2-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
This romantic Italian restaurant is decorated with some green plants. Besides, you can savour meals with the nice view of Victoria Harbor and Hong Kong Island. It is a nice place for dating and celebrating important days. continue reading
Opening Hours
17:30 - 22:30
Mon - Fri
17:30 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:30
17:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (117)
Level4 2024-11-09
Today was the first day of their new afternoon tea. There is a promotion if you enjoy it at November, where the cost is 688 and in December it will be 888. Their view is stunning.Their afternoon tea was based on their Aqualuna ship and with the view and their setting the ship was like sailing at Victoria Harbor.The  dried ice effect was quite nice.For the food, the savory was really impressive compared to the dessert. My favorite is their lobster maritozzo. The sauce was quite rich. There was quite a lot of caviar on the sandwich. The avocado and crab tart was refreshing as well.For dessert, the macaron was really impressive. Their seaweed and salted chocolate flavor was speficially made for their Aqua chain. Their other desserts were good too though the only point I felt was a bit disappointing was the scone, which was a bit hard and dry.Overall, I feel 688 is a great price to try this afternoon tea though I feel the price at December 888 would be a bit too expensive. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
早前見到Restaurant Week有Vista就Book左lunch試下 發覺佢個restaurant week menu真係佢平時weekend lunch menu食物選擇一樣 只係價錢平時$488 而家$328食到因為有啲餐廳會因為做promotion而將貨就價食唔到平時水準 但Vista就真係用平啲價錢offer本身嘅menu加上有呢個無敵靚景 我覺得係抵嘅 Restaurant week就黎完 要試就快啲book唔係要等下一次restaurant week 啦【Restaurant Week Lunch Menu HK$328 p.p】【Seafood Platter】呢個完全係驚喜 因為menu冇寫有seafood platter 開頭我地仲以為係咪攞錯左俾我地原來每枱都有welcome dish 仲要係咁大碟咁豐富 有螺 青口 蜆 蝦 仲要係好新鮮喎♦︎ Starter 【意式海鮮湯​】食完seafood platter 再黎非常香濃海鮮湯【意大利冷切肉拼盤】有4款冷切肉 配上酸青瓜 好開胃【意式生牛肉他他】特別鍾意將牛肉他他鋪喺撻上比起平時就咁食他他 多左層次同口感另外加上脆片都係神來之筆 口感更豐富【手撕豬肉意大利包 (2 片)】上菜後先淋上醬汁 豬肉濕潤多汁得黎又可以保留麵包少少脆身嘅口感食落豬肉多汁惹味 難怪係餐廳signature之一♦︎ Mains【三文魚配燒蘆筍和香草牛油醬】皮脆肉嫩 配上簡單嘅香草牛油醬 冇太大驚喜 但處理得唔錯【菠菜奶酪雲吞配黑松露】菠菜奶酪濃稠 黑松露超香濃 雲吞煙韌 每一啖都好滿足♦︎ Desserts【精選甜品拼盤】估唔到有咁多件 賣相相當吸引有焦糖燉蛋 Tiramisu tart 朱古力蛋糕 紅桑子蛋糕如果朱古力蛋糕可以用濃度更高dark chocolate就會更好因為而家4款都偏甜 我首先食Tiramisu tart 咖啡味唔夠濃 整體偏甜以為食朱古力蛋糕有dark chocolat有啲苦味可以同之前有少少分別點知係普通朱古力味又係甜 再黎紅桑子同焦糖燉蛋唔洗講啦4款甜品雖然多得好吸引 但如果味道上有少少分別會更吸引 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-16
Restaurant Week有數百間餐廳推出限定優惠menu,以半價甚至更平嘅價錢就可以食到fine dining🤑淨係睇唔同餐廳嘅menu都令我心心眼😍今次朋友為我慶祝生日,我就揀咗位處尖沙咀高樓嘅意大利餐廳Vista,一排座位係正落地玻璃面前,邊食飯邊望住無敵維港景,好夢幻🥰Restaurant week嘅晚餐menu定價$498,有餐包、前菜、意粉飯、主菜、甜品,份量好豐富,加上維港景,性價比唔錯👏🏻因為慶祝生日關係,餐廳嘅職員準備咗手寫卡,卡面仲係Vista嘅維港景,好有心思❤️🥖餐包🦐薄切紅蝦配蒜泥蛋黃醬和醃製洋蔥果醬及辛辣開心果 (+168)味道好豐富嘅前菜,紅蝦新鮮,蛋黃醬加上洋蔥果醬幾惹味濃郁😗不過我自己覺得醬汁稍多,味道重咗啲。🥩意式生牛肉他他(+128)即場係table side整,將不同配料同生牛肉混合,最後放上脆片。牛肉幾軟滑,混入不少洋蔥碎幾清爽😋🧀牛肝菌意大利飯配巴馬臣芝士碎及檸檬百里香用牛肝菌煮risotto真係無得輸😆菇菌味超級香濃,risotto整體creamy但飯粒中間仲保留少許咬口😋面頭灑上不少芝士碎,芝士味撞入牛肝菌味道好香😻🦞龍蝦青檸意大利扁麵(+208)龍蝦超厚肉,而且非常新鮮爽彈,要另外加錢都值得叫👍🏻👍🏻意粉裹滿濃郁醬汁,以番茄做base嘅醬汁加上青檸提鮮都唔錯。🥕烤羊架配甘筍及香草薄荷醬羊架肉嫩多汁💦可以淋上香濃紅酒汁一齊食。略嫌煎得有少許過火。🐟三文魚配燒蘆筍和香草牛油醬本身對三文魚作為主菜無乜太大期望,點知魚肉超級嫩滑😚😚火候剛好。可以配牛油醬一齊食。🍫經典意大利芝士蛋糕好大碗嘅tiramisu🤣慶生叫呢個就夠晒派頭😏Tiramisu唔會太甜,好軟滑,有淡淡咖啡香。🍍焦糖菠蘿芒果慕絲撻​鬆脆牛油撻底放上菠蘿及芒果粒,食落重牛油香之餘亦帶點清新感覺,脆口之餘亦食到水果嘅juicy感😛😛人均消費:$830推介指數(10分為滿分):8分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-12
女朋友生日,當然要帶佢食好嘢啦。呢間餐廳位於大樓嘅高層,俯瞰維港景色,夜晚嘅時候真係超靚㗎。呢度嘅dinner set都幾吸引。前菜方面,我哋點左薄切红蝦配蒜泥蛋黃醬、醃製洋蔥果醬及辛辣開心果,望落去真係好精緻,食落去各種醬汁都好夾,配合鮮味嘅紅蝦,好吸引。另外嘅仲點咗烤八爪魚沙拉配羅馬生菜苗、西柚油封薯仔及帕瑪火腿,八爪魚嘅口感彈牙,好正。主菜方面,我哋點咗菠菜奶酪雲吞配黒松露同埋鱈魚配白蘆筍、醃漬蔬菜及青口番茄醬。意大利雲吞醬汁好Creamy,散發啖啖黑松露嘅香氣。鱈魚都煮得好入味。最後,食埋西西里芝士開心果捲心脆餅做甜品就好滿足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-26
Vista, located on Peking Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, features floor-to-ceiling windows that offer stunning views of the harbour no matter day or night!We started our meal with a seafood platter to share, and it was the highlight—super fresh seafood that was sweet, juicy, and incredibly satisfying. The seafood tomato soup, which was hearty and packed with mussels and clams.dish.A small ham platter came next, which was a nice addition to our meal. For snacks, the Fassona beef tartare was presented with a thin crisp that complemented the dish well. The BBQ pulled pork maritozzi sandwich was okay, it could have been better with a bit more sauce.For our mains, we had the roasted lamb chop served with cauliflower and red wine jus, alongside baked lasagna. Both dishes were delicious and well-executed.To finish, the dessert platter surprised us with five delicate desserts per person, each offering exquisite flavours.Overall, i would say that it was a decent brunch experience with quality food and a beautiful setting—definitely worth the price! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)