Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
08:00 - 17:30
08:00 - 16:00
Public Holiday
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
最近呢個月的沙律份量真係少到離曬譜!就算大size $5x or $3x都係少得可憐。叫左個南瓜栗子,一粒栗子都無,比左3塊南就算!叫人地點買得落手。另外,沙律款式都少左好多。真係約來約失望。
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日日上堂chur到爆 唔食返啲澱粉質點得🤗鱈魚柳焗菠菜意粉 $46上到碟都覺得幾靚白汁好多同埋芝士都幾多下同埋面頭有幾條菠菜 仲有少少蕃茄做配菜食落去啲意粉係超硬 好似未煮熟咁鱈魚啱啱好夠滑 魚肉都算好多下整體上都好好 如果意粉淋啲就Perfect啦
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[脆香雞蜜糖芥末汁漢堡 配薯條 ]($49)拎到個下,真係mat大個口。.認真咩?仲細過兒童餐 😨😨😨 好細、好細、好細!細到好可憐 💔 我覺得自己都好可憐至於食物評論:分量奇小無比,味道極為普通,中下水平.自從呢日,我就無再食過canteen。出返去exit B/C,差唔多價錢,不知食得幾好 💔
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Seems like this Super Sandwich hasn’t got another review since my last post so allow me to be a little “preachy” here. Last time I mentioned trying the small self-selected salad option, guess what I got this time? It is the large option ($55)!There usually are 5 salad picks on the menu but as one got cancelled, I ended up with all remaining 4 in my salad. This compared to the small one was way more filling and I was enjoying every bites, from mushy pumpkins to nutty chia seeds. Just look at the vibrant colourful presentation served on a ceramic plate, I bet even pick-eaters would salivate at the sight of it! Vegetables tasted fresh and tartness of the sauce was divine, totally money well-paid.
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