Restaurant: | sen-ryo (Tai Koo Shing) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
sen-ryo, originated from Japan, is an exquisite Japanese cuisine serving authentic dishes with finely selected ingredients. Each piece of sushi is crafted from the heart. Authenticity is at the heart of everything at sen-ryo and this Shokunin spirit remains the same since the beginning.
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
服務極差!唔想受氣嘅千祈唔好黎!首先,d野食遲到,等咗差唔多半個鐘先到。問侍應,就同你講師傅做唔切,好多人。跟住過咗1陣係咁話過咗75分鐘,2次催人埋單,講到好似係一定要我走咁。呢間餐廳嘅服務真係垃圾到一個點。 每人食兩百幾蚊俾d咁樣嘅服務我,真係等執。Extremely poor service. If you dont want to get mad out of your lunch i strongly recommend you not to visit.The food took over 30 mins to arrive, and then the waiter will rudely ask you (more than once) to leave after 75 minutes.Paid over 200 per head for this kind of rubbish service.
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一向都有食開千両,但第一次嚟太古城分店,先知原來有兩層,店舖裝修新淨,坐得好舒服😌無嚟一排,餐牌又更新了。好欣賞千萬會定期更新餐牌,既有新鮮感,食物種類又變得更豐富🤩🍣千両海鮮燉蛋配柚子大碗,足料,美中不足嘅係水有點多。🍣吉列廣島蠔廣島蠔十分大隻肥美,個人比較喜歡吃細小的😂🍣炙燒左口魚裙邊壽司左口魚有入口即溶的感覺!🍣軟殼蟹手卷、炙燒鰻魚手卷紫菜好脆,鰻魚和軟殼蟹都大大嚿!🍣牛油果軟殼蟹卷一碟有八嚿,份量足夠三至四個人食。雖然每舊係bite size,但係都好足料好,十分有飽肚感。🍣炙燒明太子三文魚卷每嚿都俾肥美嘅三文魚包住,份量和材料👍🏻🍣串燒雞翼、免治雞肉串、串燒雞腿肉伴柚子胡椒有鹽燒的味道,好惹味!個人認為喺香港嘅連鎖壽司店,千両的價錢不便宜,但食物質素算係中上,所以可謂性價比高。
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Have been here a few times. The food quality has been quite unstable, but tonight we had the worst experience. We sat down at 8:20 on the 2nd floor, and we felt that we had to order and eat very quickly, coz the service staff here were rushing to get off work. We could literally hear the kitchen staff asking the floor staff how many tables were left. The food quality was the worst we’ve ever had, the hot dishes were lukewarm. The kitchen staff probably didn’t care about sticking to the food quality standards at that hour, but the service staff were also busy doing the closing, so they couldn’t bring out the food on time. Then at around 9, half hour before the last order time, all service staff were busy mopping the floor, cleaning everything, instead of serving the customers. At 21:30, the noises finally stopped as they were 100% ready to get off work albeit us still sitting there chewing. I understand they want to get off work on time, but we really couldn’t enjoy our food properly and would therefore never choose this place again after 20:00. Very disappointing.
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