Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station, Exit N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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This Italian fine dining restaurant is mixed with Japanese elements, such as using Japanese ingredients and chef tables. You can enjoy meals with Italian and Japanese wine. In addition, the open-air terrace offers a star view to bring you a special dining experience.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
二訪Stella 今次試另一款lunch set 之前無遺意😲原來選擇都幾多 今次點咗牛、豬、魚 share😋只係主食唔一樣 跟餐的都有齊味噌湯•漬物•甜品/咖啡 當日甜品係豆腐雪糕🍦 今次魚評分最高🐟適合少人聚餐 冷氣好勁🥶&上菜速度比較慢 人均~$210 - 午市定食 Set Lunch - ‣ 燒塩麴名水黑豚定食 $188 ‣ 味噌芥末甘鯛立鱗燒 $158 ‣ 150日穀飼安格斯西冷定食 $238
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今晚朋友帶我黎到尖沙咀THE ONE L3層一間意日Fusion餐廳品嚐晚餐正門只係一扇木門配上射燈襯托既木招牌,氣氛相當神秘。室內以矮腳Bar枱格局圍繞主廚位,可以觀賞整個烹煮過程,好期待呀今晚我地揀左2人8course Tasting Menu包含一味開胃小菜、兩款前菜、三款主食、兩款甜品。開胃小菜分為三小盤,當中左上為鯛魚刺身配王林蘋果柚子醋jelly,酸甜中帶鮮,幾得意既食法下為赤海蝦配福岡無花果+赤蝦餅,無花果同蝦刺身一齊食,估唔到又幾夾右上方係大閘蟹配水牛芝士最中餅,脆脆餅底加上香濃芝士蟹肉,超好味前菜1 牡丹蝦天婦羅蝦肉炸到脆口彈牙,加上青檸汁去左油膩感,唔錯前菜2 吞拿魚腩鮭魚子黑松露多士嘩!肥美吞拿魚腩同鮮味飛魚子夾埋香氣脆口既黑松露多士,三個字鮮鮮鮮,有種嘆緊日式high tea 既感覺,正主菜1 利沃內塞式烤穴子師傅話呢道菜要襯熱食先可以食到魚皮既爽脆,咬埋魚肉魚脂滲入味蕾,今次都係人生第一次食意大利盛產既白鱔,醬汁用左意式茄汁加上日式山椒味增及青柚子皮,多層次酸味,食得好開胃主菜2 日本A5和牛味增大根大廚精選A5和牛最靚部位,肉質7成熟岩岩好夠嫩,配上索哂秘製蠔油同味增高湯既大根,入味到不得了,有驚喜主菜3 巴馬火腿舞茸釜飯大廚用左意大利Parma ham ,飯粒充滿火腿咸香鮮味甜品1 無花果焦糖布丁好開心我至愛既無花果又出現,焦糖布丁相當嫩滑,大廚精心加入紅酒調味,令布丁除蛋味以外滲出陣陣酒紅,女士必食!甜品 2 四小味甜品淨係睇個紅豆擺盤造型已經令我個甜品胃食指大動!4味分別包括鹿兒島紫芋若瑟布甸、Churros(吉拿棒)配Tiramisu、栗子可麗露及士多啤梨吉士撻呢場意日fusion菜每個菜式都帶比我味蕾上既新驚喜,完全體驗到大廚對食物選材配搭同烹煮既用心,好值得黎一試😄
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今晚過來尖沙嘴The ONE吃晚餐,創作割烹是一間高級日意菜餐廳,今天個套餐是廚師發辦的🥰餐廳裝潢舒適雅致😀前菜有無花果蝦中餅。肥美嘅油甘魚配上紫蘇葉好清新,配合啫喱醒神又開胃😋令我更加難忘係佢哋嘅吞拿魚腩鮭魚子黑松露多士!黑松露多士上鋪滿滿的拖羅,再加上三文魚子,真的一試難忘,兩者融合得好好,口感很豐富,正!👍👍👍當日的主菜有日本A5和牛配味噌大根。一上菜的時候就已經被它的賣相吸引!牛扒煎至七成熟度,火候剛好,牛味濃郁醇香,油脂感平衡得很好,不會太過油膩。而大根煮得軟腍清甜,入口即化,沒有多餘的纖維,完全估唔到即使是低價的食材也能把它的味道昇華。可能這就是日本割烹的精髓😋😋主菜仲有巴馬火腿舞茸釜飯,而呢款釜飯係採用日本著名的香米來煮,飯香味十足。再加上火腿和舞茸菇,帶來鹹香的味道。飯粒飽滿煙靭,香味純樸甘香,十分之回味無窮🥰🥰很開心,最後還有一個小甜品來完結一個十分有創意的晚餐🥣
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The One shooping mall has a new restaurant! Stella is a Western and Japanese restaurant. As soon as you arrive there, you feel that it is completely a unique feeling.8 Course Tasting MenuAmuse BoucheHotate - Kvuuri - TounyuScallop and cucumber jelly soupFresh on the palate. The sweetness of the scallops and the coolness of the cucumber jelly soup perfectly combine to make you feel refreshed.Akaebi - Burrata - TsukudaniAkako Shrimp, Kombu and Boiled Italian Buffalo CheeseThe taste is distinct and the shrimp flavor is strongParma Ham - Musk Melon - DashiParma ham and melon juice jellyVery special, feels fresh and refreshingEntréeJapanese oysters with lemon foam and salmon roeOyster is so fresh. The oysters have a hint of seafood, coupled with the lemon foam and the umami flavor of salmon roe, it will amaze your taste budsWagyu Tongue - Shimeii - Shallot Wagyu Tongue Pickled Shimei MushroomIt has a unique texture and sweet and sour taste, the tenderness of the beef is perfectly combined with the freshness of the mushrooms, nice dishMainAwabi - Asari - FuFuFu RisottoFresh Abalone Asparagus and Toyama Rice RisottoThe taste is rich, and the most special thing is that the chef uses the liver of abalone to make the sauce. So the umami is strongLivornese - Anguilla Eel - NdujaLivornese-style grilled croquettesThe skin is crispy and the fat is rich, which goes well with the sauce.A5 Wagyu - Daikon - AsparagusJapanese 45 wagyu with miso daikonThe beef meat is tender and the miso daikon sauce adds a rich flavorDessertTorta della NonnaIchigo TartHojicha Almond PuddingKuri CaneléFour small dessertsDesserts are all unique
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The one 又有新餐廳喇!Stella 係一間西日料理,一打開門,已經同出面忙碌既商場完全吾同了,有別樹一格既feel 🤩🤩🤩8 Course Tasting MenuAmuse BoucheHotate - Kvuuri - Tounyu 帆立貝青瓜凍湯入口清新。帆立貝嘅鮮甜同青瓜凍湯嘅涼爽完美結合,令人心曠神怡。😀😀Akaebi - Burrata - Tsukudani 赤海蝦昆布の佃煮意大利水牛芝士味道層次分明, 而且蝦味香濃🍤🍤🍤Parma Ham - Musk Melon - Dashi巴馬火腿甜瓜出汁啫喱非常特別, 有清新既感覺😋😋😋Entrée日本生蠔配檸檬泡沫三文魚子Oyster 好fresh, 生蠔都帶嚟淡淡嘅海味,配上檸檬泡沫同三文魚子嘅鮮味,令味蕾嘆為觀止。🦪🦪🦪Wagyu Tongue - Shimeii - Shallot和牛舌酢漬姬菇有獨特嘅口感同酸甜味道,牛肉嘅軟嫩同姬菇嘅鮮香完美結合, nice dish ~🤩🤩🤩MainAwabi - Asari - FuFuFu Risotto鮮鮑魚浅蜊富山米意大利飯口感豐富, 最特別嘅係廚師用咗鮑魚本身嘅肝來做sauce. 所以鮮味勁濃郁~😛😛Livornese - Anguilla Eel - Nduja利沃內塞式烤穴子皮有燒到脆身, 油脂豐富同醬汁配搭好好。 🐟🐟A5 Wagyu - Daikon - Asparagus日本45和牛配味噌大根牛嘅肉質細嫩,味噌大根嘅醬汁增添咗一份豐富嘅風味~✅✅DessertTorta della NonnaIchigo TartHojicha Almond PuddingKuri Canelé四小味甜品甜品都各有特色👅👅#Foodie #foodporn #foodstagram #foodgasm #foodlover #foodphotography #foodblogger #foodgram #foodpics #foodcoma #foodislife #foodblog #foodpic #foodaddict #fooddiary #foodshare #foodstyle #foodforthought #foodlovers #foodofinstagram #foodspotting #foodlove #foodart #foodiegram #foodnetwork #foodtime #foodbeast #hongkong #香港美食
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