Review (16)
Level1 2012-05-09
聽朋友講Mayotte set dinner OK,所以就去幫襯下,點了個雪花西冷牛扒,五成熟。肉質好好,又有肉汁,仲好大份,牛扒最緊要肉質,推介。雖然HKD228一個人貴左D, 不過加埋環境,又座得耐,都OK。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-01
事先聲明,這次光顧的不是團購餐。朋友發起的聚餐,選了來本法食府,一家西式(法式?)跟日式食品 crossover 的餐廳。從燈紅酒綠的謝斐道轉個彎,走上樓梯,便進入這家寧靜的餐廳。寧靜的意思是除了我們之外,好久之後才見第二桌客人大駕光臨。(還有有朋友吃過他們的 set dinner 覺得不錯,所以我們就照樣點了(半年前的價錢約為$300另加一,以下菜色只供參考。)餐廳把燈光調得比較暗,因此照片質素麻麻。法式田園沙律是各式沙律菜拌油醋汁加數片白蘑菇,清新可喜。鹽燒雞翼、鹽燒冬菇、鹽燒雞腎都不是燒得很透,食材欠缺本身的味道,只吃到洒在表面的鹽味。鹽燒多春魚問題同上。松露什菌湯這個嗅起來的確是很香的(後來才了解到上面那層油是松露油),不過那味道也實在比較搶,可幸下面的什菌湯真的很濃郁,吃到顆顆的菇粒。法式煎豬扒是我點的套餐,用香草麵包糠裹著豬扒來煎焗,沒錯是很大塊(也許是有點過份地大),但肉質難免比較乾硬。甜品奶凍小小的一碗,在吃得飽飽的情況下,是一個甜美的結尾。全晚我們幾近包場,雖然食物水準可以更好,但這裡也不失為一個朋友小聚輕酌的地方。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-04-29
到此餐廳午餐, 侍應替我落單時又同時招呼其他客入座, 要分段講, 忍不住說"可以繼續未?"我點牛扒, 你問我要幾成熟, 我話五成, 結果你給我一塊十成熟"柴皮" (無法食完) , 那問來何干頭盤菜沙律的菜給漿汁"up" 到"淋PAT PAT". 不吃也罷餐湯得個"酸"字甜品係包裝雪米慈, 最憎另外見隔鄰檯重離譜, 差不多食完主菜先至來餐湯及頭盤沙律, 倒序法無下次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-04-17
I went with my husband and we used 2 BeeCrazy $88 + 10% tax vouchers.The food was terrible and the service, almost non-existent.The (supposed) semi-buffet was the waitresses (when they bothered to show their faces) bring us 2 portions of the item. The soup was not bad, a little heavy, and the dumplings were tasty. The salad was a sorry excuse for one, snails were just disgusting (I literally had to spit mine out). There weren't many people in the place, but the food took ages to arrive. Our main course (the steak) was inedible. It tasted and felt like the meat had been boiled before grilling. The waitress (for lack of a better word) finally showed up to take out dessert order and didn't clear up the other dishes. 20 mins after ordering our desserts and our table full of dirty dishes, we paid the 10%, left and vowed never to set foot in that place again.FAIL FAIL FAIL! Not worth it even with vouchers. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-02-18
因為團購,所以買左2張,我同個fd去食,以$88於灣仔本法食府享用半放題午餐,話有法式薯蓉焗田螺、芝士菠菜焗釀巨型磨菇、日式煎餃子、蒜蓉包、意式田園沙律、精選餐湯及飲品;隨餐每人附送一份主菜包括 : 可以選擇澳洲雪花西冷排、䲞魚扒 或 意式雞扒;更可無限量品嚐法式甜品,包括 : 焦糖燉蛋、雲呢拿奶凍、雪米糍,的午餐。一去到就通知我們,芝士菠菜焗釀巨型磨菇冇貨...o黎左餐湯,幾好味又可以添飲,所以叫多一碗。咁我就點左薯蓉焗田螺,原來唔係相片中6隻一碟,係2隻2隻咁上,第一次o黎d 野係連暖都冇o既室溫食物,之後我話比個"高級侍應"知道換過 d 熱o既薯蓉焗田螺o黎,佢o既服務態度幾好。我朋友叫左2隻餃子,佢話味道ok。等左好耐,主菜來了。我食澳洲雪花西冷排,件扒感覺較薄,唔難食味道一般。朋友食䲞魚扒,朋友話味道ok la。之後叫左餐飲(凍檸茶)超淡有茶色冇茶味。甜品 雲尼拿奶凍 (滑,但是味道一般)。焦糖墩蛋不錯,食左2碗仔。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)