Exit D1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station, Exit L1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station, Exit N5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
62005200 (WhatsApp)
It is an authentic South Indian Halal restaurant. The dishes are cooked with many spices and taste nice. Besides, some vegetarian items are also provided and the price is reasonable. continue reading
Opening Hours
09:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE WeChat Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
parotta chicken masala pepper mutton
Review (9)
作為一個廚師…我只可以喺三四點出外覓食,今次嚟咗已經去過幾次嘅印度小店食嘢…我相信大家入重慶大廈會首先畀人拉咗上樓上嘅咖哩舖,樓上嘅咖哩百幾蚊一個又細份…雖然環境係好舒適,但對打工仔唔太價格友善~呢一間咖哩舖收費好明確,唔係任佢開,所以喺度食嘢都放鬆少少…唔使驚做水魚今次咁啱又係齋戒月過嚟,有個薑黃雞粥($20)係呢個時候先有賣,雞粥落咗紅扁豆綠豆仁落去煮,食落去好健康,但一啲都唔會係太清淡,有放少少香料同辣椒粉,都幾啱香港人食~!想試嘅話,要三月中至四月中過嚟先會有另外嗌咗個咖哩菜心…都幾特別,佢呢度嘅素菜10蚊一兜,在另外加薄餅食,飲埋杯拉茶,都係三十幾蚊搞掂每次嘅咖哩素菜都有少少唔同,上次仲有咖哩冬瓜,全部都要自己出去揀,好似啲三餸飯咁~食完咖哩,舖頭仲有洗手盆畀你洗手,非常貼心!快啲伸出你嘅右手啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-09-22
話說之前喺第二間食左個Chettinad curry 被擊中,甘Google下見佢店名都叫Chettinad 係同鄉啊!某個週一晚上去重慶大廈買Chana 順便去食!7點左右去到!坐低!一問! ....佢地Chettinad 賣曬....  所以平日夜晚款式會有限,佢鼓勵下次試下星期五晚去,話款式會齊全好多 最後叫做個 Dosa ( $40,記住講明plain dosa如果唔係佢就會好似我甘上左個Dosa masala 超飽),Chicken curry ($60),同埋一杯茶記外賣杯上嘅 Maserati係 Masala tea ($?)。味道方面,可能買曬水尾,咖喱麻麻地,雞件有碎骨,masala tea  固定表現,而Dosa 就表現好好,分量足價錢親民,中間個薯蓉好味,會再黎encore!食飽走人轉錯曬d 路口hahaha,重慶迷宮依舊好玩 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
印度咖哩與牛油烤餅是印度料理中最受歡迎的兩道菜式。今天我品嚐了這兩道菜,真是讓我驚艷!印度咖哩的風味濃郁,以多種香料和新鮮食材烹調而成,每一口都帶著獨特的香氣和味道。而牛油烤餅則是脆脆的外皮,鬆軟的內餡,甜而不膩。這兩道菜搭配在一起,讓人彷彿置身於印度的美食天堂中。此外,印度咖哩還有豐富的選擇,包括馬薩拉咖哩、咖喱雞肉等,每一種都有獨特的風味和特點。而牛油烤餅也可搭配不同口味的餡料,包括咖哩蔬菜、芝士、肉等等,讓人大呼總而言之,印度咖哩與牛油烤餅是印度風味的代表菜式,絕對是值得一試的美食體驗。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
#fafafoodblog印度菜 #fafafoodblog尖沙咀 🍴butter masala 70 蚊😃去食印度野最鍾意點呢個 butter masala係整到好大條捲餅既印度薄餅 佢個外皮好香脆 牛油味香 而佢入面有好香濃既咖哩薯仔蓉 配以4 種醬汁 一種類似粟米甜得啦地 一種似用黃豆整 一種用辣椒整 夠香辣 一種類似用一 d種子整成 好有口感 👍🏻🍴beef martabak70蚊🐂呢個超好食 首先個皮夠香夠熱夠薄夠軟林 入面有蛋紅椒 洋葱蘿蔔 絲整成 蛋同包皮合而為一 仲有 d牛肉絲 就甘食已好正 可選點埋牛或雞咖喱🐂🐥 食得肥膩時食下沙律又得👍🏻🍴mutton masala 54 蚊 with set加20 蚊🐑呢個羊肉 masala又係正 羊肉連骨 所以筋位彈牙又痴人文學肥膏 想講佢個咖喱汁好夠香辣同香料味濃🌶️ 而佢個飯有 d似葡式黃飯 但香料 辣椒同 nuts多 d而無提子乾 可以撈四種 vegetables有粟米薯蓉 辣既微豆 仲有特別既苦瓜醬 同黃豆汁 無論就甘食同撈飯都好好食👍🏻 🍴chicken korma 60 蚊🐥 with set 20 蚊同 mutton masala一樣 叫 set會有4 個菜同湯同飯 個汁帶 d忌廉香味 仲有胡椒粒 黑胡椒 所以食落去夠辣夠香滑 又帶 d辣既惹味 👍🏻雞肉 好軟林 夠入味 吸哂 d醬汁 好食 🍴plain parotta 12 蚊With beef sauce 🐂呢個 plain parotta 個皮烤得好香 薄餅味香 帶 d燶既烤香味 再點埋香辣既 beef sauce青辣椒 香料好夠 好惹味 醬香濃既咖喱醬汁點 plainparotta好正 🍴mange lassi🍴salt lassi食印度野點少得點 lassi 如果就甘飲,。夠香甜既 mango lassi正 d 🥭但如果食比較多香料既印度野 香咸既 salt lassi就配襯 d#印度菜 #薄餅 #奶昔 #咖喱 #牛肉 #雞肉 Score 平均分 <8/10>Taste 味道:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Present 外觀:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Decor&Hygiene 環境衞生:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Value for $ 性價比:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Service 服務:👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻~~~~~~~~~~~~~New chettinad #newchettinad尖沙咀彌敦道36 至44 號重慶大廈地下17號鋪~~~~~~~~~~~~#fafafoodblog #為食花太郎 #fafafoodblog尖沙咀=====================🙂温馨提示🙂Fb like左 page都睇唔到<通知> 若果大家想睇到多d唔同既美食 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻除左like 請做多一個步驟 左 👉🏻<追蹤中/Following> 👉🏻<搶先看/See First> 多謝大家支持!🤓🤓歡迎喺唔同平台觀賞fafafoodblogFb📒: fafafoodblogIg🖍: fafafoodblogOpenrice 🍚: 花太郎任何美食😋歡迎inbox 我 , 等我食完開心share!🤓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
masala tea was absolutely fantastic, it was full of ginger and very refreshing to drink. their range of curries is vast and ever changing. We had pepper mutton with parotta and the spice level was just right. their signature parathas are cheap but very tasty with their service was great, staff are very friendly and quick to bring our foodlooking forward to coming here again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)