Restaurant: Yuan Shan Vegetarian

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

3-min walk from Exit B, To Kwa Wan Station continue reading
92451546 (WhatsApp)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 17:00
18:00 - 21:30
*last order: 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB EPS FPS
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (43)
Level1 2024-06-09
上星期lunch hour叫了炒年糕外賣,企門口等了20分鐘,問佢地收銀嘅四眼哥哥仲有幾耐,佢話要再等,問佢即係幾耐,佢話佢忙到行唔開答唔到我(語氣好串),我繼續追問後佢話要多15分鐘,我話如我知買個外賣要咁耐我就唔買,我要求退錢,之後佢話入去睇下,然後2分鐘後出左外賣比我,我返屋企打開,碗湯係冇蓋好蓋倒瀉晒 都算,個炒年糕係求其亂來,年糕,素菜搵d 燙浸住,同個炒字係冇關,即係佢因為我催佢而報復,最後我冇追究因之後都趕時間處理其他事,記得係四眼,黑口黑面,做野好慢嘅哥仔 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-07
天熱,身燥,心煩。自觀已無須過多肉類以供身體能量所需,亦為免情緒易於高漲有違養生,欲清內臟過盛之葷氣,特別想來素一素。附近一帶區域難得的一間素食館,坐落老牌扒房隔鄰幾間舖。店內是一派悠閒氛圍,盡見於比一般小店幾近大一倍的餐桌,乾淨簡潔不累贅的裝潢。價錢相宜,因此點兩午餐再加一小吃。先端來兩碗粟米紅蘿蔔牛肝菌湯,幾啖乾盡。又忘了吩咐少飯扣底,白底紅米飯份量有兩碗。兩道午餐都滿滿一盆,份量十足。本就特別鍾愛日式糖漬牛蒡絲,比日式定食的味淡,但牛蒡爽口口感是炎夏開胃小吃。竹笙貴價但也有三四長條,芡汁底打得清淡好送飯。炒米粉倒給胡麻醬沙律菜壓了三比二的量,沙米粉不熱有點像冷拌,鹹甜恰好。豆漿僅$8,必飲,特濃,幼滑,真材實料。膳畢再補盒三色齋作晚餐免煮一道菜。$30盒,是平素外賣膠盒的一半高度,酸齋、咖哩齌、素鵝粒,不覺已是green meal一整日。曾經於下午三至四時路過,見是大排長龍,還道是甚麼promote,原來是派飯予眾生也。埋單時想起,順道放低數張鈔票,不留名,聊表支持。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-15
那天,一家人去了土瓜灣參加完一個宗教活動時,我提議活動後去食返個午飯才一起回家 (疫情之後不再在會場辦齋了)。大家同意後,我就試試去尋找附近有什麼素食店,出現的唯一 result 就是位於馬頭圍道的《圓善素食》。活動結束後,我同幾位素友就帶同老人家,一齊黎探索一下,這一間大家都未去過的中式齋鋪。店子不大,我們一行五人來到,他們也要坐上客遷就一下,大家換換座位才可以容納我們。慢慢細閱 menu 的我們,發現到他們的午餐好似幾合心意,那我們有叫了兩個午市套餐,再加三個散點,大家齊分享。兩份午餐就帶有兩個例湯。這一份加入了羅漢果去煲的素湯,份外地清甜。如是一人來品味素食午餐,這一個湯可以說是一個清新的好開始。散點之一,我們有一個味道非常香辣的四川酸辣羹。這一個羹,漿力剛剛好,甜、酸同辣味都做得好均勻。湯料亦非常之多,我們到一致認為,淨飲個湯都會飽。午市套餐之一,是香芋菇粒素肉荷葉糙米飯 (配甜酸齋及白菜仔)。荷葉糙米飯 ?? 荷葉呢? 起初我們以為出錯了,吃到尾才發現,飯底的確有一小片的荷葉。總之,個飯都係夠香口啦。甜酸齋亦算是便得唔錯。而且,這的確是一個人的食物份量啊。散點之二,是干炒牛河。色水均勻,豉油的香味也不錯。這素干炒牛河,可是說得上是一切都好,味道夠,河粉爽甜,也夠干身,唯一覺得要保留的就是,鑊氣好似未夠。午市套餐之二,鮮茄焗素豬扒飯。賣相可是說是正過某連鎖快餐店出的焗素豬扒飯。再者,這一個焗飯的蕃茄特別多,用的素扒也就是大家在素食店常見的那一種。而好味道就源於那一層芝士同充滿蕃茄的醬。要保留的就是,飯底是白飯而不是炒飯。散點之二,滿巢金沙蛋 (鹹蛋金沙南瓜)。這是大家最欣賞的食品。一磚磚帶有鹹蛋沙的炸南瓜,鹹中帶甜,外脆內軟,大家都吃到不停口。我們更一度想叫多一份外賣回家,不過,這些即叫即炸點,山長水遠帶回家一定會不好食 (起碼會唔脆),所以我們不剩了,把這一個全清而留下焗素豬扒飯帶回家。算是好味道的一間中式素食店啊。有傳統的東西,也有比較新派的東西,老人家吃到老味道開心,對年青人來說,又不是古古板板的中式素食,也是大大的吸引。下次於土瓜灣再有活動時,可以再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-03-25
A super clean vegetarian restaurant serving Chinese-style vegetarian dishes. Super close to to kwa wan mtr station exit B For larger parties I recommend booking ahead to secure seating as the restaurant seats 32 people in total. There are tables for larger parties of 4-8. Recommend coming in a group as the portions are quite large and if there are say 4 of you, you can order 4 dishes and share for more variety. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The hearty and cozy restaurant provided really diverse and healthy vegetarian options -🌱menu shows whether the dishes contain egg / diary products 🥚🥛 ❌ 🌱 a lot of non-fake meat options available (唔駛食素肉)🤪.But the stir fried food was a bit too oily. And their mock meat is not of the best quality, a bit too dry and too chewy. But with such diverse options, I will definitely revisit if I am in To Kwa Wan!!.🍲Sauteed stir fried tofu with various fungus 黃耳雲耳猴頭菇百合豆腐煲 😋🤤👍🏼 Yummy but a bit oily..🍡Satay fake meat skewer 沙嗲素肉 (a bit too salty).🥣 Vegetable soup 素老火湯(nice 天地有正氣) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)