2-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Unique South American Cuisine combines elements of Brazilian, Argentine, and Peruvian cuisine, offering an exotic dining experience. continue reading
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
09:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
好耐好耐冇見既朋友仔~相約去左天后既呢間小店gather下❤️之前有朋友仔嚟過話啲嘢食好味,同埋個vibe好好~果然好介紹呀!餐廳嘅用色~佈置都好有異國風情🥰係啲枱凳細張少少身形健碩嘅顧客可能會辛苦少少🤏叫咗都幾多嘢食~1️⃣Aguacates $95🥑Whipped avocado with fresh lime and rainbow carrots好新鮮呀呢個前菜牛油果醬好濃郁 配上唔同嘅Rainbow carrots~爽脆嘅口感令到人胃口大增仲有烤到香脆嘅麵包食為呢餐晚飯揭開咗序幕2️⃣Beef Emp. ,Chicken Emp. & Ham Emp. $45.00@ 🥟🥟🥟其實係唔同餡料嘅炸餃子~外層炸到超酥脆餡料真係做到多汁美味!再配埋店家預備嘅醬汁係好新穎嘅配搭👍 好開胃3️⃣Costillas $200.00🐖Slow cooked Pork Ribs個pork rib好好味~一擺入口已經做到骨肉分離唔需要任何配料個調味都做得啱啱好,肉味濃郁又juicy而且配菜嘅薯條同沙律份量都好多沙律菜好新鮮 好refreshing!4️⃣Arroz Con Pato $270.00🦆1/4 Duck Confit with Coriander Rice個飯係最surprise既😍鴨腿大大隻充滿油香肉質好鮮嫩,入晒味重點係佢啲精華完全落入咗下面嘅飯而且應該用咗雞湯同好多唔同嘅香料整啖啖都好好食🤤🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾除此之外,餐廳有酒牌可以叫酒飲但同時佢亦都唔收任何開瓶費🤩我哋自備咗支餐酒去開心share 老闆即刻幫我哋輸入雪櫃等嘢食嚟到嘅時候再冰凍咁serve俾我哋飲👍👍非常之好嘅體驗,下次再黎開天后都會再幫襯佢哋💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-26
餐廳提供的食物不多但每款都不會每人失望由前菜開始已經充滿異地風情腸類都是自家製的那種咸香必定要試!!主菜的rib最令人留下深刻印象薑帶出了豬肉的鮮味非常醒神😎鴨腿飯也是非常驚豔的鴨煎得非常好 皮脆肉嫰 咬下去滿滿肉汁因鴨放在飯面上有輕輕一焗所以鴨油都跑到飯裏去而且份量非常多 足夠2人吃這個甜品為此餐畫上一個非常完美的句號職員分享是由三種奶製作而成不會太甜 入口嫰滑令人感到非常幸福 餐廳定時有活動和一聚食客聯誼上個月就舉辦了wine tasting活動❤️剛剛在天后開業一年老闆娘親自主理值得支持 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We stumbled upon Al Sur when we were walking around Tin Hau and went in to try the set lunch. We really enjoyed the food especially the Choripan, Pollo Al Espiedo (Roast Chicken), Costillas (Pork Ribs) and Tres Leches (sponge cake soaked in 3 kinds of milk). The Tres Leches was a standout with its layer of cream that wasn’t too sweet and the moist sponge below which was enhanced by the milk. The owners were very friendly and the service was excellent. They knew we were sharing and kindly brought plates over without us asking. To top it all of the price was extremely reasonable and a good value for money. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
南美菜,價錢味道也不是我們一般的口味, 普通,當見識過就算我哋睇完OPENRICE 其他食評先去叫咗其他人推薦的前菜CHORIPAN係兩小件腸仔飽$80。味道唔差, 就是法蘭克福腸加麵包味道,冇咩特別,配香草醬和番茄CEVICHHE 係類似沙律醬撈帶子刺身, 又係味道唔差, 冇咩特別,不過140 元唔係幾抵PORKAREPAS, 也是CORN BREAD 夾住一堆醬肉, 又係差唔多味道,但係就係超市買到嗰啲墨西哥薄餅然後夾住一啲馬莎百貨買到嘅醬CHICHA 呢個飲品, 我見到食評話好好, 我哋叫咗, 係一杯提子汁的樣子。有點酸。。就是這樣了。。真心一點印象也說不出,就是超市買到的大盒飲品都出來的很普通味道(真係飲凍檸茶層次仲高), 50 元一杯唔值得COSTILLA ,RIBS 係好淋, 又係果句,就係RIBS 有啲普通SAUCE,唔覺得特別好食炸餃子係最好味, 皮脆,配合入邊嘅雞肉,洋蔥等等。最有特色,90元兩小件每人食咗230 元。 我覺得唔係太值。只能夠普通去形容。我建議大家可以午餐108 元先去食,不過兩件炸餃子做午餐,其實應該不飽。都勉強叫做見識吓南美菜。仲有一點好重要,但係佢啲枱好細同埋啲座椅好細。好唔舒服。坐咗成晚得我哋一台客,臨走多咗一枱四位。所以如果你哋想搵個有詩人冇乜人嘅地方,呢度就會係一個好嘅選擇😅 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-22
小店食物水準好高,我特別推薦炸餃子和黑豆hummus,vegetarian餃子香脆,饀料雖然只有菜蔬,但一點也不單調,十分惹味。黑豆hummus俾足香料,風味十足。南美菜式在天后區比較少見,值得一試。晚餐雖然唔算平,但現在係soft opening, 不收加一。午餐仲有set lunch,再抵d。我光顧時見有講西班牙文人士用餐,我估菜式應該算幾地道。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)