裝修格調簡潔溫馨的西餐廳,設有Tasting Menu可嘗試多款菜式。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Lavazza Coffee 牛扒 法國鵝肝 烤羊架
Review (21)
Level1 2011-03-29
上次一月食完寫完食評諗住約朋友weekend lunch再食番餐, 點知就出事啦…點解短短一個月d野食同service會搞成咁??? 1)湯hea咗… 50mins先上主菜…重要係好細塊既豬扒仔(Jusco $19.9有11塊嗰d)… 唔好食唔好食唔好食…2)Staff: 好似有一位staff唔知點解無番工搞到踢晒腳… d枱半個鐘都無人執…3)Tiramisu: 1月食嗰時都OK ka, 個杯又靚wo… 點知2月食嗰時細到變左得一啖law!!! 又係一樣加$20可唔可以話比我聽點解??? 重有唔知做mud要擺2塊菠蘿係個大碟度上law… Tiramisu同菠蘿完全扯唔上任何關係!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * 清潔亞姐著水boot serve你…* 好多枱客complain complain complain…… 食物何時上………………* 竟然用熱水壺”莊”龍蝦湯…………………… 食物, 價錢, 份量, Service極度唔穩定!!! (係咪無諗好定位呢?)唔會再去!!!唉…之前重想試佢個65oc浸三文魚….. 其實貴d我真係唔介意law…最怕係高不成低不就…二班客都得罪晒…Good Luck……… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-02-08
I would like to give this restaurant a fair comment.When this restaurant was first opened, I put high hope on it. In the first 2 weeks, the quality of their food was very good although their service was very slow. I ate there very often in the first 3 weeks. But starting from July 2010, their food quality had deteriorated greatly. Despite their lower quality, I kept going there, hoping improvement. But again and again, the quality of food became poorer and poorer.After they advertised in a Food magazine, their business became better. But they also increased their price greatly (especially dinner). At the same time, their food became poorer and poorer. Last time, when I was there, their bread had the taste of fridge. Their steak was the cheap type and the meat to go with the pasta was so little. For the poor quality, the price is too high. I can find much better food at a much lower price in many restaurants in Tsim Sha Tsui.I hope this restaurant will improve their food quality and charge a reasonable price. The wife of the owner has tried very hard to serve the customers well. But food quality is most important! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2011-01-07
前身 Olivia 食物ok, 餐包有墨汁包, d 野都 ok 快...咁都要執笠...而家呢間咁點算Lunch 入內, 成間餐廳繼埋我地得三枱人, 都心知不妙.睇到張餐牌, 貴到離哂譜.......最平個 set 都成 48元落單時, 猛 sell 你加錢要呢樣要個樣, 唔加咩, 服務生又企係到唔郁, 攪左成十五分鐘, 服務員姐姐先雞手鴨腳襟機入單, 咁又用左十分鐘.結果, 餐湯黎到飲哂, 麵包都未上場.辣蕃茄海鮮意粉, 辣到根本食唔到伊文士汁雞飯 = 時菜雞球飯, 個 d 配菜翠玉瓜仲係苦 ge 添吉列豬扒咖喱汁飯, 咖喱汁勁 "希" ..個吉列豬...炸到好鬼老, 硬到切唔開咁滯一早叫定甜品同餐茶, 費時佢遲, 仲提定話要 "一齊上"結果食完埋單, 都未見甜品蹤影, 催單之後, 先急急忙忙叫廚房整出黎成間舖得三枱客, 都 serve 唔掂...........點攪呀 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!下次, 唔駛錢, 請我食都唔會去.......... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前見過幾次, 都想試試, 今次放假下午2點幾3點黎試試下午茶, 但係原來佢係無下午茶, 但係午餐就由11:30 到5點喎我地2個人本來想食沙律下午茶, 不過就梗係得午餐啦............. 都是但啦, 都一樣啫, 有沙律就OK啦但係入到去, 佢地話無沙律菜, 爭係得薯仔沙律... anyway 入都咗黎啦, 心中真係一沉最後我地叫咗煙三文魚德國薯仔沙律(好似係咁上下啦)白汁煙肉直通粉叫完嘢食先黎個homemade 墨汁麵麭非常好食, 外脆內軟, 而且好新鮮, 係直係脆, 平時D 麵麭個皮會界到個咀都損呀, 但係呢個麭真係脆周打海鮮湯一般水準啦, 唔得特別好囉煙三文魚薯仔沙律煙三文魚幾香, 唔會太肥太膩, 而個薯仔沙律反而有驚喜, 幾好味, 個汁應該係自家製, 有水準但係份量比較少, 如果當正餐就少咗D白汁煙肉直通粉( 其實咪係Carbonara) 分量就正常好多啦, 但係做得比較乾咗D , 咁變咗油膩咗, 如果可以做得多少少汁,咁就好好多啦餐飲, 佢地個咖啡機竟然係壞咗!失望總括黎講, 佢地食物既質數真係唔錯, 但係服務就比較私房住家feel, continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-09-07
因為對上手舖位的Oliva印象麻麻, 所以間餐廳開咗幾個月, 昨日至第一次幫襯.之前經過好多次㗎啦, 佢門口冇乜食物圖片, 得張A4好plan的餐牌, 唉吔咁即係明恰我老花喎, 我老公話搭巴士經過幾次, 至見到餐廳個名, 知係西餐, 又唔明3R主打賣咩菜, 所以冇幫襯意欲.直至上星期經過, 佢整咗個靚仔少少的大餐牌擺出街,有相睇, 至有少少信心.講咗咁多, 其實係覺得間餐廳老闆唔識宣傳, 今時今日真係好蝕底㗎.我地點咗2個SET LUNCH, @$58, 午餐不用加一. 兩個餐都包括墨汁麵包, 蕃茄湯, TEA OR COFFEE.正如其他食評話齋, 個墨汁包係home made的, 味道雖然冇乜大大驚喜, 但首先俾人一份誠意, 幾難得吖.1. 我點了豬扒(餐牌個名靚啲㗎,但我唔記得lu), 塊豬扒煎得稍為過火一點, 好在我牙力唔錯, 咬落又幾有豬味, 證明佢用的食材幾高質素, 如果要彈, 就係伴碟的翠玉瓜&紅蘿蔔切得太大塊, 响個碟度碌來碌去好難切, 不過呢樣只係小瑕疵啫, 份豬扒我俾90分.2. 老公點了三文魚意粉, 塊三文魚柳成半隻手掌大,自己買都唔平㗎, 呢度收$58, 佢賺的真是微利. 不過碟三文魚用個長方形的高身碟上, 塊魚size咁大, 想先食下面的意粉就有難度, 我覺得佢用個大圓形深碟感覺上會華麗啲囉.仲有仲有, 間餐廳爿牆掛了好多奬牌, 不過似醫生開診所多過餐廳, 真係可惜.咁長氣, 係覺得間餐廳幾有heart, 值得佢收呢個價位, 希望佢喺大埔企得住腳, 唔使我下下出城搵食.下次可以去dinner continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)