Opening Hours
10:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:30
*Last order 14:45 for lunch Last order 22:00 for dinner
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Certified Halal Food
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (22)
不講不知,原來東涌逸東邨旁邊隱藏著一個小小的隱世漁村......馬灣涌村。馬灣涌村有小大澳之稱,原來已經有過千年歷史,昔日更是東涌最熱鬧的漁村,稱為東涌舊碼頭。馬灣涌村現有多處地方進行修葺,略為顯得破破舊舊的,但仍讓人感受到絲絲昔日漁村的風貌。村內有數間餐廳:吃海鮮的中菜,茶餐廳及一間印度餐廳Aroma。Aroma餐廳小小,裝修走外國風。試了他們的希臘沙律,檸檬草魚塊及印度薄餅,味道自然純樸,沒有過多的調味。魚塊很香滑;印度薄餅又香又大份,點上薄荷醬一起吃更加滋味😋。喜歡印度菜的朋友絕對可以一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-14
真係樣樣餸都超水準!!作為pizza愛好者 佢哋嘅pizza依然驚豔到我 🍕個餅底同埋邊真係烤得又香又卜卜脆 🤤上面嘅toppings都好入味 🙂‍↕️重點係!超級拉絲!🧀 另外想特別推薦嘅係甜奶球🥛雖然我啲朋友嫌佢太甜 🍬但係我自己係覺得幾好食嘅 👍🏻口感類似係煉奶蛋糕 幾特別! 🫶🏻價錢方面非常合理💰我哋6個人食 平均每人只係$127 🥳個個都食到好飽㗎 😋環境方面 餐廳入邊都坐得幾舒服 位置寬敞 🪑出邊都掛滿燈飾 非常有氣氛 🏮不過係略嫌冷氣有啲太凍 大家記住帶件風褸去啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-25
I am disappointed to say my recent experience with Arome Restaurant has changed my opinion. On August 25th, 2024, the delivery person's rude language about my late payment was highly offensive and unwarranted. I've been a regular customer who recommended their services, but this incident has led me to no longer patronize their establishment. I expected better treatment, and this has completely shattered my trust. I hope management reviews their customer service practices to prioritize respect and understanding. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
咖喱同個烤餅非常好味又夾好味到我吃完一份烤餅再叫多一份熱辣辣,蒜蓉味又香,仲有莫明既薯仔味,襯埋個咖哩 🤤🤤🤤🤤我唔知係咪正宗,但就非常之啱我口味 ❤️個Pizza叫咗個最基本既Margherita🍕,無諗過個餅底咁好味🤤🤤🤤🤤非常之脆,口感好特別👍🏻 3個人叫12"都吃唔曬 其他野既份量都好大,叫咗份孜然飯,好香口,餸咖哩都好好味。不過,真盡咗力了,真係吃唔曬。下次再去東涌都要再試呢間👍🏻推薦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
禮拜六夜晚黎東涌嘅Aroma印度餐廳,唔係好多人,應該因為交通唔係咁方便。係地鐵站有車黎正記同東昇樓。如果自己黎可能要係地鐵站行15分鐘或者先搭車去逸東村。Papri Chat係一道印度風味十足的開胃菜,由酥脆嘅餅乾、香辣的薄荷醬、鷹嘴豆同薯仔組成,非常推薦。Chicken Tikka係我每次都叫嘅野食,佢燒得超香,完全無雪味而且肉質非常嫩滑、味道濃郁。我地仲叫左Shahi Korma,係北印度嘅咖哩。裡面雞有勁多舊,有豐富嘅奶油和香料,個人口味問題可能比較鍾意masala 雞。配咖哩當然唔少得naan。我地貪心地叫左Garlic Naan同Roti。Garlic Naan超級香蒜蓉味,而roti比較清淡唔油膩。總括黎講,Aroma味道非常正宗,配料新鮮,而且性價比超高,我地食咁多都係每人200蚊左右。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)