4-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
Level3 2024-12-10
呢間真係泰國人開的,我一向都幾鍾意食泰國菜,特別係金邊粉,大家都知泰國菜一向都唔平,呢間餐廳嘅午市套餐大約$65左右,送一杯嘢飲,凍飲唔使加錢,或者可以加錢加購一啲泰國特色凍飲,今次叫咗一個金邊粉同埋海南雞飯,我覺得份量都幾足夠,而且金邊粉都覺得炒得幾好食,我自己走咗配菜,每一啖都係我鍾意食嘅金邊粉,唯一就係覺得啲雞有少少老唔夠滑,海南雞飯啲雞都唔會話太肥,啱啱好,呢個價錢呢個質素絕對覺得合理!🤩🤩啱晒平時想平平哋食泰國菜嘅人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-12
偶尔路过吃了顿简单的午餐,点了烧猪颈肉饭和酸辣杂菜粉丝两个套餐,带免费饮料。猪颈肉味道还可以,奶茶和冻柠茶味道有点寡淡,价格人均60。位置在坚尼地比较好找,营业面积不算大,有十张小桌左右,环境干净整洁。中午人不少,结账只收现金。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前去過幾次,因為看老闆是泰國人,覺得應該是正宗泰國菜,而且離堅尼地城海傍較近,而且較少需要排隊。事實上,不需要排隊是有原因的。很多菜式味道一般,遠不及其他泰國餐廳,衛生堪憂,店員端盤時會把手指頭伸進菜裡,而且會把小票放在菜裡識別,說實話看到覺得難以接受。此外,服務態度會看膚色,如果是金髮碧眼的外國客人,態度明顯好很多。我遇到過店員說話陰陽怪氣,或是上菜很慢。另外提醒一下,這家只收現金,其他的什麼都不收 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I used to go to this place often , at least once a week. the waiters and waitresses there used to be nice and friendly. There’s also a sense of 人情味which people talk about. Now, after the restaurant changes name, the service just got worse and worse and worse. The female waitress was impatient even when customers asked if they could pay by octopus card. While the place takes cash only, it doesn’t hurt if you simply explain this in a better tone and manner to the customer , right ?? The service got so worse and the waiters and waitress got ruder in each visit. There’s no even a simple “thank you” after customers pay the bill. Terrible terrible service. Especially when compared with before, the service was warmer before. Me and my friends won’t come again. 服務態度自從餐廳轉名轉手後越來越差,女服務員態度十分不耐煩,甚至嘆氣給顧客聽,而顧客只是問了十分基本的問題。結帳時也不再像顧客道謝了。為什麼服務態度差了那麼多?就餐體驗變得不再好,我們不會再來了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-05-25
呢間平民泰國餐廳睇外表係一間普通茶記,但入到去既食物一d 都唔茶記! lunch 叫左午餐set 滷水豬脾飯 $52, 豬脾份量好多夠晒餸飯,而且佢肉質軟腍,仲有菜同半隻蛋跟添😋😋😋野飲叫左普通凍檸茶走甜,不過唔知係唔係茶底唔同既原因,味道有d 唔同而且都係有少少甜🤔。雖然佢係泰式餐廳,不過就主力食飯同炒粉面, 湯粉類就無乜選擇了。總結黎講呢個價錢呢個質素絕對good good👍,作為lunch 飯堂都唔錯。埋單: $55好食指數:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️性價比:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)