Restaurant: Tastefull Kitchen

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

2-min walk from Exit B1, Hang Hau MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
08:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (119)
同好朋友慶祝生日,梗係唔可以馬虎啦😉 為咗就壽星女嘅方便,呢日我哋嚟到 #坑口 「真味鮮廚」一試佢哋馳名嘅 #長腳蟹 同 #燒鵝,睇吓有幾巴閉。可能將近父親節,未夠七點餐廳已經坐滿食客,有咁嘅大場面,#小秘書 好耐都未見過👀我同 #首領 被指派負責揀蟹,不過大家始終都係門外漢,最終都係交比餐廳員工幫我哋安排😅 等咗大概廿分鐘左右,大大隻「清蒸阿拉斯加長腳蟹」送到我哋面前,師傅好細心,將蟹殼裏面嘅 #蟹膏 先撩起,再放入碗內,一啖一口蟹膏用嚟撈白飯🍚認真一流🤤 蟹腳同蟹身都係啖啖肉,爽口嘅肉質非常鮮味,絕對係無得輸🤤 食到一半,我哋先醒起之前叫落嗰隻燒鵝仲未到,細問之下原來經理根本無幫我哋落單😅 三催四請之下… 隻燒鵝終於嚟到我哋面前😅 肉質同調味都唔錯嘅,不過就唔夠熱,#燒鵝皮 都已經擺到淋晒,實在有啲可惜🙂‍↕️ 餐廳整體食物水準都算唔錯,係略嫌啲員工比較粗魯,個女員工為咗方便,由開放式廚房將成碟雞傳出嚟,誇過橫桿… 直接由我朋友頭頂上過,再轉手到另一個員工手上,只來都只不過係為咗放上員工用膳枱上… 唔講仲以為自己去咗大排檔添😅😂😂📍 #真味鮮廚 (將軍澳) 坑口培成路18號海悅豪園地下10號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-08-25
服務麻麻的酒樓😞😞今日同屋企人一行六人去飲茶,幾個月無幫襯過,發現最近服務員表現麻麻😒😒,無帶位無招待,自己揾枱。我地主要叫左十幾個點心,蒸點心等一陣間先到,蒸點心熱辣辣,叫左燒賣,蝦餃,腸粉,排骨,雞扎,牛仔骨,小龍包😙😙燒賣肉汁不算多,蝦餃肉有份量,爽口彈牙,腸粉粉皮不算太粉,排骨咸味適中,肉質不會太鞋,雞扎入面有幾種配料,牛仔骨太咸太多汁,但肉質易入口,小龍包皮太厚,入面好乾😗😙 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐冇去過呢間酒樓,以前都唔係好㗎喇,依家仲難食,服務又差, 個個樓面掛住吹水,畀咗張咭我哋,入到嚟又冇人帶位,咁大個場要人尋寶,入到來又一張中枱搭3檯兩位,冇服務冇招呼,都唔緊要了,但啲餐具又污糟,黐住曬啲嘢,啲嘢勁難食,鮑汁鳳爪,硬掘掘,個流心奶皇包都無嘢流, 個四寶雞扎,個魚肚都唔夠淋,唯一最正常係杯茶同埋個燒賣,本身都未夠飽都唔敢再點了,唔怪得啲人上哂去消費啦,服務業真係畀佢哋搞彎哂,呢間嘢無下次………垃圾! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-14
今日食母親節晚餐,媽咪一向鐘意去酒樓,所以就試下真味鮮廚😆7點入去都好快安排到座位,環境都算乾淨。蒜蓉蒸蟶子 $38@1 夠多蒜蓉,所以食落好惹味,粉絲吸晒味,而蟶子都新鮮,唔錯!龍躉兩味 $298西蘭花炒龍躉件魚肉一夾就散,不過魚肉份量算多,而且夠鑊氣,可以搭救。金銀蒜蒸龍躉頭腩魚肉略少骨多,不過食落有鮮味,下面仲有金菇同木耳。乾煸肥腸 $108夠辣👍🏻🌶️我最鐘意食辣,所以食得好過癮,同我一樣鐘意食辣嘅朋友仔,可以叫嚟試下,好香口,送飯一流! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-02-15
朋友介紹這間餐廳,上年已經食過、質素維持好好。今次年初六老同學晚飯相聚,食套餐、價錢雖然較平日貴咗、但碟頭份量非常足,食物質素👍🏻👍🏻乳豬味道唔錯,上枱時仍然熱蝦仁伊面,爽口及味道😋西蘭花帶子珊瑚蚌-有鍋氣髪菜好市瑤柱甫-味道頂瓜瓜😋鹽燒鮑魚🥰🥰竹笙海皇翅好味,我哋13 人都夠晒食🫶🏻蒸魚味道可以及夠滑,size 就較細🐠燒雞5太咸,肉質鮮嫩多汁我朋友最喜愛個糯米飯,粒粒晶瑩有咬口。忘記咗影相🤪最後大蟠桃包,為大家帶來甜意😍整體來講,這間餐廳值得光顧,另外今晚個侍應蓮姐服務👍🏻👍🏻,笑容可掬。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)