2-min walk from Exit N3, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
15:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (35)
Level4 2019-07-09
放左工要搵個地方放下負 叉下電飲下酒一班fd玩下先係tgif架嘛 尖沙咀呢頭bar都唔少 但想搵個靜d既地方 樓上bar就岩晒 呢間唔似街邊個d咁烏煙瘴氣(講笑)cocktail同mocktail既選擇都好多,成份menu都好detail 黎到就梗係邊飲邊chill 我地每人叫左一杯飲Mocktail唔難飲, 而且佢地有個點杯cocktail就可以試調酒既活動可以一試調酒既感覺仲有埞鏢機可以同友人切磋切磋 的確好少有! 仲有桌球可以玩,岩晒我地呢d業餘人士 串燒SET呢度唔止係得小吃,仲有正餐同樣吸引,友人叫左個串燒SET SHARE,味道同賣相都一流 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-27
this bar is on the uplevel and the environment is so modern. Lots of different decoration and games can play here.there are some entertainment inside the restaurant just like Dart machine and Billiard. I have never seen a billiard table in a bar. That makes me surprised.This restaurant also provide shisha which cost $250. The price is reasonable for 4 to 6 people share for one. Also has a lot of different flavor can be chose. I have choose the peach flavor. It is a large version of shisha, so it is no problem if you wanna share with 4-6 people. But im weak in smoking. It is fun to try it and make some awesome photos with it.I have order a refreshment with the cocktail. It called BBQ set.It contain lots of different kind of BBQ food such as chicken wings, beef, dumplings, salad etc.My favorite one is chicken cartilage in bbq style. It is fresh and crisp. I would say it is worth to taste itFried food also is alcohol’s the best friends. Those also taste so good and I would say that the quality is as good as the dining restaurant!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前跟朋友來到尖沙咀一間樓上酒吧Happy Hour,這小店的裝潢跟一般酒吧有點不一樣,以粉紅為主調配上黑白格地磚、紅色梳化、維多利亞風的鏡框和古典高身椅,設計滿是復古青春少女風。內裡放滿了不同的娛樂遊戲,有近年興起的Beer Pong、電子飛鏢機,還有經典的美式桌球和一個小露台讓客人可一試水煙(不含尼古丁)的滋味,而最特別的莫過於可親身嘗試調酒的樂趣,讓客人可按自己口味調製出合心水的Cocktail。來到酒吧,當然先點杯透心涼的雞尾酒和幾款佐酒小食來送送酒。Loggia Flower 是以荔枝和接骨木花酒調製而成的Cocktail,材料有荔枝酒,接骨木花酒、荔枝蓉醬、檸檬汁和梳打水,由調酒師指導一步步添加材料,加冰搖勻再配上裝飾點綴,簡單易做,冰爽怡人,清新開胃。Cucumber Bumper 以青瓜、青蘋果,日本清酒、梅酒、青檸汁和蘋果汁調配而成,入口酸甜適中,清新輕盈。韓國原罐炸午餐肉,韓國午餐肉裁成條狀炸脆,就像在吃炸薯條般,金黃香脆,濃厚鹹香,一點小創意令原本平平無奇的午餐肉添上新鮮感,抵讚!煙燻鴨胸,原件鴨胸切片,煙燻鹹香,送酒一流。小食拼盤,有齊餃子、串燒,吉列炸蠔、帶子,燒雞翼、日式螺肉和中華沙律,口感味道多樣,總有一款合心水。小店讓筆者感受到品酒聯誼的另一種樂趣,除了因為店內有眾多不同的遊戲可供客人消遣外,最重要完全沒有傳統酒吧那種煙味和俗氣複雜,換來的是很Fancy、Girlish和Party Room的氣氛,而且Be Your Bartender 這體驗亦很有創意特色,很適合和放心跟女性朋友到來把酒言歡,品酒玩樂享受一下Happy hour的樂趣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-18
超chill樓上酒吧放左工要搵個地方放下負玩下先係tgif架嘛尖沙咀呢頭bar都唔少 但想搵個靜d既地方 樓上bar就岩晒呢間cocktail同mocktail既選擇都好多,成份menu都好detail黎到就梗係邊飲邊chill仲有埞鏢機可以同友人切磋切磋的確好少有!仲有桌球可以玩,岩晒我地呢d業餘人士水煙成碌咁大既水煙!岩哂一班fd一齊chill,我地4個食左2個鐘都未食完,而且味道唔會太討厭,淡淡既水果味,加上店家會提供各自用既即棄煙咀,夠哂貼心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-06-10
放工同朋友飲下野輕鬆下😌尖沙咀發掘左一間好岩女生們飲野嘅聚腳點🤓女生們見到實中意嘅粉紅色主題為裝潢😍係打卡嘅好地方🤳而飲品方面🥂呢到整嘅Cocktail好岩女生飲👭味道偏甜😚容易入口顏色又colourful🌈好似飲緊果汁咁飲多幾杯都OK喔😜飲到悶悶地仲有桌球🎱飛鏢🎯board game等等遊戲玩而且呢到嘅職員👨🏻‍💼好好人又nice點解咁講!?🧐因叫Cocktail🍹Bartender細心教你調酒🍸親手沖自己杯cocktail continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)