6-min walk from Exit A1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (59)
怕幅射水,忍左好耐冇食魚生!聽人講五年來準備懷孕唔好食日本魚生。朋友推介呢間餐廳既魚生好正又任食,重點來自韓國海域,甘就去試下。見到個餐牌,大獲原來需要預訂,即刻向服務員查詢,佢話即時下單冇問題,魚生系期間限定供應日日新鮮,預訂吾想fans冇得食失望, "粉絲"😂!叫左個魚生套餐每位$680,魚生免費任添!包前菜,煎餅,新鮮蔬菜及湯飯。如果包埋甜品就完美!魚生鮮嫩肥大有口感,配芥末同秘製醬雙重享受! 前菜豐富,煎餅味道正常不油膩, 辣魚湯鲜味配飯一流(有辣及冇辣選擇),冇辣應該更有原始的鲜😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This restaurant was recommended by my friend and we came here. She never tried their grilled meat set so we decided to try it. You get the option to grill it yourselves or to be cooked by the kitchen. We chose the latter as we were worried we would overcook it.The beef was really tender though I loved the eel the most. They added just the right amount of sauce and it was springy without too much fat. However, all the food was served almost within 10 minutes. Despite the food was tasty, since it was quite cold that day, the food got cold quite quickly. It would be better if they served the several dishes with a bit of a time interval between so we can enjoy it at a more comfortable pace. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-23
第1次幫襯係上年8月,尋晚第2次幫襯,雖然呢間餐廳價錢算偏貴,但係真正韓國人打理,質素都仲係好好,真心值得推薦,環境都好舒服。尋日夜晚,餐廳唔算多人,一班人傾計聚餐好舒服,又可以慢慢傾🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟馬鈴薯火鍋,好味😋個湯好正,每人一碗後,老闆會再加湯,我地5個人,每人可以飲到2碗🌟🌟🌟🌟蠔煎餅,好食,蠔味好夠都有鮮味同埋都唔係好細舊🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟五花腩,因為我地唔想開爐咁大油煙味,老闆幫我地係廚房煎埋先拎出黎,好好食,雖然真係好肥好邪惡,但食落係爽口冇乜肥膩感🌟🌟🌟海鮮煎餅,呢個就真係普通左D🤣脆邊既,但海鮮就真係冇乜🙈🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟菜包肉,食到一半先記得影相,份量ok,豬肉唔韌,包菜加配菜加添多份清新既爽口感,好食👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-14
好開心寶寶專登放假陪我hea一日😚😚第一站就梗係填飽胃大爺先啦~🤭胃大爺唔高興,我哋都會好煩燥咖~🤪聽朋友講尖沙咀好多好食嘅韓國菜,我就帶咗寶寶來Chung Dam Korean Dining食lunch。呢度好多韓國人都會來幫襯咖,咁你就知有幾正宗啦。😋我哋落order前環顧一周發現大家都有叫個家庭式套餐,我哋當然唔執輸叫埋一份啦~😂😂 喂,原來真係咁好食咖😳😳😳 我差啲連條魚骨都想lun埋…佢條魚醃到鹹鹹地再煎熟,陣陣鹹香更突顯魚嘅鮮味,連啲魚春都係鮮甜多汁嘅,真心正。但呢個係寶寶叫嘅餐,差啲俾我食晒~真心sorr…🥺🥺🥺我自己就叫咗個炸醬面,去親韓國餐廳必點,我真係好鐘意食😂😂 個炸醬面都好好食咖,啲面好爽口Q彈,但我始終念念不忘條魚,下次過來想叫十條魚慢慢食啊😂😂😂😂😂由於寶寶個餐俾我食咗太多,佢唔夠飽,所以我哋又叫多咗個蠔餅來食。真係好彩我哋叫咗,原來呢個蠔餅都好出色🙀 佢唔係我哋平時係大排檔食到果啲蠔仔餅,係長大咗嘅蠔啊~🤣🤣 粒粒都好有咬口,係外脆內軟嘅口感🥰🥰🥰我哋都好鐘意,十分鐘已經清碟~😚呢間餐廳仲有個露枱可以吹下風望下風景咖,秋涼天氣坐戶外真係好舒服😚😚😚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-11-11
同朋友出尖咀搵野食,佢話想食炸醬麵,我地就事但搵間韓國餐廳入啦。呢間餐廳嘅主廚係一個韓國婆婆,待應係一個識講廣東話嘅韓國姨,仲有一個後生靚韓妹,睇落應該真係一家人開嘅餐廳嚟。(收銀先生講廣東話嘅,應該香港人😂)我地坐落都見到好多韓國人入嚟食,連露台都坐滿,期待值即刻大加分😂朋友點咗個炸醬麵,我見到有午餐set,就揀咗個清潭家庭套餐試下,加多一份炸蠔餅。首先嚟嘅炸醬麵係一大盆!!份量足夠兩三個人食😂😂個汁好濃,味道仲要好食嘅。跟住我個家庭套餐都嚟,勁多碟涼拌小菜,足足有8碟!一個餐夠兩個人食,湯係豆腐大醬湯,條煎魚唔知咩魚,淨係知煎得香,一d都唔腥。跟住炸蠔餅都嚟,炸蠔餅又唔同我地平時食嘅煎蠔餅。呢到每件都有兩隻生得好飽滿嘅蠔😂點魚露好夾,係我地食得慢,個底見到少少油,不過都好好食。因為份量太多我地食到尾已經抱住個肚😂估唔到韓國婆婆仲出嚟請我地食甜品😂😂唔知係咩嚟,外皮有少少青味似粉粿,裡面應該係綠豆溶嚟,味道唔錯😂估唔到亂入可以入到間高質地道嘅韓國家庭餐廳,份量足,夠哂家庭風味,韓國婆婆佢地都好nice好有人情味,韓國姨姨臨走仲教咗我兩句韓文,好搞笑😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)