8-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Mainly serves traditional Korean cuisine and features Korean BBQ meat: pork belly, pork skin that can eat with lettuce. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 00:00
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (205)
Level4 2024-06-10
If you're craving a flavorful Korean feast, look no further than the crispy sweet and spicy chicken and the spicy beef soup. These dishes are a perfect combination of taste and satisfaction.The crispy sweet and spicy chicken is a winner from the first bite. The chicken is perfectly fried to a golden crisp, offering a delightful crunch with each mouthful. The sauce coating the chicken strikes a perfect balance between sweetness and spiciness. It's sticky and glaze-like, making every bite a heavenly experience. The addition of sesame seeds adds a nutty touch, enhancing the overall flavor profile. Trust me, you won't be able to resist reaching for more.Now, let's talk about the spicy beef soup. This bowl of goodness is a true comfort food. The rich broth is filled with tender beef slices, fresh vegetables, and a generous amount of fiery spices. The flavors are deep and satisfying, thanks to the long hours of simmering. The heat gradually builds up, adding a pleasant kick without overpowering the dish. The beef melts in your mouth, and the combination of vegetables adds a refreshing crunch. With a side of fluffy rice, this soup becomes a hearty and fulfilling meal.In summary, the crispy sweet and spicy chicken and the spicy beef soup are two Korean dishes that will leave you craving more. The crispy chicken offers the perfect blend of sweet and spicy, while the beef soup provides a comforting and flavorful experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-22
之前同朋友食過幾次呢間都覺得唔錯今日行開TST 見餓餓地又想食韓國野 所以又去多次🤣原來佢出左個燒肉套餐1x 牛類+1x 主食+飲品都係$318我地2個女仔都唔食得咁多所以叫呢個SET再叫多個小食就剛剛好了▪️牛小排油花分佈幾均勻 入口好重牛味套餐黎講算唔錯👍🏻▪️韓式大醬湯飯大醬湯飯係我的最愛最鐘意大醬嘅味道濃郁好有風味裡面有豆腐、蔬菜同埋肉類,口感層次豐富再加埋碗白飯吸收埋D湯汁一齊食而家天氣凍凍地食就啱晒好暖胃又滿足韓式海鮮煎餅煎餅外脆內嫩,個粉漿再薄D就仲perfect適量既海鮮雜粒加埋好多既蔥 好香口 配埋佢地既自家制醬汁,味道更加提升👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-20
尖沙咀韓國街繼續打卡韓燒!🇰🇷呢間南大門有晚市BBQ套餐,非常抵食,牛肉set可以388一款牛肉兩個主食另加兩杯野飲🧃如果318亦可以選擇一款牛肉燒肉一個主食加兩杯野飲。🐂我地嗌左318既套餐選左板腱肉,另外單獨嗌左一個豬五花。板腱肉好靚!肥瘦適中,入口軟嫩,搭配店家提供的小菜(超豐富小菜,大概有8碟)非常美味,豬五花也是超大一整塊,搭配生菜和沾醬💯主食我地嗌左韓式拌飯,野飲嗌左韓式梨汁同提子汁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
行街經過見到個餐真係超級抵食,三百幾蚊有肉燒,仲有兩個主菜包埋,所以就拉埋朋友一齊嚟試吓。最後有啲後悔自己眼大肚細,其實一個主菜都好夠食,因為餐廳嘅份量都真係唔惹少。餐廳主要都係由韓國人打理,所以真係好似去咗韓國咁樣。嗌完餐冇耐就有好多配菜,我自己最鍾意魚糕同埋泡菜,調味好出色。‣ BBQ 晚市套餐 $388· 醬醃板腱肉韓燒嚟講,自己傾向嗌一啲醬醃嘅肉,鍾意本身帶啲調味,唔使掂好多豉油。板腱肉比較重牛味,而且有啲咬口,而本身醬料入邊嘅甜味都唔會太過搶戲,推薦大家嗌。· 石鍋拌飯個石鍋放一上枱嘅時候,我就心諗一定食唔晒,結果都真係食唔晒。石鍋拌飯識食一定係食飯焦,攤到最後不斷食飯焦覺得好過癮。而佢嘅韓式辣醬都啱啱好,唔會太過辣,令到兜飯又好香。· 韓式牛肋骨湯驚啲嘢太重口味,所以嗌一個牛肋骨湯中和一下,清淡得來但係味道啱啱好,飲落去嘅時候覺得好舒服。底部仲有少量嘅粉絲令到碗湯嘅用料豐富啲,食燒烤嘅時候飲湯都可以幫手解膩。湯其實本身都有跟一碗飯,但係真係投降。· 韓式罐裝提子汁好多時食韓國菜,我都會鍾意嗌呢一款提子汁,最鍾意係食到佢有啲提子嘅果肉,夠晒韓風。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
想食燒肉就去尖沙咀搵食,裝修有傳統韓國餐廳feel,位置都幾闊落,仲有韓國姨姨招呼,好親切BBQ套餐 (豬 / 牛 +主食 +飲品) $288 - $388牛板腱肉,睇相都見到牛肉質素幾好,唔使落油就燒得,燒完肉味濃郁,唔使燒到全熟,肉質結實且有咬口,仲有小小油脂香,加埋生菜同泡菜等配菜口感勁豐富韓式牛肋骨湯熱辣辣出晒煙,湯入面有牛肉,蛋絲,粉絲等,相信經過長時間燉煮牛肉,湯頭清甜,口入面滲出牛肉香味,加埋飯整泡飯幾舒服水冷麵清爽湯頭加埋麵,梨絲,青瓜好refreshing,麵條Q彈,加小小辣醬可以增加風味紫菜包飯 ($65)餡料豐富,個人喜歡米粒分明小小總結係CP值高嘅一餐,其他燒肉都係百零蚊一碟,仲食得好飽,可回訪 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)