4-min walk from Exit A2, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
The restaurant is much decorated in Indian colors and offers authentic Indian dishes. It uses ingredients from India, such as Indian mutton and Masala Fresh Seabass with Curry. There are also curries of various flavors, suitable for sharing with friends. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (148)
去工展會前醫飽肚,好耐冇食過印度薄餅,所以特登嚟試,天后出名多食肆,但星期日11:30嚟到竟然一個客都冇?響門口問咗某啲咖哩係唔辣,所以入咗去,結果。。。。。。🥢午餐C - 無骨燒雞 配 飯 + 道地巨峰提子汁 $90 ⭐️⭐️燒雞原來唔係用鐵板上,真係比佢幅圖呃咗,上到枱唔算熱辣辣,食落燒雞冇乜燒香味,似煎雞多啲,而且肉質有啲乾,好麻麻,反而印度飯粒粒分明熱辣辣好味。🥢午餐E - 椰汁咖哩羊肉 配 烤餅 + 道地巨峰提子汁98 ⭐️⭐️⭐️呢個咖哩問咗侍應幾次都話唔辣嘅,但我同媽咪食落覺得唔止少少辣咁簡單,蘸薄餅或飯仍然覺得辣,係香辣惹味,但我哋唔太接受到,不過羊就唔錯有啲羶,亦唔會乾,而薄餅就唔夠熱同烤得唔夠香。後記:食完侍應會拎個QR code叫你掃,然後會搶你個電話叫你撳5星寫食評,我當然唔會撳啦,因為各質素都未如理想,只係回應佢會遲啲處理。二人共消費:$206 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-21
一行2人初嚐天后喱間印度菜上網見評價唔錯,所以想試下~Menu選擇唔多叫左燒烤拼盤和熱門牛油curry雞再配Naan薄餅另外再嗌2杯野飲全鋪頭都是印度人,要用英文下單溝通有個服務員好好笑容,其他就一般食物質素還好,curry雞和薄餅好食,但燒烤拼盤中有d腸和雞食唔慣個味和口感,所以食剩唔少氣氛挺好,坐左3hrs,有時會有印度店員唱下印度歌(live)人均$300幾,如果想食印度菜,可能都會有下一次~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-30
Food is good , so as the service snd vibes Price is reasonable 朋友介紹呢間印度餐廳,喺電器度容易會錯過㗎,因為個門口搵唔到中文名,不過去得印度餐廳就用英文為準啦叫咗一個Tandoori Chicken,唔dry , 香料足夠叫咗一個菠菜羊肉,菠菜汁非常幼滑, 唔推介羊肉,叫返雞肉好啦叫咗一個烤芝士,口感似食緊豆腐 ,味道可以叫咗一個芒果乳酪,竟然驚喜地有香料叫咗印度薄餅,是吊起上枱,一般通常都是搵個碟裝起,有啲印度餐廳做得好求其,好似枱布咁俾你,呢一間唔會,而且係新鮮燒起朋友同我講,佢第二次去呢間餐廳嘅時候發覺佢哋服務招待不周,所以我今次去嘅時候,主動咁同佢哋微笑,(其實係傻笑)。我發覺你想人哋對你服務好,不妨試吓自己premtively 對佢哋態度好。佢哋果然招呼同埋服務都唔錯㗎,全晚笑笑口。印度餐廳入邊,有兩位印度女郎唱歌及拍鼓,非常有異國風情,咁樣嘅表演,試吓去到中環嗰啲印度餐廳, $500一位你先至好準備落樓啦。餐廳入邊嘅食客,都係比較後生, 30多歲,或者係20幾歲嘅。呢個價錢絕對唔算太貴,電氣道街市有另一間印度舖,價錢同呢間都係差唔多,但問題係街市喎,但呢間就係一間餐廳,好好多啦。會再去呢間餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-08
Tandoori Junction Fine Indian Cuisine (天后)This place is renowned for its authentic and flavourful Indian dishes. It truly excels in bringing the authentic tastes of Indian cuisine to the table. From the moment you take your first bite, you'll be transported to the vibrant streets of India, where spices and aromas fill the air.⭐️ Shahjahani Butter ChickenThis creamy and rich curry is made with succulent pieces of chicken cooked in a tomato-based sauce with a generous amount of butter and cream. The sauce is perfectly balanced, with a hint of sweetness and a touch of warmth from the spices. Paired with freshly baked naan bread, this dish is truly a delight for your taste buds.⭐️ Chicken TikkaThe chicken is marinated in a blend of yogurt and traditional Indian spices, resulting in tender and flavorful meat with a slight smoky char from the oven. ⭐️ Lamb CurryMild in laste made from fresh tomatoes, cashew nuts and Indian spices⭐️ Mixed Vegetable CurryGarden fresh mix vegetables with indian herbs continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-09-11
呢間印度嘢係我試過咁多間印度嘢入面最鍾意食嘅,每次去都好多外國人。嘢食質素超好,熱辣辣,性價比又超高,賣相唔錯😌店員都係印度人,人均消費150元左右。每次去我哋必食幾度菜。Masala papad作為前菜,入面我最鍾意嘅蕃茄洋蔥仲有青瓜。仲有好多唔同嘅醬料配搭。之後仲會食我最鍾意嘅lamb knee masala (full of Indian taste) , 然後仲最鍾意食Korma chicken叫extra sweet哈哈😆加埋garlic naan 同杯mango lassi好好飲!又唔會太甜😉唯獨系可能氣氛環境都系大眾化路線,舒適但係唔算好高級,不過俾人有種冇壓力嘅感覺。仲有揸車停車系難搵啲🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)