Restaurant: | 素來素往 |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
3-min walk from Exit B, Olympic MTR Station; 奥運站B出口滙豐中心斜對面
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It is a vegetarian restaurant and serves dishes with all-you-can-eat style. It mainly offers Chinese flavor and provides creative items from time to time. The shop is designed with cement walls, which is simple and arty.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Online Booking Service Not Available
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The vibe, food, people, staffs and layout are great. But most of the food are quite oily, high sugar and salt. Can taste the soup had MSG. Staffs started removing and packing the plates, food, drinks, soups at 9pm but the buffet timeslot should be up to 930pm. It feels a bit hurry to finish the food at 9pm while some customers just joined in at 9pm. But it is worth to try so many veggie dishes with such a low price, it was cheaper from Mon-Thu.Anyhow, grab your last choice to support them and their initiatives, that's not easy to maintain and sustain a veggie buffet during COVID period. Thanks for their efforts and contribution to this community and planet.
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味道調味適合大眾.食物選擇多, 有蒸煮, 有炸物, 有涼伴,有熱炒.湯品, 前菜, 花茶, 甜品, 糖水都有.見佢收埋好多餸牌,應該定期都會出唔同餸.餸菜味道不錯,唔會太油. 我平日去食, 佢收10點我見9點都仲好勤力不斷refill. 啲職員都會keep住check啲餸菜嘅狀態. 環境當然唔expect靚裝修, 整體好乾淨坐得舒服.個人喜愛南瓜布甸同炆蓮藕.平時比較喜歡食肉嘅屋企人都食咗三大碟.平日晚餐$128位, 物有所值, 會再幫襯.
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自助餐形式,晚市158蚊一位都算好抵食!茶同汽水都喺雪櫃可以任攞,食物款式選擇都算多。例如前菜有沙律、手拍青瓜、涼拌粉絲薯粉、口水雞、皮蛋豆腐等;炸物包括豆腐、炸香蕉、煎釀三寶;主食有紅燒豆腐、苦瓜煎蛋、炒菜、關東煮、煎薄餅、滷肉飯,賽螃蟹、茶葉蛋亦有粟米羹、炒麵、炒飯、湯水同糙米飯。甜品有豆腐花、班蘭糕、南瓜布甸等。不過唔肯定啲款係咪會轉~試咗好多款唔同嘅食物,冇辦法逐個講。但係我最滿意係苦瓜煎蛋同埋炸香蕉 。我自己本身好鍾意食素,呢度唔可以話係最頂級最好食嘅,但係都對得住佢嘅價錢,所以都幾推介呢個地方 。
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平日來到計劃吃下午茶時段$68早了些到,然後等了15-20分鐘慢慢地排隊進餐廳,這裡是先付錢的,店家prefer 大家比現金,因用八達通要付額外費用。這裡的款式數量比一般素食自助餐少,不過炸物,沙律,中式,飯點糖水,甜品,自家飲品也是無一有欠缺,本人吃了2碟食物和2碗糖水也就飽了食物方面,糖水很足料,糖水底下全是薑,真的很夠薑!然後甜點是百香果杞子寒天果凍,我真的很喜歡這個甜品,有百香果的香氣也不太甜(百香果杞子寒天果凍沒有拍下來),中式的菜也是幾好吃的。另外,這裡不是酒店自助餐,所以食客需要自己收拾吃完的碗筷,店員也不會給食客換碟,大家要注意喔!
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