餐廳牆壁更放左唔少酒瓶作背景,望落精緻又好睇👀🗻富士山下($88)🗻🥚上層為打起既蛋白,🪺下層為混合左藍橙酒既調酒,無論係顏色同杯既造型都似足富士山,十分吸睛🤩 佢仲配以蘭姆酒、柚子酒、青檸汁等,🍋飲落味道酸酸甜甜,夠曬清新同開胃🤪🍸水無月($88)🍸🍎呢款係以日本清酒、荔枝酒、蘋果酒、蘇打等調教而成既雞尾酒,🍡再以一粒荔枝作裝飾。一飲好易入口,味道清甜清爽,男女士都啱飲👫🌽椒鹽粟米($58)🌽👄粟米本身鮮甜,🧂加上椒鹽口味配搭新穎,食落香口,做佐酒小食一流!🍿🐥燒無骨一口雞翼($48)🐥🍢熱辣辣既雞翼食落方便,👨🏻‍🍳因為廚師已去左骨黎燒,相當貼心。😛而咬落皮脆肉嫩兼爆汁,非常惹味👅😋總體 (味道, 性價比, 環境, 服務態度) : 8/10——————————————————————————————🍷Apart from providing a variety of drinks choices, like beer, cocktail, sake, etc, 🍟they also serve different kinds of snacks, which is a perfect place for friends gathering. 🍾Besides, the restaurant use alcohol bottle as the background of the wall, which looks delicate👀🗻富士山下 ($88)🗻🥚The upper part is the egg white while 🪺the lower part is the blue curacao mixed with rum, yuzu liqueur, lime juice, etc, 🤩both the colour and the container is similar to Mount Fuji, 🍋and it taste refreshing and appetising🤪🍸水無月 ($88)🍸🍎It consists of sake, lychee and apple liqueur, soda, etc, with a lychee on top 🍡It is mild in taste and suitable for both ladies and gentlemen👫🌽Salt and Pepper Corn ($58)🌽👄The corn is sweet and together with the🧂salt and pepper seasonings, it taste great and goes really well with alcohol🍿🐥Grilled boneless chicken wings ($48)🐥🍢The chicken wing is convenient to eat as 👨🏻‍🍳the chef has removed all the bones 😛The crust is crispy while the flesh is tender and juicy👅😋Overall (Taste, CP value, Environment, Service): 8/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)