3-min walk from Exit B2, Long Ping MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (104)
This pan-fried pork buns specialty shop is very famous for their juicy and crispy buns, which are sold at very low price! It’s autumn and I had the crab pan fried pork buns. The skin of the buns were a little thick at the bottom, but the surrounding parts were thin enough, to hold the meat and most importantly, the broth. There’re bits of orange hairy crab mixed in with the meat. Overall that’s quite nice, yet I would like it even more if the crab taste could be stronger. The deep fried pork chop and scallion dry mixed noodles were the best $42 I’ve spent in a while. The noodles came in a large bowl, and there were roasted scallions on top, and a sweet savoury say sauce to stir with the noodles. There were black vinegar and chilli bean sauce on the side, with the addition of these condiments, the noodles tasted even more addicting. Deep fried pork chop was perfect! Each piece was extremely crispy, the meat was tender and so flavourful. Also the pork chops were boneless! This is the best for people like me, and also for the elderly. I couldn’t recommend this shop enough, cos they give free soy milk with free unlimited refill too (with a spending over $60 or comes free with the set). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-30
見到網上熱烈討論,一直十分好奇。難得放假,就與好友一同試試,終於明白點解咁受歡迎。✨上海小籠包✨✨蟹粉小籠包✨皮薄餡靚,原味湯汁滿滿,搭配香醋,非常開胃。蟹粉小籠包,蟹肉微甜,餡香湯鮮,沒有任何腥味,非常高質。✨招牌生煎包✨ $35岀現最令人期待的一幕,輕輕一按就爆湯汁,令人超級興奮🤩皮煎得甘香但軟熟,咬落不會過硬。肉餡飽滿,充滿肉汁,鮮甜不膩,好食😋✨排骨蔥油拌麵✨$42排骨大件,粉漿很薄,炸得香脆👍🏻最正是蔥油拌麵,蔥油比例恰到好處,不會過鹹過油,鹹香味十足,非常好吃。✨百步香蔥油餅✨ $28與想像的很不同,以為係普通蔥油餅,卻有意外的驚喜。這個香蔥油餅,更像是香蔥油酥,由多層餅皮製作而成,於其中釀滿香蔥。一口下去,超級鬆化,葱的香氣喺口腔中爆發,超正。✨豆漿✨$8豆漿唔單止低糖,而且仲可以無限加添,非常佛心價👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻價錢相宜,食物質素高,難怪發哥也支持,想食嘅朋友記得早啲去攞位。想睇更多介紹,馬上Follow我啦😁。#big_big_foodie #big_big_foodie食勻元朗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-25
屯馬沿線🚈找美食 ⇒朗屏🚏B2出口 元朗廣場方向 🚶‍♀️大約3至4分鐘👍@lauhingkee以地道上海風味 新鮮手工製作爆汁生煎包🔥紅😚👑 王牌套餐有五款 劃一價錢💰54可無限添飲豆漿🥛#麻醬手撕雞絲粉皮 ➕️ 生煎包一隻 好啱夏天食🥵 嫩滑雞絲 入口Q彈順滑既粉皮 再淋上滋味麻醬👍#招牌生煎包 2隻💰20包底煎到金黃脆口😚皮薄餡靚 肉香味鮮👍要小心啲食呀😆 真係好爆汁💦 坐係對面嘅人要分分鐘會中招⚠️小口吃一啖 索哂啲湯汁至食👌#蟹黃生煎包 2隻💰38🦀油豐富又有蟹膏 再點上香醋食😋#招牌擔擔麵 💰42這是一碗有櫻花🦐既擔擔麵喎😚湯底除咗有濃郁🥜味再有🦐既香氣👍湯麵掛曬汁食落鹹香辣辣地😋#酥炸小雲吞 💰35即叫即炸 一碟有12粒細細小🥟卜卜脆香口 夠曬熱氣 不錯嘅小食😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-18
劉興記生煎包專門店今次應該唔洗我介紹,繼續人氣爆登嘅餐廳「劉興記生煎包專門店」,連發哥都有幫襯,仲知道佢哋之前喺一個月內連開五間分店,依家暫時總共有六間分店,無論咩時段都好多人排隊,餐廳內充滿咗「嘩嘩嘩」聲,今次我去咗元朗分店,呢間分店門口竟然有斜板,喺度諗當初點解要去旺角咁傻,入到去店員熱情招待,餐廳內多數係卡位,幸好近門口有一張係可移動式枱面,不過又係要小心「菠蘿蓋」,自己撞自己「菠蘿蓋」五次,痛到hi hi咁款,好彩生煎包上枱好快,一上枱就唔記得痛啦!🤣🤣🤣1.生炸雞扒蔥油拌麵$42+低糖豆漿$8(9/10)雞扒炸得好酥脆,雞扒切開4條,蔥油拌麵有少少油,至於今次嚟就多咗豆漿任飲,豆漿唔會好甜,只要惠顧任何套餐或滿$60或以上,豆漿就可以任飲!2.上海排骨湯麵+生煎包(1隻)+低糖豆漿$54(9.5/10)呢碗上海排骨湯麵個麵好彈牙,炸排骨即係豬扒都係切開4條,炸得好酥脆,份量亦都唔少,仲跟咗一條菜心,呢個套餐仲包括有1隻生煎包同一杯低糖豆漿,豆漿唔會好甜,只要惠顧任何套餐或滿$60或以上,豆漿就可以任飲!3.招牌生煎包(4隻)$30(10/10)點咗四隻招牌生煎包,上次喺旺角食係叫咗外賣,今次喺元朗係堂食,生煎包一咬熱到飛起,裏面d汁係咁滴落條褲度,今次湯汁就比哂條褲飲哂,上次反而食外賣湯汁無咁熱,湯汁喺口內爆開,咁先飲到湯嘅精華,兩次食生煎包嘅體驗好唔同,今次堂食下面濕咗,上次外賣口爆,正!4.手工豆沙鍋餅(1件)$28(9/10)呢碟手工豆沙鍋餅一共有8件,每一件豆沙餅都煎得外皮好脆,豆沙餡唔會好甜,如果多少少豆沙餡就唔錯啦!2人總共價錢$162個人口味總評分:9.375/10@lauhingkee @take_turn_to_do_kol地址:元朗俊賢坊18號權益大樓地下15號舖Please follow me🙆‍♂️ @wheelchaireatinhongkong 如果鍾意我嘅分享,麻煩請follow我,仲有記得Like同Share!🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♂️#劉興記生煎包專門店 #生煎包 #生炸雞扒 #元朗好去處 #元朗美食 #香港美食 #hkfoodie #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodpic #hkfoods #hkfoodshare #dessert #hkdessertshop #food #hkfoodstagram #hkfoodpic #hkigfood #foodiehk #yummy #delicious #foodie #hkfoodieblogger #hkfoodies #wheelchaireatinhongkong continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-23
食完Brunch 再會合兩位男士~去元朗食爆汁生煎包皆因要等呀肥收工~老豆同佢食high tea完唔夠飽咁我同媽咪當然奉陪啦!首先叫3個人氣熱賣皇牌套餐先S1 上海排骨湯麵+1隻生煎包 $54排骨皮脆肉juicy~麵條幾煙韌~S3 鮮雞湯小雲吞(12粒)+生煎包2隻 $54小雲吞一口一粒~雖然係迷你版但餡都幾多,唔錯S4 迷你雞絲酸辣湯+生煎包6隻 $59酸辣湯酸度適中~雞絲份量十足3個餐都配凍低糖豆漿~再另加一杯~因為兩位男士一啖就飲晒😆加上生煎包需要等20分鐘~我地再叫左原味小籠包$40/4隻&4杯豆漿🙈小籠包皮唔算厚,亦唔會薄到一拎起就漏汁,剛好兜得住d湯汁,唔錯。4隻蟹黃生煎包 $72 同埋前面套餐9隻生煎包一齊嚟即叫即整所以大家食要小心,唔好太大啖真係辣咀🙈一咬開會見到好多汁浪下浪下,多汁過小籠包,肉餡都好多~蟹黃生煎包相對湯汁比原味少d,但鮮味搭夠,蟹黃亦好足料,我好鍾意😆食左咁多野都係3百幾蚊,平靚正之選,怪不得咁爆場店員好忙一腳踢~不過好有禮貌,亦都會推介下邊d多人食~見我地有兩個身型強壯~問我地卡位迫唔迫,使唔使調位,蛋糕亦比我地放住隔離位先,好有人情味🩷🩵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)