1-min walk from Exit N4, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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An Okonomiyaki restaurant came from Japan. You can try to cook Okonomiyaki yourself in Okonomiyaki Dohtonbori Restaurant.
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Opening Hours
*Last order: 22:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
Signature Dishes
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這家店沒次經過都很多人 都要排好久的隊。這次特別先訂位來吃。原本以為是會有店員在旁邊幫忙做的大阪燒 但竟然是自己動手做。菜單都有很清楚的教學 也不太難。算是一個蠻有趣的一個拍拖餐廳 味道也很正宗很好吃!
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Employees are very rude and not helpful. They told us that there was a minimum charge per person after we have finished our meal and were waiting for them to give us the bill. She insisted that we should have known because it was written in a small box on a corner on the first page of the menu. In conclusion, the management of the restaurant should probably conduct more trainings for their employees so that they know what basic customer service is.
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如果接受phone reservation, 但又長期無人接電話係點呢?結果打咗去cwb 嗰間有人聽,知道我想book嘅時間係接受reserve 嘅,但我係想book tst 喎,要打到幾時呢?
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真可以啊! 我是从这个app从大陆过来 想试吃一下这个.来到这里点了300的单人午式自助餐,感觉真的不行啊.肉质有点发黑(牛肉),调味料的口味太单调了吧,感觉都是在吃这个味道.其实对香港自助餐非常有期待,老是刷到香港自助餐,通过这次就….我建议一下过来吃饭的朋友们,第一次问店员拿饮品跟我说没有,第二次问其他店员就有!想一想就有趣,300的自助餐只有白开水的话,可能是我太孤陋寡闻了.希望不是里面某一个店员对憧憬于香港自助餐的大陆人的歧视吧
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