3-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
It was voted Hong Kong's Best British Restaurant in the LOOP's 30 Best Eats Awards. It serves British dishes in creative and traditional flavours. You can enjoy meals under an art theme interior design which is inspired by the art zone “Shoreditch” in England. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
10:30 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (168)
Level1 2024-02-19
Great British Fried Breakfast $128同平時嘅all day Breakfast有少少唔同嘅,就係煙肉比較厚身有咬口相對嚟講冇咁乾、對於我唔鍾意食煙肉嘅人覺得可以接受,其他都中規中矩。 Beef Shin & Bone Marrow Pie $198呢一個牛腱肉牛骨髓批係餐廳必食,出邊好少有,所以就算中午都照試。外型焗得好靚好金黃,酥皮底下嘅牛腱肉加埋蘑菇汁口味較濃,建議配薯蓉或者另外多點一份酸種麵包配搭會比較好,可以中和返牛肉嘅濃味,牛骨髓好香,搽麵包真係一流,配搭嘅薯蓉都好香滑。Fresh Fish Finger $98炸魚柳外皮好香脆,魚肉有肉汁炸得啱啱好,加埋他他醬真係好惹味,食到停唔到口。正式既英國菜餐廳喺香港比較少,餐廳環境唔錯,員工都好有禮貌,整體感覺唔錯,因為野食比較大份,所以建議比較細食嘅可以一人一份share較好,好似我咁細食最後都要打包走,不過餐廳員工非常好,提供晒紙盒同埋紙袋俾我,又會好擔心咁樣怕嘢食唔好食所以我哋食唔哂。建議如果想試餐廳嘅特別菜就可以留返特別嘅日子,例如慶祝生日食夜晚,lunch就可以食返lunch set 抵食d continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-01-18
說實話 真係唔係咁好食 牛舌沙律,牛舌調味食落好似食緊午餐肉咁,好重味精,口感除外厚之外,都無咩特別,有啲似厚切午餐肉沙律另外order 咗 Angus beef burger,漢堡扒幾乎well done 又難咬我地本身係為咗佢$10/ oyster而去,佢得一款蠔可以揀,係法國蠔(佢話好新鮮)一上菜,首先蠔係暖嘅,其次仲好鹹(可能係海水味重)但一定唔係好食嘅蠔,好彩我地只係嗌咗半打試下。真係食完第一隻已經唔想再食落去🤢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-12
呢間行現代英式菜。睇菜牌同埋佢上菜賣相,你知道佢係諗過度過。Steak night 食最平個款封門柳配沙律,真係如要求咁medium rare上菜,肉味濃郁之後再返去食生蠔,佢哋d生蠔真係隻隻都咁甜,唔似其他餐廳做生蠔之夜,但係只有一個鹹字,嗰次配埋牛膝批,中間篤著條牛骨連骨髓上菜,賣相幾特別又好玩。炸白飯魚,同埋啤酒煮青口都試過,都係新鮮做出嚟,所以品質有保證。味道我會比5分 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-11-14
堅尼地城又一個可以食Brunch嘅地方,環境好舒服,出品都唔錯,但係有啲貴。不過閒時同啲朋友過嚟飲下嘢吹下水都係一個唔錯嘅選擇,呢度酒品選擇好多,紅酒啤酒雞尾酒應有盡有,好適合Happy hour! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-10-29
Came for the British Sunday lunch with my British friends. They were not disappointed. Everything was as expectedly good. Food quality, portion size, service, ambience, value for money. Thank you Shoreditch. I can see it becoming our regular hang out place! I had the beef shin and marrow pie. The marrow was abit fatty but with a strong delightful aroma. My friends’ roast beef was apparently delicious as they ate everything! The sourdough bread was very tasty. Did not care for the mushroom butter. Desserts were abit too sweet for me but that’s just my personal taste as my friends finished their plate! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)